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Collection ot j^ortj Carolmiana
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Copyright, 1949, by
The University of North Carolina Press
Manufactured in the United States of America
The year 1949 is the looth anniversary of Forsyth County
and of its county seat, Winston. It marks the completion of
a century of achievement in our community.
These past 100 years have seen the birth of Forsyth County
and the joining of the quaint old town of Salem in 191 3 with
the newer industrial city of Winston. During this span of
years our smaller towns have also flourished, and rural Forsyth
County has assumed a position of leadership in the State.
Dr. Adelaide Fries and her able associates in the writing of
this book not only have given us an accurate history of our
County but also have captured magnificently the energy of
its founders, the surge of its new blood, and the cooperative
spirit of its people.
James A. Gray, Jr., Chairman
Forsyth County Centennial Committee
Foreword, by James A. Gray, Jr.,
Chairman Forsyth County Centennial
Committee v
I. A Fifth-Generation County 3
By Adelaide L. Fries
II. Colonel Benjamin Forsyth ^7
By Adelaide L. Fries
III. Around Salem Square 29
By Adelaide L. Fries
IV. Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 59
By Mary C. Wiley
V. Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 121
By Douglas L. Rights
VI. Rural Forsyth H3
By Harvey Dinkins
VII. A Center of Industry i ^9
By Chas. N. Siewers
VIII. Winston-Salem Up to Date i99
By Flora Ann Lee
The Contributors ^^9
Index 231
IMPROBABLE as it sounds, it is a fact that the pioneers
in this immediate section of North CaroHna selected
their land in Anson County, settled in Rowan County,
and went through the Revolutionary War in Surry
County; their descendants were in Stokes County during the
War of 1 8 1 2 and the Mexican War, and volunteered for Con-
federate service from Forsyth County— and yet the location
never changed!
The explanation is that the area which is now Forsyth was
always in the piece that was cut off when a large county was
divided; always it saw the other part of the county keep the
name and the record books; always it was in the new county,
with a new county seat, and a new set of county records.
Behind this development there was a story a century and a
quarter long. It began in the days when the kings of England
knew that a large part of America had been claimed for them,
but knew practically nothing about it— and cared less. So in
1629 King Charles I gave to his attorney general, Sir Robert
Heath, a large part of English America, on the condition that
he take steps to colonize it.
This was not done, and so the Heath title was declared
void. Then, in 1663, Charles II gave "Carolina" to eight Eng-
lish lords. Two years later he enlarged his gift, and they be-
came possessed of the land from Virginia to a point half way
down the Florida peninsula, and from the Atlantic Ocean "as
far west as the continent doth extend itself," and neither the
king nor the new owners knew how far that was or where it
Gradually settlers drifted into the eastern part along the
Atlantic seaboard, and a colonial government was set up. But
there was little profit and much annoyance for the eight Lords
Proprietors, as they were called, and in 1728 the heirs or
assignees of seven of the original eight Proprietors sold their
interests to the Crown and ceased to think of Carolina.
John, Lord Carteret, Earl Granville, son of the eighth
4 Forsyth, a County on the March
Proprietor, decided not to sell, and his one-eighth part was laid
off for him adjoining Virginia. The southern hne was placed
at 35° 34' north latitude; the eastern boundary was the Atlantic
Ocean; the western was still that unknown limit of the con-
tinent. Granville set up a land office in Edenton, which sold
land to settlers who wished to come into his territory; the
colonial government issued land grants in the name of the king
for land outside the Granville holdings.
As the years passed, settlements spread inland from the
Atlantic coast, and counties were organized and secured repre-
sentation in the colonial Assembly. Then other settlers drifted
down from Virginia and Pennsylvania to find new homes in
piedmont Carolina. By 1749 these settlers had become suffi-
ciently numerous to want a county of their own, and Anson
County was erected, cut from the eastern counties by a line
running approximately north and south from Virginia to
South Carolina, following the watershed about half way be-
tween the Haw River and the Yadkin River. It included both
the Granville and the Crown lands. The deeds and grants made
by the two land offices are the only remaining evidences of
real estate transactions of the first four years of Anson County,
for the Anson courthouse burned, and all the early records
there were lost.
Earl Granville never came to America, but continued to five
in England. There he made the acquaintance of various leaders
of the Moravian Church, and he suggested that they buy land
in his section of North Carolina and establish a settlement
there. At that time Carolina was an EngHsh colony, and the
Church of England was the state church of North Carohna;
so Granville's suggestion to the Moravians may have been
influenced by the fact that in 1749 the English ParHament
made a very thorough investigation of the Moravian Church,
its history, its doctrine, and its episcopate, and passed an act
giving it full standing in the English colonies, where, as in
England, the Dissenters (all other Protestant denominations)
A Fifth-Generation County 5
labored under civil and ecclesiastical handicaps. Granville
offered the land on the usual terms, namely, a cash payment
and an annual quitrent forever, but waived the usual allot-
ment of land according to "head rights" and told the Moravians
to select what they wanted, and the number of acres they
wanted, regardless of the number of settlers sent at any given
In the later summer of 1752, in accordance with instruc-
tions received from the leaders of the Moravian Church in
England, Bishop August Gottlieb Spangenberg and five com-
panions set out on horseback from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania,
commissioned to find a suitable tract for the proposed settle-
ment. They rode along the coast of Maryland and Virginia,
crossed the bay to North Carolina, stopped at Edenton to
interview Sir Francis Corbin, Earl Granville's agent, and set
out toward the west, accompanied by William Churton, the
Granville surveyor. The journey was a long and adventurous
one. Spangenberg's diary gives many details. They ate corn
on the cob with the Tuscarora Indians; were delayed by
severe attacks of fever caught in Edenton; found no suitable
land along the Trading Path; suffered in a snow-storm in the
Blue Ridge mountains; lost their way; followed their compass
back to civilization; and at last were directed by a lone settler
to the land in "the three forks of Muddy Creek," a tributary
of the Yadkin River. There they selected a tract of nearly one
hundred thousand acres, which was surveyed as a whole and
also as divided into nineteen separate tracts, the latter at the
suggestion of Churton, who thought it might simplify matters
if trouble arose over payment of the quitrents.
Spangenberg suggested the name Der Wachau for this
tract, because he thought that its hills and valleys resembled
the terrain in an estate of that name in south Austria, an estate
which belonged to the family of the Count Nicholas Lewis
von Zinzendorf, who did so much for the Moravian Church
of the eighteenth century. This German name was used for
6 Forsyth, a County on the March
many years whenever the Moravian settlers wrote in the Ger-
man language; but they preferred the Latin form of the name,
Wachovia, when they wrote in English. Naturally, it is the
Latin-English form of the name which has endured.
Traced on a modern map of Forsyth County this Wachovia
Tract would extend from Rural Hall to a few feet north of
Friedberg Moravian church; the east line would touch Wal-
kertown; on the west it would be a series of angles west of
Muddy Creek. The surveyor's rules of 1752 permitted only
straight north-south, east-west lines and right angles.
Spangenberg went to England to report on his journey, and
while he was gone Anson County was divided by an east-west
line, the south line of the Granville land. The Crown land to
the south retained the name; the north part became Rowan
County, with Salisbury as the county seat. The Granville (or
Rowan County) line remains on the map of North Carolina
in the south line of Randolph, Davidson, Rowan, and Iredell
counties. The east line was made to run due north to the Vir-
ginia line, instead of following the watershed. The west line
was still the unknown boundary of the continent.
It was into Rowan County, therefore, that the Moravian
settlers came in November, 1753. The Wachovia Tract had
been duly purchased from Earl Granville, and the original
deeds were kept in England; but official copies, on parchment,
certified by the Lord Mayor of London, with his great seal
attached, were brought to America, and were recorded in
The purchase of so large a tract, and the initial expenses of
settlement, would have laid an impossible burden on the
Moravian Church, already staggering under the expense of its
rapidly expanding continental work and its scattered mission
fields. It was financed, therefore, through an especially or-
ganized land company, which worked very successfully.
Shareholders bore all the early expenses, and each received
two thousand acres of the Tract, certain areas being reserved
A Fifth-Generation County 7
for the proposed congregations. Of these shareholders only
one, Traugott Bagge, came to Wachovia in person; his land
lay at the northeast corner of the Tract, in what is now Salem
Chapel township. The shares of some of the shareholders were
sold for them through the years; others presented their shares
to the Moravian Church, which sold the land as seemed wise,
for the benefit of that church.
The Moravian settlers who reached Wachovia on Novem-
ber 17, 1753, found an abandoned log hut, and gladly used it
as a temporary shelter. Finding good land there they remained,
and there they passed through the experiences of the war with
the Cherokee Indians, a sequel to the French and Indian War
of the northern colonies. During those trying years a number
of men, women, and children came to their stockade from the
scattered farms outside of Wachovia; and at the suggestion of
some of them the village of Bethania was begun in 1759, ^^ a
distance of three miles from the parent village of Bethabara,
which had grown up around the first little log hut.
The Moravian settlement was the result of a definite plan,
but the neighboring farmers had followed the more usual
custom of the frontier and had taken their lands along the
larger streams, the Town Fork of Dan River, the Yadkin
River, and the smaller streams south of the Wachovia Tract.
Best known among the men in the latter group was Adam
Spach, who had made the acquaintance of the Moravians in
Maryland, and who took up land as close as he could get to
the Wachovia Tract in order to be near them in North
Gradually the settlers in Rowan County increased, and
those who lived in the northern part of the county found it
very inconvenient to be so far from Salisbury, the county
town. They therefore petitioned the Assembly to divide the
The Moravians by this time had founded a third village,
Salem, in the center of their Tract, and they asked that their
8 Forsyth, a County on the March
convenience might be considered and that the new Hne should
be run so as not to divide their land. Disregarding this request,
the Assembly ordered the new line run at a point which was
supposed to cut Rowan County in half, though it also divided
the Wachovia Tract. The act was passed in 177 1, but when
the line was surveyed it appeared that it ran between Bethab-
ara and Salem, leaving the latter in Rowan County, while
only a few small villages and the scattered farms fell into the
new county of Surry. Amazed consternation filled the minds
of the Surry County citizens, who did not see how it would
be possible to cover the expenses of the new county without
the Salem taxes, and for two years there was much anxious
During this period two other Moravian centers were estab-
lished, both in the Rowan section of the Wachovia Tract.
One group came from what was then known as the Broadbay
Plantation in Massachusetts (now Waldoboro, Maine,) and
they settled at what is now called Friedland. The other, an
English-speaking group from Maryland, settled in what is
now the Hope neighborhood in the southwest part of the
In 1773 these two smaller settlements and the town of
Salem became part of Surry County. The leaders of Salem
agreed to join in the movement to place the county line six
miles south of the line of 177 1, on condition that the Wacho-
via Tract as a whole should be in Surry County. This accounts
for the three offsets in the present south line of Forsyth
County; a straight east-west line would have been an exten-
sion of the south Hne of Lewisville township.
The county seat of Rowan remained at Salisbury, but for
Surry a new place was selected, which was named Richmond.
It was quite near the present village of Donnaha, in the north-
west corner of Forsyth County, and this was the county seat
during the Revolutionary War.
The story of Richmond was dramatic, but short, for in
A Fifth-Generation County 9
1789 Surry County was divided by a north-south line, and
new courthouse sites were selected, Rockford in Surry
County, and Germanton in Stokes County. The Surry County
courthouse records were moved from old Richmond to Rock-
ford; Stokes County set up new records on her own account.
The area now called Forsyth was mostly in the new county
of Stokes, but straight lines were still the custom, and the new
line crossed and recrossed the Yadkin in an annoying fashion.
As a result Stokes had a long narrow strip west of the river
on the Surry side; Surry had a C-shaped tract east of the river
on the Stokes side; and Stokes had a small triangle south of
the river in the part of Rowan which became Davie County.
In each case these detached pieces could be reached only by
boat, for there were no bridges.
In December, 1796, the Assembly changed the line between
Surry and Stokes, giving to Surry the long narrow strip lying
on the west side of the Yadkin, the river becoming the bound-
ary there. The Act of Assembly calls it the land "south of
the Yadkin," but old deeds show that for many years every-
thing on the right-hand bank of the Yadkin River, looking
down stream, was called "south" of the Yadkin, regardless of
the actual direction.
For fifty years the county of Stokes remained practically
unchanged. The War of 18 12 and the Mexican War made
but slight demand upon the people, though the former called
the attention of the nation to Colonel Benjamin Forsyth. The
population increased slowly, but it did increase, and finally the
Assembly of 1848- 1849 was petitioned to divide it.
The act dividing Stokes County bears date of ratification,
January 16, 1849. The Act is printed in full in the Laws of
the State of North Carolina passed by the General Assembly
at the Session of 1848-4P, published in Raleigh in 1849 by
Thomas J. Lemay, Printer— Star Ofiice.
The act provided for a line "beginning at the South West
corner of Rockingham county, and running thence West to
lo Forsyth, a County on the March
the Surry county line." It was further enacted: "That all that
part of the said county lying North of said line, shall be
erected into a distinct county by the name of Stokes county;
and all that part lying South of the said line shall be erected
into another distinct county by the name of Forsyth county,
in honor of the memory of Col. Benjamin Forsyth, a native of
Stokes county, who fell on the Northern frontier, in the late
war with England."
A supplemental act, passed at the same session of the As-
sembly, appointed Caleb Jones, Frederick Minung (Meinung),
and John Banner to run the dividing line, named county com-
missioners for each county, and provided the necessary ma-
chinery for setting up the two county governments.
The commissioners for Forsyth County were Zadock Staf-
ford, John Stafford, Henry A. Lemly, Leonard Conrad, and
Francis Fries. These commissioners selected Francis Fries as
It so happened that Salem lay almost in the center of the
new county of Forsyth, and Salem Congregation owned about
three thousand acres of the Wachovia Tract, includinor and
surrounding the town. The act of the legislature ordained
that not less than thirty acres should be secured for the county
seat; so the commissioners applied to the Salem church boards
for that amount of the Salem land.
Opinion in the Salem Congregation divided sharply as to
this sale. The conservatives feared the disturbances that would
be caused by the sometimes unruly crowds that gathered on
court days, and particularly objected to the idea of a whipping
post, whipping being still the legal punishment for many
illegal acts. On the other hand, the progressives feared that to
place the county seat some four miles away would kill Salem
economically, for a new town would grow up around the
The progressives won, and an agreement was reached
whereby Salem Congregation agreed to sell the new county
A Fifth-Generation County ii
thirty-one acres, north of a stipulated line. Before the sale was
concluded, the amount of land was increased to fifty-one and
a quarter acres, the price per acre to be five dollars, the cur-
rent price for unimproved land. The deed to this courthouse
tract was dated May 12, 1849, and title was transferred from
Charles F. Kluge, the proprietor (trustee) acting for the Con-
gregation, to Francis Fries, chairman of the board of county
commissioners, and his successors in office.
It had been agreed between the parties that the streets of the
new town should be continuations of the Salem streets, and
that the courthouse should be erected at the highest point on
the Main Street, but only two conditions were written into
the deed. By one, provision was made for the school commit-
tee of the district to have the lot on which a small free-school
house stood. By the other condition, Thomas J. Wilson was to
have a deed for his lot as soon as he finished paying for it.
Until the new courthouse could be built the Salem church
boards allowed the courts to use the Concert Hall in Salem,
the county paying a reasonable rent for it. It was expressly
understood that no whippings should take place in Salem, and
that if any was ordered by the court it should be done some-
where outside the town. The sheriff *'let out to the lowest
bidder the furnishing of sawdust, candles, etc., for the Court
at the Town Hall in Salem," at so much per court.
On March 19, 1849, sixteen ''Gentlemen Justices, appointed
and commissioned by the Governor of the State," met in the
Concert Hall, and elected for the ensuing year:
Sheriff— William Flynt;
Clerk of the Court— Andrew J. Stafford;
County Attorney— Thomas J. Wilson;
Register of Deeds— F. C. Meinung;
County Trustee— George Linville;
Coronor— John H. White;
Standard Keeper— Abraham Steiner.
12 Forsyth, a County on the March
All of the justices were entitled to sit in the Court of Pleas
and Quarter Sessions, but they were permitted to elect a
chairman and several members to serve for all. On March 20,
therefore, the justices elected as the special court: Francis
Fries, chairman, Philip Barrow, Andrew M. Gamble, John
Reich, and Jesse A. Waugh. The finance committee elected
consisted of C. L. Banner, Israel G. Lash, and Francis Fries.
In December, F. C. Meinung, C. L. Banner, and Michael
Hauser were appointed to select a site for a "Poor House";
and in May, 1850, about ninety acres were bought, three and
a half miles northeast of the courthouse tract, on the road to
In earlier days the counties were divided into "Captains
Districts," partly for militia organization and partly for tax
districts. In 1869 the legislature changed the system, and under
the new law Forsyth County was divided into townships,
receiving names which are still in use. Perhaps the only name
which would puzzle one who studies the map is Broadbay,
which is a reminder of the generally forgotten fact that the
first settlers there came from the Broadbay Plantation in New
No attention was paid to the inconvenient western bound-
ary of Forsyth County for a number of years, but in 1889
the legislature transferred from Davidson to Forsyth County
the land lying between Lewisville and South Fork townships
and the Yadkin River, and this became Clemmonsville town-
ship. This transfer obliterated a number of the angles which
the act of 1773 made in the south line of Surry County, in-
herited by Stokes County, and then by Forsyth County.
One more angle was wiped out by the act of the legislature
of 192 1 when a wedge-shaped piece of Davidson County was
added to the south side of Abbotts Creek township in Forsyth
Seventy acres of "forgotten" land belonging to Forsyth
County lay south of the Yadkin River in Davie County, and
A Fifth-Generation County 13
in 1925 the legislature transferred this small triangle from
Forsyth to the county in which it belonged, geographically
This left the C-shaped segment, popularly called Little
Yadkin, cut from Yadkin County by the river. (The southern
part of Surry County had become Yadkin County.) In 191 1
the legislature transferred from Yadkin to Forsyth a small
triangle at the north end of the segment, in order to enable
both counties to participate in the building of a bridge across
the river. In 1926 the commissioners of Forsyth County
agreed to buy from Yadkin County the land known as Little
Yadkin. The legislature of 1927 altered the county line in
accord with this agreement and authorized the Forsyth com-
missioners to pay Yadkin commissioners the stipulated sum
of seventy thousand dollars.
After one hundred and thirty-eight years the river had
ceased to run back and forth across the county line, and the
Yadkin had become the boundary of Forsyth County on the
west and southwest.
VERY little is known of the early life of Benjamin
Forsyth, for whom Forsyth County was named.
Family tradition says that he was the son of James
and Elizabeth Forsyth. The date and place of his
birth are not known, but he seems to have been born in the
early 1760's, and probably in Virginia. The Forsyth name, in
various spellings, appears in Virginia from time to time, begin-
ning as early as 1 649, in which year a John Forsith was one
of a group of forty persons transported to Virginia by
Edmund Scarborough, Jr., patentee for two thousand acres
of land in Northampton County.
There is evidence that Benjamin Forsyth's father died when
the boy was still young, and that his mother then married a
man by the name of Whitworth and had at least one son,
Edward, and probably other children.
That Benjamin received some education is certain, for his
signature to a deed dated in 1801 is much better written than
many of the signatures of that day.
Circumstantial evidence suggests that Benjamin Forsyth
Hved in St. Martin's Parish, Hanover County, Virginia, before
coming to North Carolina. Only two deed books in Hanover
County escaped destruction during the Civil War, but in one
of them there are deeds showing that between 1786 and 1788
a Benjamin Forsyth sold one tract of land, bought and sold
another tract, and bought a larger tract of 960 acres, which
he still owned when his name disappeared with the end of the
The Benjamin Forsyth who lived in Stokes County, North
Carolina, from 1794 to the day on which he left for the front
in the War of 18 12, must have come with money in his
pocket, for he first appears in the taking of a deed for a tract
bid in for him at sheriff's sale; and this purchase was followed
in the same month of December, 1794, by the purchase of
another tract for which he paid £260.
For the next seventeen years Benjamin Forsyth bought and
1 8 Forsyth, a County on the March
sold land industriously. The Stokes County deed books show
thirty-four purchases. Of these, three were at sheriff's sales,
nineteen wxre grants from the state of North Carolina, and
twelve were for tracts bought from individuals. There are
forty of his sales recorded, which makes a total of seventy-
four transactions listed. This is most unusual, for in those days
many men did not trouble to probate and record their deeds,
since sales and purchases were legal, and valid indefinitely,
without registration. Possession of the deed itself held the title.
The rapidity of this turn-over in his early years in North
Carolina indicates that Forsyth carried on a land brokerage
business. Sometimes he listed only a few acres for taxation;
in 1802 he listed 8,000 acres. In 18 10 he listed 3,000 acres and
7 black polls, his own white poll, and a lot in Germanton,
which he had owned for some years. In 1 8 1 1 his taxes were
"not given in," and then his name disappears from the tax
books. Perhaps he sold most or all of his slaves and real estate
before leaving for the war.
In 1797 Benjamin Forsyth married Bethemia Ladd, daugh-
ter of Constantine Ladd. His marriage bond is dated October
4, and Christian Lash signed as bondsman. Christian Lash w^as
a resident of Bethania, but in that year of 1797 he owned a lot
in Germanton, and as he was a justice of the peace he and
Forsyth had doubtless met at court. The tax books show a
number of men listing lots in Germanton who never lived
there, and the indications are that there was a considerable
amount of speculation in real estate about that time and for
the next decade.
Benjamin Forsyth and his wife had six children: Elizabeth
Bostic, born in 1798; Sally Almond, born 1800; Effie Jones,
born 1803; Bethemia Harding, born 1805; James N., born
1808; and Mary L., born 181 1.
In 1807 and 1808 Benjamin Forsyth served in the Assembly
of North Carolina as a representative from Stokes County.
During Forsyth's earlier years in North Carolina the tax
Colonel Benjamin Forsyth 19
districts were also the militia districts and took their names
from the captains commanding. His first militia service in this
state, therefore, was in Captain Banner's district, which in
1797 became Captain Blackburn's district. All men from six-
teen to fifty years of age were required to enroll in a militia
company and to attend muster and drill.
Forsyth's first commission as an officer was dated April 24,
1800, when he became a second lieutenant in the Sixth In-
fantry and served in the army for two months. On July i,
1808, he was commissioned a captain and assigned to the Rifle
Regiment. The diary of Salem, North Carolina, April 29,
1809, says: "Captain Forsyth came from Germanton with
a recently enlisted volunteer company of riflemen, and will
soon go to New Bern and from there to New Orleans. The
captain wished to give his company the pleasure of seeing
our town, and at the same time show us their new uniforms
and military drill. They marched into town in military order,
with trumpet and fife, and paraded and drilled in the Square
in front of the boarding school."
He was still a captain when the War of 18 12 broke out.
His service in that war was all on the northern border of the
state of New York, where he at once established a reputation
for personal bravery and for ability as an officer. As a first
exploit, in September, 18 12, he led a party which went down
the St. Lawrence River in boats, landed on the Canadian side,
destroyed a British storehouse, and returned with many cap-
tured mihtary supplies. He lost only one man killed and
another slightly wounded; the British, ten to twenty times
as many.
On January 20, 18 13, Captain Forsyth was promoted to the
rank of major, and continued his career with dash, vigor, and
enterprise. In February of that year he gathered a force of
regulars and volunteers and went up the St. Lawrence to
Morristown. At three o'clock in the morning they crossed the
river to Elizabeth town, surprised the guard, and took fifty-
20 Forsyth, a County on the March
two prisoners, including five officers. They captured 120
muskets and other supphes and returned to the post at
Ogdensburg, New York, without the loss of a single man. A
little later he was driven from Ogdensburg by a British force
twice as large as his, but it was reported that the British suf-
fered severely in their attack and probably lost three times the
number of the Americans who fell.
In May, 18 13, Major Forsyth was present at the capture
by American forces of Fort George in Canada, and added
greatly to his reputation as a soldier in the battle fought there.
On April 15, 18 14, he was commissioned a lieutenant
colonel for his "distinguished services"; but these services
were not to continue long, for he was killed in a skirmish near
Odeltown, on the Canadian frontier, June 23, 18 14. The
American general had sent a small American party to attack
a much larger force of British, with orders to attract the atten-
tion of the British and then retire and so lead them into an
ambush. Colonel Forsyth was in command of one part of the
ambuscade, and when the enemy appeared he brought his
troops out of hiding and gave battle. The British fired twice
and retreated, but at the first fire Colonel Forsyth fell, shot
through the breast. He exclaimed, "Boys, rush on!" and died
a few minutes later. Next day he was buried at Champlain
with the honors of war.
The news of his death reached North CaroHna in due time,
and at the September, 18 14, session of the Stokes County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions his widow was appointed
administratrix of his estate. Although Forsyth's marriage bond
named the woman he married as Bethemia Ladd and the will
of Constantine Ladd left bequests to his daughter Bethemia,
who had married Benjamin Forsyth, her name appears in this
court appointment as Elizabeth B. Forsyth, and she signed
the inventory of Forsyth's estate "Elizabeth B. H. Forsyth"
when she presented it to the court in March, 181 5. Family
history says that her full maiden name was Oizabeth Bethemia
Colonel Benjamin Forsyth 21
Hardin Ladd, and evidently she preferred to use the first
name instead of the second.
The amount of personal property Hsted in the Forsyth
inventory was not large, but it included $302 in cash, which
was enough to support a family for two years with the scale
of prices then prevailing. Also listed were fifteen "disperate"
notes, which would have been worth over six hundred dollars
had they been good.
With the filing of this inventory the Forsyth name disap-
peared from the Court records. No guardians were appointed
for the children. No settlement of the estate was made. For
some years Benjamin Forsyth had a small running account
with the Moravian Church in Salem. This was kept in excel-
lent condition while he was in the state; then part of it was
charged off and the rest was gradually liquidated, with the
help of the Salem storekeeper.
The explanation of the disappearance of the Forsyth name
appears to be that in the summer of 1 8 1 5 Mrs. Forsyth and her
children moved to Tennessee. At that time many people were
moving westward, and probably she went to Colonel Forsyth's
half brother, Edward Whitworth, or perhaps to the Colonel's
mother, for the Bedford County, Tennessee, United States
Census of 1820 lists Edward Whitworth, aged "26 to 45,"
John Whitworth, of the same age group, and an Elizabeth
Whitworth, "over 45," who may well have been their mother
and the mother of Benjamin Forsyth. Listed with Elizabeth
Whitworth is another woman, aged "26 to 45," who may
have been her daughter. There is on file a letter from Edward
Whitworth, dated December, 18 19, which says definitely
that he was a half brother of Colonel Benjamin Forsyth. A
certificate issued by a Methodist minister serving in Ten-
nessee shows that in October, 18 15, Mrs. Forsyth and Sally
Forsyth joined a Methodist "class" at Mt. Zion in the Guilford
Four years later Mrs. Forsyth remarried. A letter dated
22 Forsyth, a County on the March
Harpeth, West Tennessee, November 30, 18 19, says that in
the end of January of that year she, "the widow of Benjamin
Forsyth," had married W^illiam Cowin, and that her son,
James N. Forsyth, was a bright boy, but delicate. He was
Uving w^ith them.
If iMrs. Forsyth had remained in North CaroHna she would
certainly have known at once of the action of the Assembly
of 18 1 7, as told below, instead of learning of it only through
a Tennessee newspaper, the Nashville Clarion, two years later.
Representing Stokes County in the Assembly of 1 8 1 7 were
Joseph Winston, son of Major Joseph Winston of Revolu-
tionary fame, and John H. Hauser, Esq., of Bethania, both of
whom must have known Benjamin Forsyth personally. Three
years earlier, December, 18 14, the Assembly of North Caro-
lina had honored Captain Johnston Blakeley, of Wilmington,
North Carolina, and of the United States Navy, by resolving
to present to him a "superb sword" when he returned from
service. He did not return; so in place of a sword the Assembly
granted to his infant daughter a silver tea service and appro-
priated a sum annually for her education. Doubtless the Stokes
County representatives thought that the state should pay
similar honor to a gallant Army man, especially as he had
entered the service from their own county.
The county name, however, does not appear in the action
taken. The resolution to honor Colonel Benjamin Forsyth was
introduced by Mr. Elijah Callaway, of Ashe County. As
entered on the Journal of the House of Representatives on
December 18, 18 17, it reads:
''Resolved: That the public services rendered by the late
Colonel Benjamin Forsythe in the late war with the King of
Great Britain are well appreciated by the General Assembly
of this state." Additional resolutions appointed a committee
to "ascertain what are the pecuniary circumstances of the
widow and family of the said Colonel Benjamin Forsythe,"
and to bring in a suitable report. The committee consisted of
Colonel Benjamin Forsyth 23
Callaway, Hauser, Winston, and S. King, the latter of Iredell
County. The Senate concurred and added to the committee
Joseph Reddick, senator from Gates County, and Senator
Atkinson from Person County.
Four days later, that is, on December 22, Mr. Callaway
reported that the "committee had ascertained" that Mrs.
Forsyth's "circumstances are not affluent, yet there has been
no representation made to your committee that they are of a
description which requires the pecuniary aid of this legisla-
ture." The committee had further '^ascertained that the family
of Mrs. Forsyth consists of an infant son about eight years of
age, and four daughters." Recommendation was made to the
legislature that "they appropriate [blank] to defray the ex-
penses of educating the infant son of Colonel Benjiamin
Forsyth, who fell fighting in the service of the United States,
near Odeltown in Canada, on the 23d day of June in the year
1 8 14." It was also recommended "That the governor of this
state be requested to procure a Sword and present it to the
aforesaid infant son of Colonel Benjamin Forsythe, as an
expression of the grateful sense they entertain of the gallantry
and good conduct of the aforesaid Colonel Benjamin
The House immediately adopted these resolutions and sent
them to the Senate. They were concurred in by the Senate
on the following day.
Other representatives went from Stokes County to the
Assembly in the following years, and nothing more is known
of the matter until the letter which Mrs. Co win, formerly
Mrs. Forsyth, wrote from Tennessee in November, 18 19,
after she had read the resolutions in the newspaper. Her first
letter remaining unanswered, she wrote again in May, 1820.
In this second letter she said that she had five daughters and
one son. The youngest daughter, Mary L. Forsyth, was eight
years old. The son, James N. Forsyth, was born September 27,
1808. The family was living in Bedford County, Tennessee,
24 Forsyth, a County on the March
thirty-seven miles from Nashville. She said that the son,
James, was in poor health, probably stone in the kidneys, and
she thought it might be wise to let him attend school in Ten-
nessee for the present. "I have sent my children to school as
much as my situation would admit." The letter was signed
"Elizabeth B. H. Cowan." By the end of 1819, Forsyth's
daughter Elizabeth had married Samuel Smalling and Sally
Forsyth had married Lemuel Perry. On December i of that
year George W. Gaboon of Blount Gounty, Alabama, sold to
the sLx children of Benjamin Forsyth 109% acres in Bedford
County, Tennessee, the deed providing that Elizabeth B.
Cowan was to continue to reside on the place.
Again there is a gap in the records, but in November, 1823,
when James N. Forsyth was fifteen years old, he was brought
to North Carolina, and was entered at the Academy in Hills-
boro, John Rogers, principal. Bills on file show that he was
outfitted with new clothes and furnished with books at the
expense of the state, through the private secretary of Gov-
ernor Gabriel Holmes.
The young man entered the University at Chapel Hill in
July, 1824. Again the expenses were borne by the state treas-
ury, and in addition to the regular courses he took lessons in
elocution in Raleigh.
In 1825 the young man got into trouble at the University
and was dismissed. Evidently it was nothing that others con-
sidered very serious, for the Assembly of 1825-26 adopted a
resolution: "That the Governor of this state be, and he is
hereby authorized to draw out of the Treasury of this state
the sum of $750, the same to be by him vested in some pro-
ductive stock ... for the benefit of James Forsythe, the same
to be transferred to the said James when he arrives at the age
of twenty-one years."
A further resolution repealed the action of 18 17 concern-
ing his education, no longer needed because the young man
had joined the Navy. It was provided that in case of the death
Colonel Benjamin Forsyth 25
of Forsyth before he became of age the investment should
revert to the state.
The amount named in this resolution is the same as the sum
mentioned when a sword was to be bought for Captain John-
ston Blakeley, and the investment doubtless took the place of
the sword originally planned for the "infant son of Colonel
Benjamin Forsythe."
The stock, however, never passed into the hands of James
N. Forsyth, for he was drowned in 1829, when the ship on
which he was a midshipman was lost.
During all the years it was the custom in erecting a new
county in North Carolina to give it the name of some notable
man; so it was quite natural that when the legislature divided
Stokes County, in 1849, the members should remember the
honors paid to the memory of Colonel Benjamin Forsyth by
the Legislature of 18 17, and should perpetuate his fame by
naming this new county for him.
J>M de ScHWeiMlTZ;
UNLIKE the story of Colonel Benjamin Forsyth, the
early life of Salem is known, even in detail. The
Moravian settlers in what is now Forsyth County
were educated men, firmly convinced of the value
of carefully kept records; so the ministers wrote diaries of
what happened day by day, and the church boards had secre-
taries who wrote into books the minutes of each board meet-
ing. Not only did they keep these records for their own use
and the use of their successors, but they preserved them so
carefully that in Salem there is no break in the story from the
day of its founding until the present.
Salem, as the central town in Wachovia, was planned from
the first purchase of the Tract; and the name of the town
was suggested by Count Zinzendorf six or more years before
it was possible to begin to carry out the plan. He probably
chose the name because Salem means "peace," and he wanted
peace, in its truest and broadest sense, to be a characteristic of
the place.
The Moravians had known much that was not peace.
Founded after the Hussite Wars by followers of the great
Bohemian reformer, John Hus, the ancient Unitas Fratrum,
or Unity of Brethren, had known persecution after persecu-
tion; and the members often suffered martyrdom as did Hus,
who was burned at the stake in 141 5 because he would not
obey the orders of the Romish hierarchy and give up his
simple belief that men ought to accept the Bible as God's
word, rather than obey men who substituted their own will
for the divine precept.
In 1722 descendants of members of the ancient Brethren
emigrated from Moravia to Saxony and found refuge on the
estate of Nicholas Lewis, Count Zinzendorf. There the
ancient church was reorganized, and from there it spread into
various countries on the continent of Europe and into Eng-
land. The stake had gone out of fashion, but the opposition
endured was not small; so there was a movement toward
30 Forsyth, a County on the March
America, first to Georgia, then to Pennsylvania, and finally
to North Carolina. The name "Moravian" to designate the
church formerly known as Unitas Fratrum, originated in this
eighteenth-century development, and it is appropriate today
because it was through the Moravian branch of the renewed
Unity of Brethren that this church possesses the episcopate,
secured in 1467 and handed down without a break to the
Moravian bishops of today.
The Moravian settlers in Wachovia were trained crafts-
men. Ministers, doctors, storekeepers, carpenters, masons,
smiths, and numerous other handicraftsmen had been care-
fully instructed in their respective trades and professions.
Co-operation was the rule. The community of effort that
prevailed when Bethabara was a small, frontier village was
not carried over into Salem in a business way, but the spirit
remained, and any man or woman who would not obey the
simple rules of conduct which had been established was
quietly asked to leave.
Wachovia had been bought for a down payment and an
annual quitrent. Before the Revolutionary War an agreement
had been reached with the heirs of Earl Granville under
which the quitrent title was to be bought by the Moravian
Church. The Confiscation Acts passed by the North Carolina
Assembly early in the Revolution extinguished the titles of
absentee English proprietors; but in 1778 the title to
Wachovia was transferred to the Reverend Frederic William
Marshall, a naturalized citizen of Pennsylvania, and this trans-
fer was confirmed by the Assembly of North Carolina in
1782. As Marshall held the title in trust for the church as
represented by the bona fide settlers in Wachovia, he thought
that the contract to buy the quitrents had been nullified by
the results of the war, but the leaders in England stood by
their agreement, and the quitrents were duly purchased.
Because of the quitrent system, however, little of the land in
Around Salem Square 31
Wachovia was sold outright at first. Much of it was leased
until a later date.
In Salem this lease system persisted for a long time; it was
finally abrogated in 1856. Under this system Salem Congrega-
tion leased land from the church as a whole, the Salem lot
being about three thousand acres. In the town of Salem lots
were leased to individuals. The "improvements" on the lots
belonged to the men who built the houses, their rights secured
by bond. This prevented random buying and selling, and
enabled the church leaders to be sure that purchasers would
be desirable citizens.
The site for Salem was selected in 1765, after the surveyor
Renter had carefully searched the entire central portion of
the Wachovia Tract, and had noted a number of possible
sites. The place chosen lay half way up the hill leading from
the Wach (Salem Creek) to the Annaberg (Winston). The
ground sloped in both directions, east and west, but there
were several good springs to furnish water, and a clear little
branch on the west (Tar Branch) to supply the immediate
needs until wells could be dug. The town was high enough
up the ridge to be safe in times of flood, when the Wach
might, and occasionally did, rise to a dangerous height. On
the other hand, in the still higher ground there were good
springs which would make possible a water system when the
settlers found time for that.
Work began on January 6, 1766, when men from Bethab-
ara and Bethania, with some others recently arrived from
Europe, tramped the six miles from Bethabara through the
forest and felled the first tree for a log house to shelter the
workmen who should build the town.
Plans for the town had been made in advance, and were
designed to fit the ground. There was the main street, running
north on the crest of the hill, with parallel streets to east and
west, and cross streets at suitable intervals. One of the blocks
32 Forsyth, a County on the March
so formed was chosen as the open Square, around which the
chief houses were to stand.
Later in 1766 the first house was built on the main street.
It was of "frame" construction, a unique method which per-
mitted the use of the material available, not well suited for
the buildings of logr houses. Heavy timbers were erected for
the framing; then rude laths were wrapped in a mixture of
clay and straw, and the laths were inserted across from one
grooved upright to another. When pressed down they made
a thick wall, as warm as brick. When the clay began to wash
out after years of service the wall could be weatherboarded
to become as good as new.
When the first room was finished in this first house Gott-
fried Praezel moved in and set up his loom, a forecast of the
city's textile industry today.
The second house on the main street was known for years
as "the two-story house." The first house and others of that
period were generally of one story, with a high-pitched roof
and a basement. On the first floor of the two-story house there
was the first meeting hall of Salem. Until it was built services
had been held in one of the rooms in the small first house.
The immediate preparation of a place of worship indicates
the first of the purposes for which the Moravians had come
to North Carolina— freedom to worship God in their devout,
practical way. They had an inherited belief that religion was
a personal matter between a man and his God; but they be-
lieved also in a religion to be lived with and through every-
day life seven days in the week. In Georgia the climate had
been against them, and a number of them had died; the neigh-
bors also refused to understand their position in several prac-
tical matters. In Pennsylvania their concern for the conversion
of the Indians had been misunderstood; and the community
life of the early years had been severely criticized by those
who reflected the animosity shown by certain parties in
Europe. In North Carolina, surrounded by their own broad
Around Salem Square 33
acres, they made immediate arrangements for places of wor-
ship, to which they welcomed any and all visitors who might
wish to unite with them in the services.
They made no attempt to proselyte. Service to their white
neighbors was the second announced purpose of their coming
to North Carolina, and they served freely without asking
reward. Had they gathered in all the Christians in the neigh-
borhood who were without pastoral service they might have
swept the state, for they were organized here long before
other denominations. But this they never attempted. They
sought, rather, to hold the leaderless groups steady until
pastors of their various denominations might be sent to them,
a fraternal generosity which has seldom been understood.
Before the year 1766 ended, two more of the small houses
had been built just north of the first house. The fourth house
is the oldest now standing in Salem. For many years it was
occupied by Charles Holder, a saddle-maker; it now belongs
to the Colonial Dames, who have restored it.
The next year a potter's shop and a blacksmith's shop were
built. Both crafts were of immense value to the town and to
the neighborhood. When news spread through the country-
side that the Salem potter had burned a kiln of ware, so many
persons crowded in that sometimes there were not enough
pieces to go around. Good clay was found in a meadow by
the creek (now the Salem College athletic field), yellow clay
for the making of kitchen ware, and gray clay for the pipe-
heads, so long a staple of trade in Salem.
Brick and tile were also made in that meadow, not by the
potter but by brickmakers, for those were the days of spe-
cialists in many lines. Salem did not import brick and furni-
ture from Europe, as was done in many cities on the Atlantic
seaboard. Salem imported men who could make furniture and
brick and other things which the residents of a city needed.
This made her largely self-sufficient in the days when the
only means of communication were letters carried by passing
34 Forsyth, a County on the March
travelers or by special messengers; when the only means of
transportation inland were carts or wagons. Some things, of
course, were brought by wagon from Pennsylvania, or from
Petersburg, Virginia, or from Charlestown, South Carolina,
or from Cross Creek (Fayetteville), the nearest point to which
things could be brought by boat. At those places deerskins
and a few other local commodities could be bartered for
coffee, tea, window glass, sugar, and other articles handled
by the store. Books usually came from England or Germany,
where Salem maintained a standing order for the publications
of the Unity.
The first really large building operation was the erection of
the Brothers House, facing the Square from the west. This
was the home of the numerous young men and bovs who had
come to grow up with Salem, and there they had their work-
shops, with their journeymen and apprentices. They had their
own organization, their own finances, their own kitchen,
their own farm; indeed, for many years the Brothers House
was the industrial center of the community. They took pos-
session of their House in 1769, most of them coming from
Bethabara, where there had been a similar institution.
This Brothers House was of "frame" construction— with a
difference. In burning brick for chimneys there were often
some which were not hard enough to stand exposure to the
weather; so the second type of framing omitted the laths with
the clay-straw wrapping, added a few more inside braces, and
filled the intervening spaces with these softer brick, laid up
without mortar.
The third type of building came in with the erection of the
Gemein Haus (Congregation House), for many years the
largest house in the community. The foundation and the first
story were of uncut stone, laid up with clay. The walls were
made very thick, to compensate for lack of lime in the bind-
ing, lime being very scarce and hard to get. The second story
was of the second type of frame construction, and there was
Around Salem Square 35
a high-pitched roof, permitting several rooms on the third
floor. In the course of time this building was covered with
stucco, which greatly improved its appearance.
The Meeting Hall was on the second floor, and for this
Meeting Hall a pipe organ was built by Bulitschek, an organ
builder who had come to live in Wachovia in the Bethania
neighborhood. On the first and second floors, at the north
end, there were housekeeping apartments for ministers of the
congregation; on the third floor there were guest rooms. The
south half of the first and third floors respectively was used
by the Single Sisters (the unmarried women) of the commu-
nity, for living rooms and work rooms.
The Meeting Hall in the Gemein Haus was consecrated on
November 13, 177 1, and on the same day the Salem Congrega-
tion was formally organized, with the Reverend Paul Tiersch
as the first pastor.
The next year saw much moving from Bethabara to Salem.
The community store was moved into the first story of the
two-story house, and the merchant, Traugott Bagge, setded
his family in the second story. Gottlieb Reuter built a small
house for himself and his wife diagonally across from the
southwest corner of the Square. Matthew Miksch rented an-
other small house which the Congregation had built on Main
Street and began to manufacture snuff, and smoking tobacco.
Heinrich Herbst took charge of a tanyard just west of the
village. Jacob Meyer and his wife took charge of the tavern.
Other small houses were built, and by the end of the year
most of the residents of Bethabara had moved to Salem, and
life in the central town was well established. The financial
board of the Congregation acted also as the town committee,
performing many of the duties of a modem board of alder-
men, building supervisor, supervisor of public works, high-
way commission, and so on. A local justice of the peace
guaranteed the enforcement of the civil code.
Nor was public health neglected. Salem had a succession of
36 Forsyth, a County on the March
capable doctors, and only one or two poor ones. There were
midwives, taught by the doctor. There was a volunteer nurs-
ing staff, pledged to serve at regular times. The Brothers
House and the Sisters House had each its own "sickroom" and
Alore surprising, however, was the early date at which
schools were begun for the children of the community. There
were very few children in Salem in 1772. Many of the resi-
dents were the unmarried men and women referred to above.
Most of the married people coming to Wachovia had left
their children in the schools of the Moravian Church in Penn-
sylvania. But the leaders in Salem were university-bred men,
who cared so much for education that they arranged for the
education of Salem children as soon as there were any old
enough to learn their letters. There had to be two schools, for
in those days it was not considered proper for boys and girls
to go to school together; but schools there must be; so one
for little boys was begun in the home of the master carpenter,
Christian Triebel, and one for little girls in a room in the
Gemein Haus, with Elisabeth Oesterlein as their teacher. The
school for boys served a number of generations, and was
finally discontinued when the public school system of the
city made it unnecessary. The infant school for girls of 1772
has attained maturity in the Salem College of today.
The business of the store became considerable, and it was
decided to build a new brick store on Main Street, opposite
the southwest corner of the Square and across the cross street
from the Renter house. When this was finished the store
business was moved into the north half of the house, and
merchant Bagge and his family took up their abode in the
south part. The two-story house became the residence of the
congregation bookkeeper and surveyor, Ludwig Meinung.
The "skin house," a small house across Main Street from the
two-story house, used by the store as a warehouse for deer-
skins, was changed into a home for the Reverend John
Around Salem Square 37
Michael Graff and his wife, who had been living in Bethabara.
The Graffs lived there until the death of the Reverend Paul
Tiersch made Br. Graff the pastor of the Congregation, and
he moved with his wife into the Gemein Haus.
For the first thirty-five years of the life of Salem the most
influential man was the Reverend Frederic William Marshall.
He was the son of an officer in the German army, and had
been destined by his father for that service. He had been
trained to healthful living, prudent management of funds, and
good manners, and had been taught to carry responsibiUties.
Of good family, educated at the University of Leipzig, he
would seem to have had a bright future in his father's profes-
sion, but when he was about eighteen years of age he learned
to know members of the Moravian Church, decided to join
them, and did so, with his father's consent. All of his training
stood him in good stead in his new life. He was in Wachovia
on a visit when the site for Salem was selected, and he re-
turned to make it his home for the rest of his long life. Offi-
cially he represented the Unity at large, especially in real estate
matters. He also held various local church offices; and his
knowledge of architecture, gathered from residence in various
parts of Europe and in Pennsylvania, was the controlling
factor in the designing of most of the houses in Salem.
It happened, however, that he was not in Salem during the
earlier years of the Revolutionary War. He had been called
to Europe to an important church synod, and the war pre-
vented his return until 1779. This left the burden of respon-
sibility on John Michael Graff and Traugott Bagge, who seem
to have borne the brunt of it— Graff in congregational affairs
and Bagge in poHtical and commercial matters.
For six years Salem not only shared in the distresses of the
country at large, but had many local problems to meet, and
both may be noted briefly.
Active trouble began in the early summer of 1775, when
the battle of Lexington, in Massachusetts, stirred resentment
3 8 Forsyth, a County on the March
throughout the nation. News of this engagement reached
Salem by rumor on May 8; newspapers received on May 17
reported that there had been a "skirmish near Boston," and
also that Parliament had declared the Congress meeting in
Philadelphia to be in rebellion against the English Crown.
The Moravian records give a vivid picture of the confusion
that followed— mental confusion caused by uncertainty as to
what should or could be done by the colonists who wanted
independence, by a flood of rumors with which the Loyalists
sought to arouse the adherents of the Crown, and by economic
troubles which had resulted from high prices and fluctuating
The Moravians were divided in sentiment. They had no
quarrel with England; indeed, they had many friends in that
country. On the other hand, they were loyal citizens of their
adopted country. There must have been many discussions on
the best way to meet the situation. Bishop John Michael Graff
handled the matter with rare good judgment and with sur-
prising success. He begged the Brethren to refrain from
discussion, especially with strangers who might misquote
them. He "left every man free to act according to his con-
science" in the matter of militia duty. Salem stood firm for
freedom from military service and in willingness to pay the
threefold tax in lieu thereof; the Broadbayers of Friedland
took exactly the opposite position. Other iMoravian groups in
Wachovia were more or less divided in sentiment. Graff's
unbounded patience, tact, and ability, held them all steady in
their confessed desire for Christian brotherhood.
That hot-headed partisans could not understand them is not
surprising. They refused even to listen to the plans of the
Tories and thereby aroused their wrath. Their refusal to take
the Test Oath angered the less intelligent of the Continentals.
Fortunately the captain of militia in their district, Henry
Smith, and Colonel Martin Armstrong were friendly and did
what they could for them.
Around Salem Square 39
The congress which met in Hillsboro in August, 1775,
authorized the first issue of paper currency without royal
authority. This was followed by other issues in North Caro-
lina and in adjoining states, and as it was fiat money it depre-
ciated rapidly, throwing a heavy burden on the businesses of
Salem and bringing them heavy losses.
The year 1776 brought the beginning of demands for sup-
plies for militia and Continental troops, a demand that con-
tinued throughout the war. Salem was really only a small
village, and how it was possible to furnish the large amount
of everything that was furnished is one of the mysteries of
history. Traugott Bagge, though he held no commission, was
virtually a purchasing agent for the militia and the Con-
tinentals, and was ofKcially certified as "a true friend to
American liberty."
The Halifax convention of April, 1776, forwarded to the
Continental Congress its resolution to co-operate in declaring
independence. Congress acted on July 4, and on the Sunday
following receipt of the official notice of the Declaration of
Independence, which was posted in the Salem tavern, petitions
for the King were dropped from the litany read in the Salem
church, and prayers for the American government were
The Assembly .of April, 1777, passed a new militia act,
under which all men from sixteen to sixty years of age were
liable for duty, with no exceptions allowed for conscientious
scruples. This, and the Confiscation Act of November in the
same year, placed Salem in a precarious position, and all the
rest of Wachovia as well. What might happen was uncertain
until January, 1779, when the Assembly drew up a form of
Affirmation of Allegiance which the Moravians were willing
to accept, and on February 4 the men of Salem took the
Affirmation before Justice Dobson.
In April of that year Pulaski's Legion was in Salem for four
days. They behaved well, but one of the soldiers had small-
40 Forsyth, a County on the March
pox, and this brought the disease into Salem in an epidemic
which lasted until October.
Frederic William Marshall and his wife returned to Salem
on November 5, and on the 22 nd he took the Affirmation of
The year 1780 was full of difficulty and danger for Salem.
Trade and handicrafts brought more loss than profit. The
currency fell and fell in value. Taxes were three times as high
as in the preceding year. There was constant demand for
grain and cattle for the troops. Fortunately there was a good
Besides the never-ending stream of soldiers, many poor
families passed through Salem, fleeing in first one direction
and then another as the English and Tories swarmed over
South Carolina and Virginia. All possible kindness was shown
to them, though it increased the burden on the slender re-
sources of the town.
In 1 78 1 the war approached nearer and nearer to Salem.
First came parts of Greene's army: ammunition wagons,
which stopped to load shells; and the field hospital which
stayed only one day but left behind the more seriously
wounded men to be cared for by the Salem doctor, Jacob
Bonn. Then came lawless militia, and the Wilkes men espe-
cially seemed to delight in excesses of every kind, including
personal attacks.
Then, on February i o, came Lord Cornwallis and his army,
chasing General Greene. The regulars made many demands;
the camp followers stole a great deal, but on the whole less
damage was done than might have been expected.
The next few days were fairly quiet, but the days from
the 15th to the i8th were "days of darkness and terror," to
quote the Salem diary. More lawless militia, led by enemies
of the Moravians, plundered the homes and business places of
Salem and assaulted the citizens.
The battle of Guilford Courthouse, on March 15, attracted
Around Salem Square 41
little attention at the time, because it was "another English
victory" and Cornwallis held the field, while Greene retired.
Actually it was the beginning of the end, for on October 30
Salem heard that the English general had surrendered at York-
town on October 19.
Meanwhile General Greene had led his forces south to free
South Carolina and Georgia, and the coming and going of
soldiers through Salem continued, though as a rule their
behaviour was better.
In November, 1781, and again in January, 1782, the North
Carolina Assembly met in Salem, both times failing to transact
business for lack of a quorum. The presence of so many dis-
tinguished guests taxed the resources of the town to the limit,
but was of lasting benefit, for the Assemblymen learned to
know and appreciate the men of Salem.
At the next election Traugott Bagge was elected a repre-
sentative from Surry County. He and Marshall attended the
April, 1782, session of the Assembly, held in Hillsboro, where
Marshall secured confirmation of his standing as Proprietor
of Wachovia, thereby putting to a definite end all danger of
confiscation of the Moravian properties. Bagge was appointed
auditor for Surry County in connection with claims for serv-
ices and supplies during the war, and with two auditors from
Guilford County sat in Salem as the Committee of Auditors
for the Upper Board of Salisbury District, beginning their
work on June 10.
On August 29, 1782, Bishop Graff died in Salem. He had
led his people well and had lived long enough to see the end
of hostilities and the prospect of peace.
On January 20, 1783, the Preliminary Treaty of Peace was
signed in Paris. The news reached Salem on April 19 and was
received with joy. On July 4 the Moravians of North Caro-
lina celebrated a Day of Thanksgiving proclaimed by Gov-
ernor Alexander Martin and sang with fervor a stanza written
for one of their services:
42 Forsyth, a County on the March
Peace is with us! Peace is with us,
People of the Lord!
Peace is with us! Peace is with us!
Hear the joyful word!
Let it sound from shore to shore!
Let it echo evermore!
Peace is with us! Peace is with us!
Peace, the gift of God.
The next twenty years were a building period in Salem,
during which many of its large houses were erected. First
came the Salem tavern. The frame house which had served so
well during the early years of Salem, burned in the very early
morning of January 31, 1784. There was no loss of life, but
little was saved except the tavern clock. The town was much
inconvenienced by the destruction of this house and at once
began to rebuild, replacing the frame structure by a substan-
tial brick building, with vaulted cellars.
A large part of the material used for the new tavern had
been prepared in anticipation of the building of a Sisters
House; so as soon as the tavern was completed, plans for the
Sisters House were again taken up, and this building was
erected in 1785. In it the unmarried women set up an organi-
zation which paralleled that of the Brothers House. All of
the crafts followed by the women of that day found place
there, and a special weave house was built and equipped. As
most of the men who had been weavers had entered other
business, this enterprise of the Sisters House w^as important
for a number of years.
In 1786 a brick addition was added to the Brothers House,
which doubled its size. In digging the foundation for this
addition a distressing accident occurred. One evening the
Brethren were working on the excavation for the basement.
Just at midnight a side wall caved in, burying one man com-
pletely and another partially. The second recovered quickly,
Around Salem Square 43
after he had been bled— bleeding was the approved ''first aid"
of that day. The first man, a shoemaker by the name of An-
dreas Kremser, was rescued as speedily as possible, but he was
so seriously injured that he died in two or three hours. There
is nothing in the incident (except the hour) to suggest a ghost
story, but the tradition of a "little red man" who haunted the
Brothers House persisted for many years. There have been
no reported appearances since electric lights were placed in
the house.
In 1788 lightning rods were installed on the more impor-
tant houses. In 1790 a paper mill was built immediately west
of the town by Gottlieb Schober, probably the most versatile
man who ever lived in Salem.
On the last day of May, 1791, President George Washing-
ton visited Salem. He was returning from his southern tour
and planned to remain only one night in Salem, but learning
that Governor Alexander Martin wished to wait upon him he
decided to remain two nights, apparently the only time on his
trip when he did this. He occupied the northeast room on the
second floor of Salem tavern and spent the day visiting the
shops of the town and other places of interest. The records
say that he was impressed by the waterworks, which had been
built during the war, partly to give work to the Brethren,
partly to secure permanent benefit from the constantly depre-
ciating currency. He visited the school for little boys, which
was told to continue as usual. As one awe-struck little fellow
read from "Noah Webster's spelling book" the words, "A
cat may look on a king," the President smiled and remarked
to the teacher, "They are thinking that now!" He also en-
joyed the music of the community, a feature of Salem which
from the beginning has attracted visitors.
In 1792 Salem was given a United States post office, with
Gottlieb Schober as the first postmaster.
In 1794 a house was built for the boys school. The first
story was of stone, the second of brick, the roof of tile; and
44 Forsyth, a County on the March
the vaulted cellar room, the cooking hearth, and the large
oven, make it an unusually suitable place for the present-day
Museum of the Wachovia Historical Society, for it is itself a
museum piece.
A house for the home and office of the Salem vorsteher
(treasurer of the congregation) was erected in 1797. It also
had vaulted cellars and stone walls for the first story, with
brick above. It required a minimum of remodeling in 1942 to
make it a safe depository for the archives of the Moravian
Church in North Carolina.
From 1798 to 1800 all efforts of the builders of Salem cen-
tered in the erection of the Church, a commodius brick struc-
ture, w^hich is still the Home Church of the Congregation
though the interior has twice been remodeled. It was con-
secrated on November 9, 1 800, with a province-wide gather-
ing on November 13, the anniversary of the organization of
the Congregation. An organ was built for the church by
David Tanneberger, of Lititz, Pennsylvania, though the case
was made in Salem by Johann Philip Bachmann, who came
from Lititz for the purpose.
Two other events of 1800 deserve mention. On February 22
Salem held a special service in the Meeting Hall in the Gemein
Haus in memory of General George Washington, who had
died on December 14 of the preceding year. In view of the
slow mail of that day Congress had recommended February 2 2
as an appropriate day of remembrance.
On April i "it pleased the Lord to bring to a blessed end
the life of our old, widowed, Br. Traugott Bagge, the mer-
chant here." At his funeral ru^o days later the number of
those attending was so large that the Meeting Hall could not
hold them. He had lived to see prosperity return to the town
and country that he had served so faithfully.
In 1 80 1 a large brick house at the east end of the present
Bank Street was built by Dr. Samuel Benjamin Vierling. The
Congregation leaders thought that the doctor was erecting too
Around Salem Square 45
large a house, but after his death it was bought by the Con-
gregation and has served as residence for a succession of Con-
gregation officials.
Three very different items mark the year of 1802. On Feb-
ruary 1 1 there passed away the ''heartily beloved and honored
Brother, Frederic William Marshall, who had served the
Unity with great faithfulness for sixty-nine years, of which
forty were in America, and most of them in Wachovia."
Cowpox had recently been discovered in Europe, and in
June the Salem people were inoculated by Dr. Vierling with
this new preventive against the dread scourge smallpox, and
very successfully.
On October 31 the leaders in Salem decided that the re-
quests of the past ten years should be answered, and that
arrangements should be made to accommodate daughters of
non-Moravian parents who wished their girls to share in the
education given in the Salem Girls School, now thirty years
old. The Reverend Samuel Gottlieb Kramsch was called as
the first inspector (principal), and plans were made for the
immediate construction of a suitable house, now known as
South Hall of Salem College. It took two years to build this
house but boarders and day scholars moved into it in 1804.
Until it was ready the boarding pupils lived in the Gemein
Haus, where the day school had been held since 1772.
The third announced purpose for which the Moravians
came to North Carolina was to take the Gospel to the Indians.
Circumstances had prevented this until 1801, when Gottlieb
Byhan and his wife were sent to Georgia to begin a mission
among the Cherokee Indians. Springplace became the center
of this work, which was continued by a succession of men
and women from Salem until 1836, when the Government of
the United States moved the Indians westward by force in
order to give their land to whites. The sympathies of the
missionaries were all with the Indians. They wanted to accom-
46 Forsyth, a County on the March
pany their flock, and when this proved inadvisable they jour-
neyed independently and joined the Indians in their new
abode. Ultimately the control of this Indian mission was trans-
ferred from Salem to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
In 1 807 two missionaries were sent to the Creek Indians on
Flint River, in Georgia, but local disturbances rendered the
place dangerous, and the men were recalled to Salem after a
few years.
Just as the War of 1 8 1 2 was breaking out, Lewis David von
Schweinitz and his wife journeyed from Europe to Salem.
In the days of sailing vessels the voyage from Europe to
America was long and dangerous. Six weeks was considered a
quick trip; six months was not unusual. Shipwreck was an
ever-present possibihty. One of the most thrilling voyage
diaries extant is the record that von Schweinitz kept during
his journey to America.
Lewis David von Schweinitz was born in Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania, where his father, the Reverend H. C. A. von
Schweinitz was serving in the Moravian Church. When
the father was called to another position in Europe, he took
his family with him; so Lewis David completed his education
in Moravian schools in Germany. While teaching in a boys
school in Niesky he gave much time to the study of the fungi
of Lusatia, and in collaboration with Professor von Albertini
published a beautifully illustrated book on the subject. This
won for him the Ph.D. degree from the University of Kiel,
and he is said to have been the first American-born man to
receive a doctor's degree.
In Salem he held the position in the church formerly held
by Marshall and served with great ability. He also continued
his botanical studies, and is sometimes called "the father of
American mycology." In 1822 he was called to Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania, where he died on February 4, 1834. His scien-
tific works were written in Latin, and for them he signed his
name de Schweinitz, and this form of the name was retained
Around Salem Square 47
by his four sons, all of whom entered the ministry of the
Moravian Church. Two of them returned to Salem and filled
important positions there.
The War of 18 12, which so nearly terminated the life of de
Schweinitz and his wife on their voyage to America, came to
an end in 1815. The first news of peace was celebrated in
Salem in the evening of March i with an illumination of the
town accompanied by processions and music. The Day of
Thanksgiving proclaimed by the President and Congress for
April 1 3 was observed with more formality in Salem and the
other congregations in Wachovia.
In the earlier years of Salem the store served many of the
purposes of a local bank. In July, 18 15, men of Salem secured
a branch of the Bank of Cape Fear, which had headquarters
in Wilmington. Named as agents were Charles F. Bagge,
Christian Blum, and Emanuel Schober. Blum promptly built
himself a house; and in 18 16 he became the active agent of
the branch bank. For some years things went smoothly, but
the income was insufficient for his needs, and early in 1827
he established a printing office. In December of that year
disaster overtook him. He was counting paper currency when
it was time to go to the church and light the candles. Leaving
the bills on the table he hastily blew out the lights, and so far
as could be ascertained a spark must have fallen on the paper,
for he had hardly reached the church when his table at home
was a mass of flames. The fire was put out before the house
caught, but an estimated $10,000 in currency was burned.
It looked as if Blum would be utterly ruined, for the head
office in Wilmington refused at first to believe the story; but
a compromise was effected by Charles Bagge, and Blum was
able to continue his printing business, though he lost his place
as bank agent.
At about the same time the banks in general were in finan-
cial difficulties. Men who had bought bank stock on credit
lost heavily when their loans were called, citizens of Salem
48 Forsyth, a County on the March
among the rest. The State Bank and the Bank of New Bern
liquidated. The Bank of Cape Fear also touched bottom, but
held on and regained credit. In 1847 a brick building was
erected for a new branch of the Bank of Cape Fear at the
southwest corner of Main Street and the cross street there-
after known as Bank Street.
In addition to his many other interests, Gottlieb Schober
had become a Lutheran minister, having accepted ordination
in that denomination in order to serve the scattered Lutheran
congregations still without pastoral service. His field was too
large for one man, and the Salem ministers often helped him
by holding services at one or another place when he was busy
elsewhere. One result of this co-operation was the establishing
of the Hopewell Sunday School, in September, 18 16.
Rippel's Church, or Hopewell, was about four miles south
of Salem, and several of the teachers in the Salem Girls
School, including one of Schober's daughters, volunteered to
go there every Sunday and conduct a school, in which they
would teach the children and young people to read so that
they might read the Bible. In addition, the scholars were
taught Bible verses and trained to sing hymns. The next year
a similar Sunday school was opened in Salem for the benefit
of the children of neighbors for whom there was no other
opportunity for education.
The young people of the Salem congregation did not need
this early type of Sunday school. Reading was taught in the
day schools of Salem, and religious instruction was given in
the children's meetings held during the week. What is now
the Home Moravian Sunday School was not begun until 1 849,
and then more in the modern manner.
On January 20, 1822, the Salem Female Missionary Society
was organized, primarily to foster religious work among the
Negroes, though also for the support of foreign missions.
There were not many Negroes living in the town of Salem,
but there were more on the neighboring farms. The Salem
Around Salem Square 49
board of elders therefore appointed the Reverend Abraham
Steiner to take charge of the work, and he immediately began
to hold meetings on the farms around Salem. Three of the
older Negroes were communicant members of the Salem con-
gregation, and around them a little Negro congregation was
gradually assembled. The first church ifor them was a small
log structure, consecrated in 1823. On March 4, 1827, a Sun-
day school was begun there by members of the Female Mis-
sionary Society. A new church was erected in 1861; to this a
large addition was made in 1890, and the name "St. Philips"
was given to it by Bishop Edward Rondthaler. The Female
Missionary Society, which changed its name to the Woman's
Missionary Society, has always maintained its interest in the
"colored church."
Dr. Frederic Schuman, who succeeded Dr. Vierling as one
of the Salem doctors, was very fond of music, and tradition
says that he trained the musicians who rendered Haydn's
oratorio, "The Creation," which was given in the Salem
church on July 4, 1829, and again in the church in 1833.
Blum printed the libretto, and on one copy in the Salem
Archives the names of the soloists have been written, so it is
known that one or both times (the libretto is not dated) Dr.
Schuman sang the part of Uriel in the first part, while Henry
Shultz sang it in the second part; Frederic Christian Meinung
sang the part of Raphael; and Antoinette Bagge the part of
Gabriel. In the trio with Uriel and Raphael, A. E. Crist took
the part of Gabriel.
In 1836 a beginning was made in introducing steam power
into Salem industries. As a result of stories of 15 to 20 per
cent profit made by other cotton factories in the state, the
Salem Cotton Manufacturing Company was organized, and
the first general meeting of the company was held on July 9.
Stock amounting to $50,000 was quickly subscribed by thirty
stockholders, who paid $200 per share. An agent was ap-
50 Forsyth, a County on the March
pointed; a substantial factory building was erected, with the
necessary other houses for employees; an engine was bought
in Baltimore; spindles and looms were installed.
During the early years business was satisfactory, but by
1847 the picture had changed. Debtors were numerous, and
so were creditors. The panic caused by the Mexican War
made it impossible to collect debts. Cotton was high; the price
of "domesticks" and yarn was relatively low. In November,
1849, it was decided "to wind up as soon as possible." The
larger stockholders protected the creditors who did not own
stock, and took heavy losses. In March, 1854, the plant was
bought by John Morehead of Greensboro.
Morehead sold the property to Rufus L. Patterson, who ran
it as a grist mill. During the Civil War it was again a yarn
mill, owned by Robert Gray and Peter Wilson. Later it was
bought by the firm of F. & H. Fries, and was again for some
years a grist mill. The property (at the end of Cherry Street,
on the south side of Brookstown Avenue) is now used by the
Western Electric Company.
While the cotton factory was sliding down hill Francis
Fries was developing a wool mill on lot No. 103, on the north-
west corner of New Shallowford Street and Salt Street
(Brookstown Avenue and South Liberty Street) . Fries leased
the lot in February, 1 840, and immediately began to erect the
factory, placing it in the middle of the lot on the east side of
the small branch which ran across the lot. A wood-burning
steam engine furnished the power, and the first wool rolls
were carded on June 17. Spinning was commenced on Octo-
ber 31. Looms were added, and in May, 1842, Fries could
announce to the public that he expected "to keep constantly
on hand a good assortment of Rolls, common Yarn, Stocking
Yarn ready twisted, and cheap Lindseys and Cloths of differ-
ent colors, qualities and prices." By May of the next year
"good, heavy Jeans" had been added to the hne, and became
one of the most popular products.
Around Salem Square 51
On March 5, 1846, Francis Fries took into partnership his
younger brother, Henry W. Fries, who had already been
helping him in the mill. Connections were made with business
firms in the North; and trade spread widely in the South.
During the Civil War the Fries mills worked largely on the
cloth used for the Confederate uniforms.
Francis Fries died in 1863. His brother remained the head
of the firm to the end of his long life; the three sons of
Francis Fries became partners as they reached the age of
twenty-one years. The property was ultimately sold to the
Southbound Railway Company and the site is now occupied
by the freight station of that Company.
In January, 1852, the Fayette ville and Western Plank Road
had reached High Point, and application was made to the
Salem church boards for right of way over the Salem land.
This was gladly granted, for the plank road was then a very
modern form of improved highway. Wooden rails were laid,
with planks placed side by side across them. It is said that
the planks were not nailed down; so the road must have been
a very noisy and very impermanent affair, but at least it kept
the wagons above the mud. A Mr. Cooper was the engineer,
and a committee was appointed to confer with him as to how
the road would be run through Salem. It was decided to grade
Main Street from the south corner of the Square to New
Shallowford Street, the planks to be laid in the center, while
the town would pave the rest of the street on each side.
Fries wanted the road to turn west at New Shallowford
Street and pass his factory; and when others decided that it
must go "past the hotels" into Winston, he built a spur track
on New Shallowford, meeting the main road a short distance
west of town on its way to Bethania. The plan had been to
extend it much farther to the west, but this was never done.
After the Civil War, Mr. George Hinshaw wanted to buy
a lot on Cherry Street which had been crossed by the road
after it turned west in Winston. Former stockholders of the
52 Forsyth, a County on the March
Plank Road claimed that the land covered by the right of way
had been given to them, but lawyers ruled that a permit to
use became void when the purpose for which it was granted
had ceased to exist. The Union Bus Station now stands at that
Three other items may be noted that belong to the period
before the Civil War.
In 1 84 1 the Belo home was erected. Edward Belo was
trained as a cabinet-maker, but he had ambitions to become a
merchant; so he gave up his position as a master cabinet-maker
and opened a small store in the house on the northeast corner
of Main and Bank streets, originally the "skin-house," but
more recently the home of his father Frederic Belo. The small
store prospered, and Edward Belo bought the home from his
widowed mother, who moved to the Widows House. He also
bought the home of his brother, Lewis Belo, and in the place
of these two small houses he erected the large house. His store
occupied the Main Street floor; his family lived on the second
floor, entering from Bank Street, and his clerks roomed on the
third floor. The iron grill-work on the portico and in the
fence and the three iron animals on the parapet beside
the steps were made at his foundry north of town.
In 1849 Stokes County was divided, and the Forsyth
County commissioners bought 52^/4 acres of Salem land for
the new county seat. Small as was the price paid, it enabled
the Salem church boards to complete their payments to the
Unity Administration for the entire Salem tract and so made
possible the abrogation of the lease system in Salem in 1856.
During the years various improvements had been made at
the house which accommodated the girls school, and two
additions had been built; but more room was needed, and in
1854 the old Gemein Haus was taken down, and a large brick
building (Main Hall) was erected in its place.
Even this was not sufficient when the Civil War came.
Parents in more exposed sections thought of Salem as a safe
Around Salem Square 53
place for their daughters. So many came that all available
space was used and place for more was found in homes in the
town. ''We have no more beds, but if you will furnish beds
we will try to take care of your daughters," was one message
sent to prospective patrons.
Food for so large a group was a serious problem. Governor
Vance sent sugar from captured supplies. Former pupils later
remembered with some amusement the picture made by their
dignified Inspector (Principal) as he bestrode a horse behind
a herd of swine which he was helping to drive to town for
the Academy table.
The first volunteer company to go out from Salem was led
by Captain Alfred H. Belo, son of Edward Belo. A flag was
made for them by some of their friends, and the young ladies
stood on the steps of the Belo home as they presented it to the
young soldiers grouped on the pavement below. A few days
later the company gathered in front of Main Hall, and Bishop
George Bahnson gave them his blessing as they left for the
front. Their flag is now in the Confederate Museum in Rich-
mond, Virginia. Another flag, made for Captain Wharton's
company, is in the Museum of the Wachovia Historical
Society in Winston-Salem.
Near the close of the war Stoneman's Brigade approached
Salem. Stoneman and part of his force went to Salisbury to
tear up the railroad there; General Palmer and the rest of the
men came to Salem. A scouting party went out to see whether
the troops were actually approaching, for there had been
several false alarms. This time they appeared, the scouts were
obliged to scatter, and most of them lost their horses; but
word was brought to Salem and the Reverend Robert de
Schweinitz, the Inspector of the Academy, and Joshua Boner,
Mayor of the town, went out to meet them and to ask for
protection for the School and for the residents of the town.
The Inspector tied his white handkerchief to his cane and
waved it as a flag of truce, but the soldiers paid no attention
54 Forsyth, a County on the March
to him, and he impulsively grasped the rein of the horse on
which the General was riding. The General reached for his
pistol, and (he never knew why) the Inspector exclaimed:
"I am de Schweinitz!" In utter surprise the General put his
pistol back into the holster, and said, "I had a teacher of that
name when I was in school in Lititz."
Perhaps because of this early and pleasantly remembered
contact with the Moravians, perhaps because he knew the war
was nearly over and did not wish to cause needless destruc-
tion—whatever the cause— the General did give the School
and the town the desired protection. Some stores were seized,
much food was demanded by the soldiers and was prepared
for them, but there was none of the ruthless destruction of
property so frequently occurring in war.
Reconstruction brought its own problems to Salem. The
wool mill sent two men to the south to gather up the cotton
which had been bought but not delivered. The railroad had
been broken in various places, but the cotton which could
not be brought to Salem was taken to the nearest seaport and
shipped to the North, which re-established credit there. The
method of purchase and sale by barter had continued through-
out the war and could still be used. Most of the former slaves
continued to serve the famihes which had been kind to them
before the war.
The Salem Female Academy suffered severely, for parents
elsewhere were generally not in a position to send their
daughters away for an education. The School, already ninety-
four years old, took out a charter in 1866, giving it legally all
the rights and privileges of a college. Gradually, as times grew
better, the number of pupils increased again; the preparatory
grades were dropped; the Academy and College were sepa-
rated; and the Academy was transplanted into buildings of
its own beyond the ravine, while the College kept the old
frontage on Salem Square.
Moravian Church finances were complicated by the serious
losses during the war, which had swept away practically all
Around Salem Square 55
its invested funds. When the Reverend Edward Rondthaler
came as pastor of Salem Congregation in 1877, he drew the
leading laymen of Salem into church affairs again, and the
members in general began to open their pocketbooks in a way
which had not seemed necessary until then.
As Winston grew, Salem men showed more and more inter-
est in it and shared in the businesses established there.
The town of Salem was incorporated in 1856, with Charles
Brietz as the first mayor.
The "Congregation of United Brethren of Salem and its
Vicinity" was incorporated in 1874; the "Board of Provincial
Elders of the Southern Province of the Moravian Church or
Unitas Fratrum" was incorporated in 1877. Bishop Emil A.
de Schweinitz, the last of the Proprietors of Wachovia, con-
veyed to the respective boards the lands properly belonging
to them, and the trusteeship, a century and a quarter old,
came to an end.
For a number of years Winston and Salem lived side by
side, two municipalities but in truth a Twin City— as it was
often called. The postoffices were consolidated by Mr. Philip
Lybrook, postmaster in Winston, who saw in the increased
size of the office an opportunity to give the citizens city
delivery of the mail, and the name Winston-Salem was given
at that time. In 191 3, by vote of the people, the two cities
were united in government, as they had been united in interest
for many years.
WINSTON, unlike Salem, was established with
little planning for its future development.
Indeed, the only planning for the new town
over the line from Salem was the laying out of
a central square for the courthouse and the extension as high-
ways of the Salem streets of Main and Salt (afterwards
Liberty) northward to Seventh and the laying out of cross
streets east and west, also as highways.
The pen-and-ink map of early Winston preserved in the
Moravian Archives shows that the Winston of 1849 com-
prised the territory included between Church and Trade
(formerly Old Town) as far north as Sixth and between
Main and Trade as far north as Seventh.
This tract of 51 i/i acres, which for the sum of $256.25 the
county commissioners purchased from Salem Congregation
for the county seat of Forsyth, was divided into seventy-one
lots, not counting the site of the courthouse. The first sale of
these lots at public auction was held May 12, 1849, and Robert
Gray bought the first, number 41, site of Wachovia Bank and
Trust Company, for $465. On June 22, 1849, the second sale
of lots was held. The purchasers at these two sales, many of
them buying more than one, were Robert Gray, David Blum,
Isaac Gibson, John S. Brown, J. Sanders, J. A. Waugh,
Thomas J. Wilson, John Keller, D. Starbuck, Thomas Sid-
dall, Thomas Ayres, A. J. Stafford, John Pepper, F. C.
Meinung, John Masten, C. L. Banner, Christian Reed, David
Cook, Joshua Bethel, Francis Fries, J. P. Vest, I. Golding,
A. Nicholson, A. Vogler, Christian Hege, J. H. White, P.
Hopkins, R. Walker, D. Collins, Henry Holder, S. Mickey,
Edward Reich, J. Vogler, Jacob Tise, J. Ferrabe, Joseph
It is of interest to know that before Winston was set-
tled there was one dwelling on the site of the county-seat-
to-be, the substantial, two-story home of Judge Thomas J.
Wilson, at Second and Main streets. Judge Wilson, so the
6o Forsyth, a County on the March
story goes, wishing to live in the country, obtained from the
Moravian Congregation a lease on the land upon which he
built his home place. This was evidently before the year 1849,
for the deed to Judge Wilson from Salem Congregation, dated
May 12, 1849, recites that T. J. Wilson lived on the site under
a lease and that upon the paying of a reasonable and moderate
sum ($133.00) he was to have conveyed to him the said lot in
fee simple.
The second house erected in Winston was that of Mr.
Jesse Kennedy on Liberty Street near First, according to the
statement of Air. Robert Gray (son of Mr. Robert Gray, Sr.,
one of the founders of Winston) , in his Fourth of July ora-
tion in 1876. The first stores erected were those of Harmon
Miller, Robert Gray, Sr., Sullivan & Bell, and William
The first mayor of the small town was William Barrow;
the first police officer, Hezekiah Thomas, who in addition to
his other duties was required to patrol the town at night,
stopping at each corner and sounding his trumpet to let the
inhabitants know that he was on his job and ready for any
For two years after the erection of Forsyth, its county seat
had no name. There were some who thought that it should be
called Salem. As the courthouse neared completion, however,
that idea caused dissatisfaction. So the Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, which had charge of county aff^airs, ordered
that the sheriff of Forsyth call for an election to name the
new town by popular vote.
For some reason this motion of the court was lost, and it
was not until the January, 185 1, meeting of the General
Assembly that a name was finally decided upon for Forsyth's
county seat. Colonel Alarshall, who lived in the Salem Chapel
section of the county, introduced the bill giving the name
Winston to the town. An act was passed, and on January 15,
1 85 1, this Act was ratified. It was two months later that the
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 6i
name Winston appears for the first time in county records
when on March 17, 185 1, the minutes state that "Court was
opened and held at the Court-House in the town of Winston."
It seems strange that Colonel Marshall should have selected
the name of a Virginian rather than a native North Carolinian
for the county seat of Forsyth. It is true that Joseph Winston,
for whom our town was named, lived for years in Surry
County, later Stokes, but the first twenty-three years of his
hfe he spent in Virginia, where, in Louisa County on June 17,
1746, he was born and where at an early age he made a name
for himself as an Indian fighter. In an expedition against fron-
tier Indians he was severely wounded. Unable to walk, he
was carried on the back of a comrade to a place of conceal-
ment where for three days he lived on wild berries.
About 1769 Joseph Winston moved from Virginia to North
Carolina and settled on a fork of the Dan River, where, as the
old records state, he might have a view of the mountains
whose cloud-capped summits seemed within a squirrel's jump
of heaven.
During the Revolutionary period he was a daring fighter.
At the battle of King's Mountain he so distinguished himself
that the General Assembly of North Carolina voted him an
''elegant" sword. Twice he represented his district in Con-
gress; and when his section of Surry became Stokes, he was
five times elected senator from Stokes.
On April 21, 18 15, he died, leaving a large family; among
his children were three sons born at a single birth. One of
these triplets became a major general; another a judge; and
the third, removing to Mississippi, became lieutenant gov-
ernor of that state.
Major Joseph Winston was buried in his family plot in
Germanton, Stokes County. Much later his remains and his
tombstone were removed to the Guilford Battle Ground, and
placed where he had fought in the crucial engagement at
Guilford Courthouse.
62 Forsyth, a County on the March
Of the beginning days of Winston no records have been
found. The first mention of the town is the following item
from the February 8, 185 1, issue of the People's Press of
"Our young neighbor-town Winston can boast of the Hall
of Justice, which stands out in bold relief— an ornament to
the county and surpassed by few, if any, buildings of the
kind in the State. There let Justice reign supreme.
"Then comes the Prison House— not yet completed, rather
a gloomy looking place. May the mere sight of its grated
windows prove a terror to evildoers and its cells ever remain
"Several dwellings, store-houses, hotels, and a Church [the
Methodist Protestant on Liberty and Seventh, present site of
the First Methodist Episcopal Church] have been erected and
in part occupied. Other buildings are in process."
On March 22, 185 1, the People's Press again refers to the
new town across Salem line:
"A new Post Office," the editor states, "has been established
at Winston, John P. Vest, Esq., Postmaster," and among the
advertisements he gives notice that "the subscriber, John B.
Panky, is determined to open an English and Classical School
in Winston, his terms for the first five months being $15 for
language, $10 for higher branches of English and $3 for lower.
Outside pupils can obtain board in Salem for $5 or $6 per
Board for Mr. Panky's "outside pupils" must have been in
keeping with the cost of living in the community, for accord-
ing to the market prices listed in the People's Press of the day
flour was 7 dollars a barrel, lard 8 cents a pound, butter 1 2 V2
cents a pound, eggs 5 cents a dozen, and chickens 6 to 8 cents
a pound.
Slowly but steadily little Winston grew, and on January 3,
1852, we find editor Blum writing in the People's Press, "An
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 63
occasional walk to our adjoining neighbor Winston never
fails to impress us with the growing importance of that place.
New and tasty buildings have been erected in 1851 and others
are in progress. The citizens of Winston mostly display that
neatness in the erection of their dwellings which strikes the
Within the pages of the Books of Minutes of the first com-
missioners of Winston, an item here and there helps one to
reconstruct life as it was in the beginning days of Forsyth's
county town.
Book One of these records starts with the organization,
April 15, 1859, of the first Board of Commissioners— William
Barrow, mayor (who like the other early mayors of Winston
received no remuneration other than grateful thanks for the
time and effort spent upon the upbuilding of the community)
and Robert Gray, H. A. Holder, Jacob Tise, Henry Renegar,
N. S. Cook, Franklin L. Gorrell, and A. J. Stafford, commis-
sioners, elected for one year.
Problems dealing with the retailing of spirituous liquor
within village bounds— the issuing of hquor licenses, the dis-
position of drunkards, the appointment of constable and
patrolmen to keep order, the erection of a calaboose— occupy
a large place in these early town records.
One of the first laws made by the commissioners. May 1 1 ,
1859, related to the punishment of a person found drunk on
the street; he was to be committed to jail until he became
sober and then he was to be taken to the whipping post and
given not less than 15 lashes nor more than 39.
Next to liquor, taxes, and the keeping up of public high-
ways, the question most perplexing to the early commissioners
of Winston was what to do about the dogs that ran at large
on the streets, and the cows and the hogs.
Winston's thrifty householders at this time raised hogs on
their premises, and many of them were none too particular
64 Forsyth, a County on the March
in keeping them in their pens. Indeed, hogs-at-large became
such a nuisance that at one session, December 27, 1871, the
commissioners went so far as to appoint a committee to confer
with a like committee from Salem as to the necessity and
feasibility of forming a hog association of mutual interest to
both communities.
Characteristic of the spirit of the friendly little Winston of
the 1 870's— population four or five hundred— is the resolution
passed during the administration of Mayor T. T. Best and
Commissioners Cyrus B. Watson, Edward Spaugh, J. S.
White, P. C. Miller, and Henry Holder concerning one J. N.
Mathes (of whom nothing can be found except this one
reference to him).
It seems that these officials felt especially grateful to Mathes
for the interest he had manifested in town affairs during their
administration, and so, leaving on record: "Everything he
touches thrives," they passed the resolution that this co-opera-
tive citizen be given not only a vote of thanks but a gift of a
pair of breeches and a gourd— and to purchase this gift the
individual members of the Board brought out from their own
pockets the sum of $7.15.
There was little to break the monotony of every-day life in
early Winston. General muster, with the marching and drill-
ing of village and county boys and men to the sound of fife
and drum, through mutual interest drew together in friendly
intercourse people of all classes. A "big meeting" at the
Methodist Episcopal Church, corner of Sixth and Liberty,
with its hearty singing and shouting, was also an occasion for
old and young to mingle not only in spiritual fellowship but
in neighborly companionship. But the outstanding occasions
in the social life of the community were the regularly re-
curring sessions of court, with the attendant crowds, noisy
and good-natured, blocking the muddy streets, talking
politics, swapping horses, crowding village stores.
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 65
During court week everybody in the county came to town,
and everybody in town went to courthouse square, not so
much for the purpose of attending to legal affairs as to mingle
with the crowds and have a general good time.
On horseback, on foot, the people would come to town—
in covered wagons bearing the trademarks of the Nissen or
Spach Wagon Works of Waughtown,— with fresh eggs, kegs
of butter, beeswax, dried fruit, to barter at village stores for
shoes and dishpans and dress materials, all packed in with the
women and children and family dogs.
If from a distance, the families in wagons would come pre-
pared to camp out at night in the vacant lot where now stands
the O'Hanlon Building, their gay patch quilts on the wagon
seats, their frying pans, huge tin coffee pots, and lanterns
swinging on the backs of the wagons.
In 1854 the Plank Road from Fayetteville to Bethania was
completed, passing through Winston where now a narrow
alley from Liberty to Trade separates the tall stores on either
side. The coming in of the stage coach along the Plank Road,
with the driver announcing his arrival by shrill blasts from his
tin horn, caused housewives to run to their doors, craftsmen
and merchants and attorneys-at-law to lay aside their tasks.
In the 1850's party spirit ran high in our community. For
the purpose of boosting General Winfield Scott for the presi-
dency of the United States and William A. Graham of North
Carolina for his running mate, the Whigs of Winston and of
Salem formed the Chippewa Club, which every Monday
night during the campaign met in the courthouse for fiery
Whig speeches interspersed with enlivening strains from the
Salem Brass Band.
On October 23, 1852, the Chippewas had a great Scott and
Graham Day. By ten in the morning the streets were thronged
—loyal Whigs came not only from all parts of Forsyth and
Stokes but from Guilford and Davidson and Randolph.
66 Forsyth, a County on the March
Amid the firing of cannons, the procession under Chief
Marshal Colonel Matthias Masten and his associate marshals—
R. W. Wharton, Dr. Samuel Martin, Edwin Leight, A. Staub,
Matthew Boner— and headed by the Salem Brass Band in their
chariot drawn by four richly caparisoned horses, slowly
moved in solid columns, with banners and flags waving, from
Salem Tavern up Main Street to the courthouse.
"From windows and balconies," the Weekly Press tells
us, "ladies waved their handkerchiefs, betokening that their
cheers and smiles were for the Old Hero of Lunday's Lane.
The enthusiastic multitude in response burst into shout after
shout for The Ladies! Scott and Graham!
"At the Courthouse there was great speaking; the elector
for the district, Ralph Gorrell, Esq. of Guilford, enhancing
the attention of the audience for two hours in a peculiarly
argumentative speech."
Then came the barbecue— 3,000 pounds of meat with great
bowls of steaming soup and other good things in proportion
spread on long tables in the Square.
Speech-making followed the barbecue until sundown, and
then, after a short intermission for supper, the hearty Whigs
reassembled for more speeches until far into the night.
When in 1861 the call came for volunteers for the Con-
federate cause, the Winston men and boys of military age
began at once to prepare for military service; they were for-
tunate in having as their drill master a fellow citizen who in
the Mexican War had served under General Taylor— the
"patriotic and indefatigable Colonel Joseph Masten." In June,
1 86 1, the three local companies of Winston and Salem and
Forsyth volunteers— the Forsyth Rifles under Captain Alfred
H. Belo, the Forsyth Greys under Captain Rufus Wharton,
the "stout and able-bodied men" of Captain Frank P. Miller's
Company— left to join the army assembling in Virginia.
Only once during the fierce struggle between the North
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 67
and the South was Winston invaded by enemy troops. On
April 10, 1865, three thousand cavalrymen under General
Palmer of Stoneman's Brigade passed through the town and
encamped for the night beyond Salem Creek.
When a day or two before this there had come rumors
that Stoneman's Brigade, which had done much harm to the
countryside to the west and northwest, was on the march
toward Winston and Salem, there was great excitement in the
county town. There was no way to protect the courthouse
and its records; the young men of the village had marched
off to war or returned crippled or disabled by wounds and
lack of proper nourishment.
From the official report of Clerk of Court John Blackburn
we learn of the state of affairs when at length the men on the
lookout for the enemy came dashing back from Liberty to
the Square with word that the dreaded invaders had actually
appeared on the outskirts of the town.
In his graphic way. Clerk of Court Blackburn makes us see
his nervous haste as, searching through his records in the un-
guarded courthouse, he tumbles the most valuable of the
papers into a sack, and with sack over his shoulders, journals
and minute books under his arm, rushes out of the building
across the street to the Widow Long's house to deposit with
her the sack, and then on to Mrs. Emily Webb's and to
Franklin L. Gorrell's with his other documents.
His papers off his mind, the Clerk of Court joined the
Salem delegation, going northward up Liberty, white hand-
kerchiefs in hand, to surrender to the oncoming host the key
of their town.
The Salem delegation was composed of the principal of
Salem Academy, the Reverend Robert de Schweinitz; Mr.
R. L. Patterson; and the Mayor of Salem, Joshua Boner; with
this group was Mayor Thomas J. Wilson of Winston.
Clerk Blackburn in his graphic style makes us feel the tense-
68 Forsyth, a County on the March
ness in the air, the long waiting for the enemy; and then as
General Palmer and his staff appear, he makes us see the wav-
ing of the white handkerchiefs, the response of the Yankee
"One of our company," writes Blackburn, "introduced
himself to General Palmer and then introduced the others to
him, and he introduced us to several of his officers and invited
us to accom.pany him into town.
"Which we did," he concludes.
The events which took place in our community during the
summer of the Surrender, we would never have known had
not the Moravians kept accurate records in their congrega-
tional diaries and memorabilia of 1865.
From these sources we learn that on Sunday afternoon
May 14, 1865, several hundred troops of the Ohio Volunteer
Cavalry under a Colonel Saunderson arrived in Winston to
take military charge of Winston and Salem; on July 13, 1865,
they departed.
The Federals set up camp on what is now the R. J. Rey-
nolds parking lot behind City Hall and the adjacent (then)
vacant property to the south as far perhaps as Belews Street,
Salem. The officers, according to Salem Diary, took residence
in the homes of Mr. Joseph Lineback and Air. Edward Hege,
of Salem, and (according to another authentic source of in-
formation) in the home of Judge D. H. Starbuck, present site
of City Hall.
As to conditions under military rule, the Salem Diary gives
the following hints:
''May 25, 186^. One of the Federal soldiers was killed today
by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of a
drunken comrade.
''July 2. The heat is unusually great and diseases begin to
show themselves. Dead horses are not removed sufficiently far
from town by the soldiers and spread a very unpleasant and
unhealthy smell.
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 69
''July 75. On Monday the soldiers had been paid off and
since then many had not seen a sober moment. Though
professing to be the friends and liberators of the colored
people, they treated some of them with inhuman barbarity.
The officers were, with a very few honorable exceptions,
extremely immoral men and the privates followed suit. Their
influence upon the community was evil and only evil and that
continually." (This last entry seems to have been written after
the departure of the troops.)
The sound of the horn on February 14, 1872, for the open-
ing of Major T. J. Brown's warehouse (an old stable on Lib-
erty near Fifth converted into a warehouse) for the first sale
of leaf tobacco in Winston marked the beginning of a new
era in the history of the town.
Before this time the sale of dried fruit and berries had been
the main source of ready money for the village— the yearly
sales at one store alone, that of Pfohl and Stockton, Main
Street facing west and Third Street, amounting to more than
$50,000. For years after the sale and manufacture of tobacco
became the chief industry of the town, the buying and selling
of dried fruit continued to be profitable. The late Bishop
Edward Rondthaler, who came to Winston-Salem in 1877,
when asked toward the close of his life, by a news reporter,
what had impressed him most in passing through Winston for
the first time, replied that it was the evidence of big business
done in dried fruit— the sight of boxes and boxes on the streets
filled with dried fruit waiting to be shipped by train and
Soon after Major Brown opened the first warehouse in
Winston, there was so much tobacco "rolled in" to the vicinity
of the warehouse that the town commissioners had to pass
an ordinance forbidding this way of conveying barrels and
hogsheads of tobacco along village streets.
At this time and for years afterwards the streets of Winston
were ungraded and unpaved, and it was no unusual sight to
70 Forsyth, a County on the March
see the horses drawing covered wagons of tobacco or dried
fruit floundering in the mud and the wagons mired up to the
Between the present site of the Charles store and the State
Theatre there was a ravine so deep that anyone standing on
Liberty Street near Seventh could watch a covered wagon,
going south on Liberty, disappear as it dipped into Fifth
Street and then slowly reappear as it came up on the other
side of the cross street.
Another deep ravine extended across the street at the cor-
ner of Trade and Fourth, opposite where now the Anchor
Store is located; at this point pedestrians had to cross the
street on a foot-log over a running stream fifteen feet below.
From the O'Hanlon corner, at Fourth and Liberty, the
street descended sharply to Trade and from Trade it sharply
ascended to Cherry.
The lack of street lamps after sundown added greatly to
the inconvenience of pedestrians and the danger of driving
after dark. When in January, 1878, the town commissioners
gave the order for eleven new kerosene street lamps to be put
up. Editor Goslen of the Uiiion Republican declared in his
January 17 issue: "We think it will take not eleven more new
lamps but 1,400 more to light up the town sufficiently enough
for a person to see how to get out of the mud."
However, the placing of additional street lamps seems not
to have solved the light question of early Winston, for even
after the coming in of the railroad, freight continued to be so
irregular that often the town, sometimes for a week at a time,
was without kerosene for public or private use.
On Saturday afternoon, July 11, 1873, the first train
crossed the high trestle, 320 feet long and 70 feet high— at the
time the highest bridge of its kind in the state-onto the tracks
leading to the tiny railroad station, site of the present freight
depot. The whole town, black and white, old and young, had
trudged down to the banks of Salem Creek and to the near-by
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 71
hills to watch, with the assembled throngs from Salem, the
passing of the iron horse over the high bridge.
At the first signs of the black smoke of the "harnessed
steam," the Salem Band burst into strains of welcome, and as
with a roar the noisy visitant to the quiet bounds of the
Moravian town approached the trestle and in safety passed
from one end to the other, the expectant crowds mingled their
shouts with the triumphant blast of the brass horns.
Commemorating the looth anniversary of American inde-
pendence, Winston together with Salem had a grand and
glorious celebration on July 4, 1876.
At the dawn of day the sleepy dwellers of the towns were
awakened by the music of tin horns, pans, and bells as small
boys paraded the streets. Then, as the sun arose, a salute of
thirteen guns was fired and for half an hour the bells from
every church, factory, and the courthouse pealed forth their
joyous notes. At nine o'clock the procession began moving
from Courthouse Square southward along Main Street.
Preceded by the Salem Brass Band came three colorful
floats. The first, a car drawn by six horses, containing thirteen
girls, beautifully adorned, represented the thirteen original
states. The second, an immense car drawn by ten horses, con-
tained girls who in their distinctive costumes represented the
various states comprising the Union in 1876. The third,
drawn by four horses, bore the Goddess of Liberty, supported
on each side by a girl, appropriately draped, representing the
products of North Carolina.
On Salem Square the patriotic exercises were held. Colonel
R. L. Patterson made the anniversary address, and Robert
Gray, Esq., of Raleigh, a son of Robert Gray, Sr., one of the
founders of Winston, reviewed in fine literary style the his-
tory of Salem and of Winston.
At 2:30 in the afternoon there was another parade— a fan-
tastic parade as it was called— of sixty young men dressed as
oddities, from gypsies to Indians, from the elephant accom-
72 Forsyth, a County on the March
panying a John Robinson show to the traveling menagerie of
a second P. T. Bamum.
After nightfall, with a grand display of fireworks on
Cherry Street, Winston, the glorious and long-to-be-remem-
bered Fourth of July celebration ended.
Winston from its very earliest days was a church-going
community, the Methodist outnumbering the other denom-
inations. The first Methodist prayer meeting of which any
record has been preserved was held in the early 1 840's in the
old Nading home at the extreme end of what is now North
Liberty Street but, in the 1 840's, was the tiny village of
Liberty. This prayer meeting was conducted by the pioneer
Methodist preachers of this section, the Reverend John Al-
spaugh, the Reverend Alfred Norman, whose son the Rev-
erend W. C. Norman forty-odd years later became pastor of
Old Centenary on Liberty and Sixth, and by Mr. Lewis
Rights, who afterwards became a Moravian minister.
The first church edifice erected in Winston was the Prot-
estant Methodist (now the First Methodist Church) on
Liberty and Seventh. As early as 1 842 the Protestant Method-
ists were worshipping as a congregation in a small log house
in the scattered settlement known as Liberty; when Forsyth
County was erected, the congregation purchased the Liberty
lot in the county seat, and in 1850 built on this lot a neat
frame church. In 1876 this frame church building was moved
to the back of the property, facing Old Town Road (now
Trade Street), and a brick building was erected at the cost
of $3,500.
It is of interest to know that this first church edifice became
a tobacco factory, the pioneer tobacconists C. J. Ogburn and
W. P. Hill for years carrying on their manufacture of plug
tobacco in the building located on Old Town and Seventh
The Methodist Episcopal denomination built the second
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 73
church in Winston. It was formerly the custom for this de-
nomination to form first a society and then from the society
organize a church. The Methodist Episcopal Church of
Winston had its beginning in a society known as the "Mul-
berry Tree Society," so called because the "big meetings" of
the Society were held in the open under a large mulberry tree
(in the neighborhood of the Children's Home) . In time this
Mulberry Tree Society expanded into the Old Jerusalem
Church, the house of worship being a stout frame building
on a hill not so far from the historic mulberry tree. When
Forsyth County was erected, the congregation sold the Jeru-
salem Church property and with the proceeds of the sale of
the land and the sale of the lumber, which was hauled to
Winston, purchased a lot for the sum of $79.25, in Winston,
at the corner of Liberty and Sixth, and began the building of
a simple, unpretentious house of worship which in time was
replaced by the handsome Old Centenary Church.
It was quite an undertaking for the small group from the
Old Jerusalem Church and the handful of the denomination
residing in the village to build their Winston church. Under
the leadership of the zealous and indefatigable pastor of the
congregation, the Reverend W. W. Albea, affectionately
called Uncle Albea, and through the "constant support, aid,
and encouragement" of Mr. Robert Gray and Mr. John
Sanders, both of whom were among the first to establish
themselves in business in the county town, the congregation
would build awhile and then when their funds were ex-
hausted, they would stop building operations, give again to
the limit of their individual ability, solicit gifts from their
friends, and start building again.
It was a great day when finally the small church was com-
pleted and the congregation gathered for the dedication. Dr.
Charles F. Deems, who later became founder and pastor of
the Church of the Strangers, New York City, preached the
74 Forsyth, a County on the March
sermon. Dr. Deems was a small man and in order to be seen
above the pulpit, he had to stand on a box placed behind the
\\'hile the Methodist Episcopal Church was in process of
building, the congregation worshipped in the courthouse. In
the early days of Winston it was customary for the various
denominations, before the erection of their church edifices, to
hold preaching services in the courthouse.
In i860 the Reverend Frontis H. Johnston, at the solicita-
tion of Judge Thomas J. Wilson and Mr. Hezekiah D. Lott,
began holding, every month or so, preaching services in the
courthouse for the four or five Presbyterians in the commu-
nity and their interested friends.
Judge Wilson was not, at this time, a Presbyterian, but
through the reading of the Bible, the study of history, and
occasional attendance on Presbyterian preaching while on
his circuit, he had become convinced that a church holding
the Presbyterian doctrine was needed in the growing county
seat of Forsyth.
And it was in the parlor of the young lawyer's home. Sec-
ond and Main streets, that the Presbyterian Church of Win-
ston, the first church of this faith in the county, was con-
stituted, as the records say, on Saturday, October 5, 1862,
with eight charter members: Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Gor-
rell, Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah D. Lott, Judge and Mrs. Thomas
J. Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, mother of Judge Wilson,
and Mrs. Catherine E. Wharton, the wife of a prominent
physician in the county. Mrs. Rufus L. Patterson, who during
the planning for the organization of the church had been
most active and liberal, was called to her heavenly home {ivQ
months before the plans were perfected.
On Sunday, October 6, the small brick church on Cherry
Street was dedicated. The pastor, the Reverend F. H. John-
ston, preached from the text. Psalms 84: 11; the six children
of the congregation— Flora Virginia, Sarah Lena, Arthur Pat-
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 75
terson, and Henry Stokes Lott and Edgar Henry and Jose-
phine Elizabeth Wilson— were baptized, and the three men
of the congregation were duly elected Ruling Elders and
ordained. Of the eight charter members of the Presbyterian
Church, two joined from the Methodist Episcopal Church,
one from the Methodist Protestant, and one was of Quaker
The First Baptist Church was organized on September 22,
1 87 1, in the courthouse by Elders F. M. Jordan and Robert
Gourley with Eve charter members: Alfred Holland, the first
Baptist who located in Winston, and four women. Miss
Nannie E. Holland, Miss Nannie Marshall, Mrs. Permelia
Jones, and Miss Sarah F. Kerr.
In the Biblical Recorder of some years ago Mr. Jordan told
of the beginning days of this congregation. "For four years,"
he said, "we held our services in the Courthouse. Here we had
our communion service at night, the members sitting in the
jury box with bright lights beaming down from the chan-
deHers. It was a solemn scene.
"I bought the lot loo by 200 feet on Second Street on June
18, 1874, for which I paid $250. I went to Raleigh and col-
lected the money from the First Baptist Church, of which
Dr. T. H. Pritchard was the beloved pastor.
"The Board gave me $100 per year; the distance [from his
home in Hillsboro to Winston] was 70 miles; it required fiYt
days each trip and sometimes more, and by the time I paid
my railroad and stage fare, there was little left."
A story of human interest concerning Brother Jordan, as
he was affectionately called, was related to me by Miss Ethel
McGalliard, a great-granddaughter of Mr. Jesse Kennedy, one
of the founders of Winston. Every time that Brother Jordan
came to Winston to hold services in the courthouse, he would
stay in the hospitable Kennedy home. One day he came to
Winston wearing such a shabby hat that his host asked, "Is
that the best hat you have?"
76 Forsyth, a County on the March
"Yes," replied the self-sacrificing man of God. Whereupon
Mr. Kennedy bought him a new hat and made sure that he
did not give it away before leaving town.
When the movement for the erection of an Episcopal
Church began in 1877, there was but one communicant of
that church living in Winston, a young lawyer, Mr. J. C.
Buxton, son of an Episcopal clergyman. In Salem there were
three women of the Episcopal faith— Miss Laura Lemly, who
during her long life was a most ardent and consecrated mem-
ber of St. Paul's, Mrs. W. H. Wheeler, and Mrs. B. F.
With selfless devotion this small group, assisted in time by
other Episcopalians moving into the community, gathered
funds for the purchase of a lot, at the corner of Fourth and
Pine (Marshall) and the erection on it of a small frame
church building, its tall spire towering over the other build-
ings of the county town.
Bearing the name St. Paul's, the church, in February, 1879,
was consecrated. Bishop Lyman, assisted by the rector, the
Reverend W. S. Bynum, and the Reverend R. B. Sutton,
D.D., conducted the services; the Bishop preached from the
text, John 4: 23, 24. At the meeting of the North Carolina
Diocesan Convention in Fayetteville, May 15, 1879, St. Paul's
Episcopal Church of Winston was admitted to the Conven-
During the early days of St. Paul's there were hardly more
than a dozen families affiliated with the church. At one time
when the rector was planning a series of services explaining
to outsiders as well as his own congregation the fundamental
doctrines of the church, he inserted in the local press an
invitation to the general public to attend the meetings, stating
that St. Paul's was not, as was generally believed in the com-
munity, the church of the kid-gloved, silk-stockinged crowd.
The finest bell that was ever brought to Winston, and the
most musical, was the great bell of St. Paul's, weighing 1,030
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 77
pounds and measuring from lip to lip exactly three feet. On
one side the bell bore the inscription:
Excites Lentos
Clinton H. Meneely Bell Company, Troy, N. Y.
A.D. 1800
and on the opposite side:
"Glory to God in the Highest."
The earliest Negro churches in Winston had interesting
beginnings. Lee Fries, an elderly member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church on the corner of Seventh and Chestnut,
organized under the auspices of the Northern M.E. Church,
remembers the story of the beginnings of the Methodist and
Baptist Negro congregations in Winston. According to Lee,
shortly after the surrender, his father and mother, ex-slaves of
the Francis Fries family of Salem, moved to Waughtown,
where there was quite a colony of colored folks. Lee's father
and mother had been taught to read and, being deeply re-
ligious, they soon began holding prayer meetings in their
home. During the day while the father, John Fries, was work-
ing in the Fries Wool Mill, the mother, Paulina, was passing
the word around the neighborhood of the prayer service, and
when night came the one-roomed cabin would be crowded.
Every three or four weeks a Negro preacher, Andrew
Willburn, who had a little farm between Thomasville and
High Point, would come walking in, his Bible and hymn book
under his arm, to hold preaching services. The home became
too small to hold the crowds who came to hear the preacher,
and an old schoolhouse was secured for the services. At this
time Lewis Banner, who worked in the dye room of the Fries
Factory, assisted also in the services, especially at funerals.
Outgrowing the schoolhouse, the congregation moved to
Happy Hill, a Negro settlement on the outskirts of Salem, and
held their services under a bush arbor.
After a time, they moved into Winston, and in a hall on
Chestnut and Seventh, in front of the present site of the St.
78 Forsyth, a County on the March
Paul Negro ME. Church, the Reverend George W. Holland
of Danville, as Lee says, "opened up Winston to the Baptists."
A slightly different version of this story was given me by
the church office of the First Baptist Church, at Sixth and
Chestnut. According to this record, the Negroes of the Baptist
faith, before 1879, gathered for worship under bush arbors
and also in a building on Fourth and Chestnut streets, known
as Hinshaw's Hall. The preacher at these assemblies, as they
were called, was the Reverend George W. Holland.
Some time in 1879, in the spring perhaps, or early summer,
the Reverend Henry A. Brown, beloved pastor of the (white)
Baptist Church and pastor-at-large of the town, organized the
congregation under the Reverend George W. Holland into
the first Negro church of the Baptist denomination in Win-
ston, formally designated as The First Baptist Church.
Some time after this the congregation purchased a lot on
Sixth and Chestnut from the Moravian Conerecration for the
sum of $75. The deed bears the date July 23, 1879. In 1882,
through the devotion and sacrificial giving of the congrega-
tion, a building was erected— a neat "wooden" structure rest-
ing on high brick pillars, and facing Sixth Street. It was in
the commodious basement of this church that the first tax-
supported school for Negro children in Winston was held.
In the 1879 Directory, the Reverend L. R. Ferebee
(colored) is listed as pastor of the A. M. E. Zion Church,
Fourth and Liberty, but no facts have been found concerning
this church.
According to Lee Fries, the Methodist Episcopal Church,
North, on Chestnut and Seventh, of which he is a member,
is the oldest Alethodist Church of the Negro race in Winston,
for while the St. James Methodist Episcopal Church is the
oldest congregation of the denomination in town, in that, at
an early date, it moved here as an organization from else-
where, the Church on Chestnut and Seventh was the first to
erect a house of worship.
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 79
Like the Negro Baptist movement in Winston, Lee Fries
says, the Methodist movement had its beginning in Waugh-
town shortly after the surrender. An ex-slave of the Francis
Fries family, Harry Fries (no kin to Lee's father but living
next door to him) was an ardent Methodist and when his
neighbor started a Baptist prayer meeting, he started a Meth-
odist one.
The two prayer meetings never conflicted; on one night
the whole neighborhood, old and young, would gather in the
Methodist home; on another night, in the Baptist home. The
grown folks would bring their chairs to the meetings; the
children would sit on the floor. The leader— Methodist or
Baptist as the case might be— would read the Scriptures and
pray and then the congregation would lift up their voices
in the singing of the old hymns loved by all churches, such as
"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!"
In time the Methodists moved from Waughtown to Win-
ston, the Reverend Isaac Wells preaching for them under a
bush arbor in front of a small log house on North Liberty
Street. From miles around, on foot, in wagons, the colored
people would come to the preaching under the arbor. All day
they would stay (they could have no night meetings as they
had no way of lighting their arbor), spreading their lunches
in picnic style during the noon-day intermission.
Finally under Wells's leadership, they were able to build a
church, an unpretentious little church, on the present site of
the warehouse of the Brown-Rogers-Dixson Hardware Com-
pany on Seventh Street near the railroad. Under the Reverend
George Morehead the present church was erected; it was
finished by the Reverend Shamberger.
The St. James A. M. E. Church, through the oldest member
of its congregation, J. C. McKnight, has furnished the follow-
ing interesting information concerning the beginnings of that
Under the leadership of a Negro preacher named Caldwell,
8o Forsyth, a County on the March
St. James was organized in 1882 in a building on Chestnut
between First and Second streets.
The names of the following charter members have been
preserved: Giles Bason, Luther Walls, William Mendenhall,
Amos Yarbrough, and three other men whose last names were
Forsythe, Harrell, and Yauncey; i\lrs. Elisa Bohannon, Mrs.
Edith Miller, Mrs. Mary Hall, and Mrs. Anna Harrell. For
over sixty years Mrs. Edith Miller and Mrs. Anna Harrell
remained devoted members of the church.
The earliest mayors of Winston were, William Barrow
(1859), Peter A. Wilson (i860), Robert Gray (1861), H. K.
Thomas (1862), H. K. Thomas (1863), H. K. Thomas
(1864), Thomas J. Wilson (1865), T. T. Best (1866), T. T.
Best (1867), T. T. Best (1868), Jacob Tise (1869), Jacob
Tise (1870), John W. Alspaugh (1871), T. T. Best (1872),
John W. Alspaugh (1873), T. T. Best (1874), John W. Al-
spaugh (1875), D. P. Mast (1876), Martin Grogan (1877),
A. B. Gorrell (1878), A. B. Gorrell (1879).
In 1867 Winston had no municipal election; the town was
in Military District No. 2, under the jurisdiction of the com-
mander of the district. Major D. E. Sickles; and in accordance
with the special order No. 1 3 2 of the Federal government the
officers of the town had to be appointed, not elected. Accord-
ingly, Major Sickles appointed as mayor T. T. Best and as
commissioners D. H. Starbuck, J. S. White, John D. Tavis,
Benjamin Spaugh, Jacob Tise, William E. Axson, N. W.
Before taking office each of these appointed men had to
take the oath prescribed by Congress July 2, 1862: "I do
solemnly swear that I will support and maintain the Constitu-
tion and Laws of the U.S. and the Constitution and Laws of
N. C, not inconsistent therewith. So help me, God."
The business carried on in the Winston of the 1870's may
be seen in the following facts from a pamphlet published at
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 8i
the Blum's Print Shop, Salem, in 1878, entitled Guide Book
of Northwestern North Carolina.
In 1878 the population of Winston was 2,500. The sale and
manufacture of tobacco was the leading industry of the town,
with fifteen independent tobacco factories and four tobacco
warehouses, employing a working force of more than 1,000
hands, mostly Negroes. But there were also four wagon and
buggy works doing a good business, two saddle and harness
shops, and one livery stable (even at this early date Winston
was becoming known as a center for the sale and exchange of
horses); there were eighteen stores carrying groceries and
general merchandise, four millinery establishments, two tailor-
ing establishments, three men's ready-to-wear shops, one store
selling men's clothing and furs, one shoe store which sold
men's hats also; there were two jewelry stores, two drug
stores, one hardware store, two confectioneries, one store
selling tinware and stoves.
The Winston of 1878 was a trading center of some impor-
tance. The town had a thriving bank, the First National,
established in 1876, with J. A. Bitting as president and J. W.
Alspaugh as cashier. There were three up-to-date hotels— the
long-established and popular Wilson Hotel, the Merchants,
known as Pfohl and Stockton's, and the Central.
From the very beginning days of Winston the local news-
papers had a great part in furthering every movement for the
growth of the town.
In 1856 F. E. Boner and James Collins began the publica-
tion of Winston's first newspaper, a weekly entitled the
Western Sentinel. In a short while John W. Alspaugh ac-
quired the entire control of the weekly, making it the most
influential paper, during the stirring days of the late 1850's
and the i86o's, throughout this section of North Carolina.
In 1870 the National Advocate , financed by a small group
of local members of the Republican party and edited by F. T.
82 Forsyth, a County on the March
Walser, was established in Winston. In 1874 Captain J. W.
Goslen purchased the paper, changing its name to the Union
Republican and making it in time the leading periodical of the
Republican party in the state.
In 1879 Colonel James A. Robinson, popularly known as
Old Hurrygraph, began the publication of a small weekly,
The Winstoji Leader, devoted to the interests of the Demo-
cratic party.
The years beginning with the i88o's mark a period of ex-
pansion in the history of Winston. The mayors during this
period were A. B. Gorrell (1880), Peter A. Wilson (1881),
J. C. Buxton (1882), J. C. Buxton (1883), J- C. Buxton
(1884). On November i. Mayor Buxton resigned to enter the
senatorial contest and Samuel H. Smith was elected to fill the
unexpired term. In May, 1885, Samuel H. Smith was elected
but resigned the office in August, and Charles Buford filled
out Mr. Smith's unexpired term. In 1886 T. J. Wilson served
as mayor; in 1887, Charles Buford; in 1888, Charles Buford.
In 1889 the biennial plan of election was inaugurated and
Charles Buford remained in office until 1 890.
During 1890- 1892 D. P. Mast was mayor; in 1892 Robah
B. Kerner was elected for two years but died in office Sep-
tember 25, 1893, ^^^ Garland E. Webb was elected to fill
his unexpired term. Then followed in 1894- 1896, Eugene E.
Gray; in 1896- 1898, Paul W. Crutchfield. In 1898 A. B.
Gorrell was elected but died in office December 9, 1899, ^^^
John F. Griffith filled out his unexpired term.
The financial center of the busy little tobacco town of the
i88o's and 90's was the short street from Fourth to Fifth, then
called Old Town but now Trade.
On the corner of Fifth facing west was the thriving grocery
store of Vaughn and Prather; on the corner of Fourth facing
west was the brick store of H. D. Poindexter, bearing on its
south wall the trade mark of the store, a fleet deer.
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 83
Between these two stores, catering not only to the town
but to a widespread country trade, stood the mammoth brick
warehouse of Colonel A. B. Gorrell, the Farmers' Warehouse,
extending from Old Town to Liberty, and noted at the time
of its opening in 1881 as having the largest warehouse floor
space in the world for the sale of loose tobacco.
Across Old Town Street from the Farmers' Warehouse
two concerns carried on big business: the tobacco warehouse
of Major James Scales and Captain M. W. Norfleet, called the
Piedmont Warehouse and known for its reliability and its
popularity far and wide with tobacco growers; and to the
north of Piedmont the brick tobacco factory of T. L. Vaughn,
three-and-one-half stories high and modern in every respect.
On Fourth Street facing north and causing a dead end to
Old Town or Trade Street was the huge Hinshaw and Me-
dearis store, selling everything from a shoestring to a parlor
suite of furniture— the pioneer department store of northwest-
ern North Carolina.
The business carried on in the stores, factory, and ware-
houses on this short street was astounding; thousands of
dollars changed hands each working day, and on Saturdays
and during the tobacco season the street was thronged from
morning till night with pedestrians, horses, and vehicles.
It was indeed a fitting recognition when the city fathers,
sensing the importance of Old Town Street, changed its name
to Trade.
As a slant on the civic life of Winston during this period
when the town was expanding in many directions, the follow-
ing notes are taken from the Book of Minutes of the Board
of Aldermen.
August 4, 1879. Messrs Clarke and Ford appointed Keepers
of the Scales and Weigh Masters until May i, 1880; pay fixed
at five cents for each weighing except for unloaded wagons,
on which they are to have no pay.
In January, 1882, Winston was threatened with an epidemic
84 Forsyth, a County on the March
of smallpox. The Board of Aldermen ordered that every per-
son in town, old and young, be vaccinated; a pest house was
rented— at four dollars a month— for those who had contracted
the disease, and those who had been exposed to smallpox were
confined in quarantine quarters under strict guard. Hence the
following minute from a called meeting of the Board January
14, 1882: "Whereas it appears that the persons confined in
quarantine in AVinston on account of having been exposed
to smallpox have become drunk and are threatening to break
the grounds and spread the disease, on motion ordered that
persons confined within the limits of quarantine who shall
become disorderly shall be punished by having a ball and
chain put on them."
January 19, 1882. "Be it ordained that no person shall enter
Winston from the train of the N.W.N.C. Railroad without
first being vaccinated or presenting satisfactory proof of vac-
cination to the physician in charge at the Depot."
February 7, 1882. "Ordered that who first discovers a fire
is to proceed with all haste to Pace's Warehouse [Farmers'
Warehouse on Old Town, now Trade Street] and inform the
Watchman the number of the Ward [at this time the town
was divided into four fire wards] who will by first giving the
alarm by rapid ringing of the bell and then a short intermis-
sion, sound the number of the ward the fire is in."
On May 3, 1882, the town constable was elected with the
understanding that when not engaged upon the duties of
constable and tax collector, he was to do full police duty; his
salary was fixed at $100 per year, plus 5 per cent commission
on taxes collected and fees and costs on all cases as policeman
or constable.
At this same meeting the salaries of policemen were also
fixed: the Chief of Police received $40 per month and costs
and fees not exceeding $200, and the officers under him, $35
per month and fees and costs not exceeding $200. The salary
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 85
of the lamp-lighter, Alfred Wright, colored, was raised to
$15 per month.
June 6, 1882. Salary of Mayor fixed at $200 per year; of
Secretary-Treasurer, $150. Noah Carter's appHcation for per-
mission to run flying Jennies on the Fourth of July granted at
$5 for the privilege.
July 3, 1883. On request of some barbers, ordered that
barber shops be closed on the Sabbath. Ordered also that
policemen request parties not to feed [horses] on the streets;
that certain sidewalks [on Fourth near Old Town or Trade]
be filled up when dirt can be obtained.
October 3, 1883. Ordered that the Fire Committee make
arrangements with some party owning a pair of good horses
to have them promptly at the Engine House [on Liberty just
off Third] on the alarm of fire; for each time the engine is
carried to a fire the said party to receive $5.
January 27, 1883. Alfred Wright, lamp-lighter, allowed
$ 1 8 per month with understanding that he devote more time
to cleaning and keeping in good order the Lamps.
February 6, 1883. Application presented, signed by a num-
ber of citizens, asking that stepping stones be placed across
the streets at the Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist Episcopal,
Methodist Protestant, and Episcopal Churches.
July 3, 1883. The Captain of the Fire Company reported
that the Company was in an improving condition and more
interest manifested and the membership increased.
August 7, 1883. The riding of bicycles on side walks pro-
August 4, 1884. Moved and carried that the Fire Commit-
tee be empowered to purchase Fire Hats for the Fire
June 3, 1889. Petition signed by 50 ladies and gentlemen
asked that the old Barringer House on Liberty be removed at
once as it was day by day becoming more of a nuisance.
• 86 Forsyth, a County on the March
A growing sense of civic responsibility marked the Win-
ston of this period.
On Tuesday, May 8, 1883, the registered voters cast their
ballots for tax-supported schools. On June 19, 1883, five men
were elected school commissioners: W. A. Whitaker, James
A. Gray, Calvin H. Wiley, James Martin, and Pleasant Hanes.
Calvin H. Wiley was chosen chairman of the board, W. A.
Whitaker, secretary, and James A. Gray, treasurer.
Night after night during the unusually sultry summer and
early fall of 1883 these five men, after long, strenuous hours
in bank, factory, or office, would gather in the study of the
chairman and for hours at a time, sometimes until midnight,
wrestle with figures and building plans and details which took
a great deal of maneuvering to be fitted into a whole. Day
after day they would tramp over the dusty streets to study
the various lots in different sections of the town which had
been suggested as suitable school sites by interested citizens.
Finally school lots were chosen and the school, West End,
erected for white children. On September 9, 1884, West End
School opened in regular session with 275 pupils. Before this
formal opening, the school had had a short session from May
23 to June II, 1884, for the purpose of organization.
The amount raised by taxation was entirely inadequate for
the erection of West End School; private citizens borrowed
and advanced an amount nearly equal to the deficit, and two
other citizens loaned the residue. The lot cost $3,000, the
building $17,500, and the furnishings $4,500.
Since there was little money on hand for the building of a
school house for Negro children, the School Board, by an
arrangement with the trustees of the First Baptist Church
(colored). General Barringer, Henry Pendleton and Peter
Martin, converted the church into a school. Later the Depot
School was erected, partially with funds personally solicited
from Northern philanthropists by the chairman of the board
and Superintendent Julius L. Tomlinson.
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 87
Our first public school, organized upon a sound financial
basis and an up-to-date, far-sighted educational policy, at-
tracted much attention. The editor of the widely-read New
England Journal of Educatioji, Dr. A. D. Mayo of Boston,
after a visit to Winston four months after the opening of
West End wrote in his Journal:
"The new city of Winston, N. C, has done the most nota-
ble work among Southern towns of its size in the establishment
of a system of graded schools. During the year it has built
one of the most convenient and spacious public schoolhouses
[West End School] in the country, and gathered the white
children of the place under the superintendency of Professor
[Julius L.] Tomlinson, so well known by his excellent serv-
ices at Wilson, N. C. and in the summer normal schools of
the State.
*'Only four months from its organization, the school with
all the disadvantages of the mixed population of a new manu-
facturing community is a model and is thronged with visitors
from all over the Southern country. An excellent beginning
has been made with the colored schools and a handsome lot
awaits the next effort for a commodious schoolhouse.
"In all his labors, the indefatigable superintendent is upheld
by an energetic school board, whose chairman. Dr. Wiley,
was for many years State Superintendent of Education and
may be called the father of the common schools of North
"Winston is a new city of remarkable growth, and in all
ways a striking representation of the advancing life of the
New South."
The movement for a public hospital was started by a group
of thirty-one women, who on June 27, 1887, at the home of
Dr. Henry T. Bahnson, Salem, formed themselves into the
Twin-City Hospital Association, electing Mrs. James A.
Gray, president; Mrs. J. C. Buxton, first vice-president; Mrs.
88 Forsyth, a County on the March
J. A. Bitting, second vice-president; Mrs. J. F. Shaffner, treas-
urer; and Mrs. J. M. Rogers, secretary.
The solicitation for funds with which to furnish the beds
and rooms of the house which the Association rented for the
hospital— the old Martin Grogan home on Liberty, just to the
south of the First National Bank— met with generous response;
the physicians of both towns graciously offered their services;
the mayor of each town pledged for his municipality a
monthly sum of $12; so in six months' time, on the first day
of December, 1887, the doors of the first institution in Win-
ston for the care of the sick and suffering were thrown open.
When the old Grogan house proved inadequate, the Asso-
ciation moved the institution, proudly called the Twin-City
Hospital, to a one-story frame building on Brookstown Ave-
nue, containing one ward and three private rooms with a total
of seventeen beds.
In the early days of the Twin-City Hospital the equipment
was so meagre that doctors and surgeons who came to operate
on their patients had to bring their own surgical instruments.
In June, 19 12, the Town of Winston voted bonds for the
erection of a fireproof, up-to-date hospital. Ten acres of land in
East Winston was purchased and construction started on the
new hospital shortly before the merging of Winston and
Salem into one municipality.
Winston's first system of water works was a private affair,
not a municipal concern.
Editor George M. Mathes of the Western Sentinel, in his
issue of October 27, 188 1, tells of the progress of the Winston
Water Company: "The reservoir will be completed in four
weeks. Takingr all the difficulties the Board of Directors have
had to contend with in putting the work through, we think
they deserve great credit. At the meeting of the stock-holders
of the Company on last Thursday night Colonel J. W. Al-
spaugh was called to preside and George W. Hinshaw
appointed secretary. The old Board of Directors were re-
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 89
elected: R. J. Wilson, S. E. Allen, E. A. Pfohl, W. L. Brown,
G. W. Hinshaw, James A. Gray, and P. H. Hanes."
Through the eyes of Editor Goslen of the Union Repub-
lican, who drove out one fine Sunday afternoon to Belo's
Pond to inspect the waterworks under construction, we see
the signs of progress and business activity in the Winston of
The editor, after stating that on his afternoon's drive he
counted fifteen new dwellings, goes on to say: "In the heart
of the town is the Farmers' Warehouse. At the corner in the
rear of Mr. Susdorff 's dwelling and near the new warehouse
on Old Town Street [Farmers' Warehouse] is the store house
of Messrs. Vaughn and Pepper (corner Fifth and Trade)
just under cover.
"On the corner of Fifth and Cherry [site of Hotel Robert
E. Lee] we note with pride the handsome dwelling of Major
T. J. Brown, built of brick and stucco-finish, with tower and
porches, containing 12 rooms finished in style, with hot and
cold water and gas fixtures complete.
"As we drive down Presbyterian Street [so the editor calls
Cherry] we note the roomy, old-fashioned dwelling of Dr.
Spencer; James A. Gray, Esq., assistant cashier of the
Wachovia National Bank, we learn, has purchased the prop-
erty and will erect upon the spacious grounds a handsome,
modern residence.
"Further down the street, on the Winston line, is the Dr.
Shelton dwelHng, brick and stucco-finish, with handsome
tower and porches all around, containing 15 rooms finished
in the best style; the mantels are especially fine.
"Going out 4th, on Shallowford Street we note the hand-
some residence Mr. Chamberlain is erecting [on Broad, facing
east]. In fact, go in what direction we may, we find new
buildings, new enterprises."
Before 1882 Winston had no fire company, the only ap-
paratus for fighting fire being the hooks and ladders owned
90 Forsyth, a County on the March
by the corporation. Early in February, 1882, W. F. Keith,
representing a group of citizens interested in procuring more
adequate fire protection for the town, appeared before the
town commissioners with the proposition that a voluntary
fire company, unsalaried, be organized, the town providing
the equipment and necessary station personnel.
The commissioners accepted the challenge, and on Feb-
ruary II, 1882, Winston's first fire company— Steamer No.
I— was formally organized. In May the fire engine arrived and
the young fire-fighters in their fine new uniforms, purchased
by the commissioners, were kept busy drilling for the volun-
tary service they had assumed for the town.
E. M. Pace was the first captain of Steamer No. i; he was
succeeded by W. A. Bevil, and Captain Bevil was succeeded
by J. H. Masten. In 1883 the native-born Englishman, A. J.
Gales, a charter member of the Company, was elected to the
captaincy and for twenty-one years served most efficiently
in this position.
On March 2, 1886, Winston's first fire company was incor-
porated by the legislature. In 1891 a second companv of un-
salaried voluntary firemen was organized. Steamer Company
No. 2, H. L. Foard, captain. In 1893 ^ hook-and-ladder truck
was added to the equipment. In this year also the motorizing
of the department was begun. The first motor truck arrived
on January 9, 191 3. Under the leadership of Chief Harry
Nissen in 19 14 the complete modernization of the fire depart-
ment of Winston-Salem was begun.
For twenty and more years after the organization of our
fire department the fire horses were used on the streets during
the day for hauling purposes; thus they were often some dis-
tance from headquarters at the first alarm of fire, and were
delayed in getting into action.
The Union Republican of December 16, 1886, makes men-
tion of this use of the fire horses— or mules in the early days:
"The town commissioners have erected a stable adjoining the
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 91
fire house and have two mules quartered there to draw the
city garbage cart and in case of fire to draw the fire engine."
It was in the early 1890's that firebugs seemed to be at
work in Winston. First in one section of the town and then
in another unexplained fires would break out. In the Memorial
of Robah B. Kerner, who was mayor during this period, a
vivid description is given of one afternoon and evening of
While at one fire, the Mayor was summoned by fire bells
loud and long to another section of the town. After assisting
the volunteer firemen in getting this second fire under control,
the Mayor, exhausted from his labors, drove to his home on
West Fifth near Summit, but scarcely had he seated himself
at the supper table when the fire bells summoned him to a third
This time a fire was raging near the Courthouse Square, and
the Mayor, hastening to the Square, found a scene of wild
confusion. "Firemen ran," says the Memorial, "the engines
roared, a babel of voices rent the air, and from every ware-
house and church steeple bells rang, and all the while the
excited populace were rapidly congregating on every corner
and every conceivable place."
Seeing that great danger was imminent, the young Mayor
sprang upon the nearest goods box and lifting his voice like a
trumpet called to the seething mass of people: "Disperse! Dis-
perse at once! Anyone remaining on the streets will be imme-
diately sent to jail!"
The crowds melted away and soon only the sound of the
fire engines at work broke the quiet. All night the local militia,
assisted by a hundred extra policemen, patrolled the streets,
guarding the property and lives of the citizens, too alarmed to
rest easy in their beds.
There was much good-natured rivalry in the i88o's and
90's between the fire companies of Salem and of Winston.
The veteran member of Salem's Rough and Ready Fire Com-
92 Forsyth, a County on the March
pany, Andrew J. Peddycord, has left on record an interesting
instance of this rivalry. It occurred on Thanksgiving Day,
1892, when the recently opened, handsome Zinzendorf Hotel,
present site of the C. H. Hill home on West Fourth, was
totally destroyed by fire.
Mr. Peddycord, driving the old Salem fire engine to the
scene of fire was dashing up Cherry Street, just about to turn
into Fourth, when he spied the Winston steamer, W. F. Keith
engineer, en route to the Zinzendorf— not propelled by its
own steam but hitched to the back of a streetcar, with engi-
neer Keith seated on the top of the car.
"I'll go by 'em this time!" declared the veteran fireman, and
dropping the driving reins on his fine pair of black horses, he
holloed, "Go!" and gave chase to the streetcar.
When he reached the old Walker tobacco factory, now the
Alexander x\partment, he shouted "Good-bye!" to the Win-
ston firemen and dashed by their streetcar-driven steamer.
When, however, the gallant driver of old Rough and Ready
reached the hotel, laid out the hose line and coupled it to the
hydrant, he found there was no water.
All the heroic firemen of both towns could do was to load
their hose and watch the fire destroy the most magnificent
hotel Winston had ever erected. The fire was so intense that
the heat was felt blocks away and the Davis School cadets
and volunteer firemen were kept busy putting out fires on
the roofs of adjacent buildings caught by sparks from the fly-
ing shingles of the burning hotel.
It was a bleak winter afternoon before the days of auto-
mobiles or even streetcars in Winston that a policeman going
his rounds found in a rather disreputable section of town two
ladies, footsore and weary, sitting by the side of a railroad
To the policeman's look of surprise, the elder of the ladies
answered, her gentle face, framed in its widow's bonnet,
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 93
lighting up as she said reverently, "We are wearing out shoes
to the glory of God."
This spirit seems to have been the motive that prompted
the ladies of the Benevolent Society, organized in the annex
of Old Centenary Church, December 14, 1887, to do their
remarkable work among Winston's poor and destitute for
thirteen years and five months.
When one considers the handicaps of the little band of con-
secrated women— there were never more than ninety-odd
names on their roll and during some years there were less than
thirty— and few of them rich in this world's goods, one marvels
at their courage in face of discouragement.
While the annual dues of the members and the contribu-
tions of the husbands and "gentlemen friends" who were en-
rolled as honorary members formed the steady revenue for
the work of the society, the generous collections gathered at
the big union meeting of all the churches in Centenary Church
on some evening each year between Thanksgiving and Christ-
mas helped greatly. Then, too, there were the annual Thanks-
giving offerings of the West End School children, and later
of the other schools.
On the day before the Thanksgiving holidays, the West
End pupils would bring their off erings— pennies and dimes and
nickels they had earned or saved from their small allowances
—potatoes and pumpkins and apples, home-canned peaches
and tomatoes, sacks of meal and pounds of sugar; Superin-
tendent John J. Blair, with his artistic skill, would arrange the
offerings on the rostrum and then make an occasion of their
pubUc presentation to representatives of the society; there
would be Thanksgiving songs and recitations and the choos-
ing of some of the children to accompany the ladies in their
distribution of the gifts.
If at times the ladies (as the time-stained Ledger always
designates the members of the society) were imposed upon
by the supplicants at their doors, or a "case" helped for years
94 Forsyth, a County on the March
would prove unworthy, they would put it down in their
records as a mistake of the head and not of the heart.
Among the "cases" there was old Mr. B., an unwashed
Confederate soldier, who year after year made capital of his
patriotism. There was the glib-tongued Mrs. E., who, accom-
panied by her bad Httle son— the "onliest one" as she always
spoke of him— would sit for hours at the fireside of some
sympathetic lis tener-to-her- woes. There was the notorious
Mrs. M., who flatly refused to go to the poor house, pre-
ferring, she said, to continue being fed by the ladies rather
than be dependent on strangers.
Such pure charity breathes from the old Ledger, such for-
getfulness of self, that as we read the faded words we feel
almost as if we were reading a second book of the Acts of
the Apostles:
June 14, 1893. "Mrs. Hamilton, whom we have assisted
since we have had a society, died in May. She was 94 years
old and we have the consolation of knowing that we bright-
ened her bedside by giving her some comforts she never
would have received if it had not been for this society. She
died trusting in the Saviour."
October, 1893. "We are sorry we could not order any
wood as we had no funds. We greatly regret this as it will be
a hard winter and so many will need help as they have had
so little to do this summer."
February 10, 1897. "We wish to make special mention of
a munificent gift of thirty dollars from the generous firm of
Taylor Brothers. During the last few weeks the treasury has
been heavily taxed."
April, 1897. "The meeting was rather a gloomy one, for
dispondency crept into our hearts as we faced an empty treas-
ury and in debt seven dollars. The question was asked. What
shall we do? After discussion it was finally decided that the
society would appeal to the public for aid, and Mrs. Wiley
was requested to write an article for the city paper. We trust
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 95
that she will touch the hearts of the people in a manner that
will call forth willing and liberal response."
January, 1901. "Our hearts are indeed sorrowful over the
recent death of Mrs. W. T. Martin, one of our most efficient
members. Among her last deeds while lingering between life
and death, she distributed alms to 'a little one' in His name."
The officers of the first two years of the Benevolent Society
were, in 1887, Mrs. S. S. Hendren, president; Mrs. C. H.
Wiley, vice-president; Mrs. Frank Martin, secretary; Mrs.
John W. Alspaugh, treasurer; in 1888, Mrs. C. H. Wiley,
president; Mrs. J. C. Buxton, vice-president; Mrs. Mary C.
Prather, secretary; Mrs. D. Rich, assistant secretary; Mrs.
John W. Alspaugh, treasurer.
The summer of 1887 marks the casting aside of the old
gasolene and kerosene street lamps and the lighting of Win-
ston with electric lights.
The Winston Electric Light and Motive Power Company
was incorporated March 25, 1887. The officers of the stock-
holders of this company were Judge D. H. Starbuck, presi-
dent; Captain D. P. Mast, treasurer; the directors were T. L.
Vaughn, J. E. Gilmer, J. A. Bitting, A. Ryttenberg, W. A.
At eight o'clock on the evening of August 26, 1887, Colo-
nel Bitting by a turn of the hand connected the street lines
with the arch dynamo machine, and the awaiting spectators
on the streets were dazzled with the first flash of Winston's
electric lights.
The coming on of the lights proved a seven days' wonder
to the people of Winston and the surrounding country; the
battery was near the jail, and at eight o'clock each evening
when the current was turned on, there would be a crowd
standing around to see the dazzling sight.
Some weeks after the installing of electricity, early one
September afternoon during a severe thunderstorm, the
g6 Forsyth, a County on the March
people of Winston were startled by the sudden flashing on
of all the thirty-seven arc street lights; for fivt minutes the
lights burned with intense brightness, then snapped out.
Some months after the installment of electric lights Win-
ston and Salem began the movement for an electric street
railway; on March ii, 1899, ^^e Winston-Salem Street Rail-
way Company was incorporated. In January, 1891, the Elec-
tric Company and the Street Railway Company were con-
solidated under the name of Winston-Salem Railway and
Electric Company.
The Union Republican of Thursday, July 17, 1890, gives
the following account of the starting of the streetcars.
"Monday afternoon marked another step in the ever-grow-
ing prosperity of our towns. It was the starting of the electric
streetcars, an event looked for with much eagerness and ex-
pectation. President F. J. Sprague, whose system operated
the plant, arrived upon the noon train. About 2 o'clock p.m.
the first car made a trial trip over the line, occupied by
President Sprague, Vice-President E. L. Hawkins, J. H. Mc-
Clemment, Mr. Field of the Field Engineering Company, Mr.
Bourn of the Sprague Company and others.
"Although the machinery was all new and the track just
laid, everything worked like a charm. A large company of
citizens witnessed the passing of the car and the Salem Band
made music as a token of appreciation for this great enterprise
in our midst. It is to be regretted, however, that all the re-
quired tests were not made first and Tuesday afternoon ap-
pointed for an appropriate jollification with music, speeches,
a 'turnover of the line' and so forth. The citizens were eager
for such a manifestation and waited for an announcement to
that effect.
"Tuesday, July 15, 1890, the cars began to run regularly,
and the excursionists from Raleigh made free use of them as
did also our visitors from Greensboro yesterday, July 16.
"For the past few nights there has been a perfect jam of
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 97
merry pleasure seekers spinning up and down the line, and
the streets thronged with spectators.
'It is certainly a great step forward, an enterprise that
involved a large outlay, which signifies the confidence foreign
capitalists have in our present and future welfare, and we
believe that the investment will never be a cause for regret.
Onward is the watchword in the Twin Cities and the entire
Piedmont section has long ago caught the spirit of the times.
"To the citizens in town and in country we would say that
the five handsome new streetcars and two flats which will
soon be operated on schedule time, the lights, the building and
machinery that operates the whole, is a sight worth witness-
ing. It will cost nothing to look at and but a nickel to ride."
It was on May 4, 1885, that Winston's first daily newspaper
appeared— the Twiit City Daily, a modest folio, 12 inches to
the page, owned and edited by P. F. Doub and ZoUicoffer
Whitehead. It was not until December 12, 1887, however,
when J. O. Foy assumed complete control of the paper, that
it really began to make an impress upon the life of Winston.
In the meanwhile the Western Sentinel under the manage-
ment of Edward A. Oldham was taking on new life. In 1883
Mr. Oldham, having acquired the interest of G. M. Mathes,
placed on the date line of the paper for the first time the
hyphenated word Winston-Salem. In 1885 Mr. Oldham
merged the Winston Leader with his paper and introduced
many new features in the staid old Democratic weekly. In
1888 Vernon W. Long succeeded Mr. Oldham as editor. In
1890 the Tnjoin-City Daily acquired the Western Sentinel,
continuing its publication as a weekly and adding the word
Sentinel to the title of the Daily.
In 1892 WilHam F. Burbank purchased the two Sentinels—
the weekly Western Sentinel and the Tivin-City Daily Sen-
tinel, and upon his removal to California two years later
continued the publication of the periodicals under an incor-
porated publishing company.
98 Forsyth, a County on the March
Winston's second daily newspaper was The Journal which,
founded by C. L. Knight with the help of J. R. Justice, made
its first appearance on April 3, 1897. For several years The
Journal was published as an afternoon paper. On January 2,
1902, it became a morning paper and also commenced the
publication of a Sunday issue.
Since May i, 1937, the Winston-Salem Journal, the Tivin-
City Sentijiel, and the Sunday Journal and Sentinel have been
published by the Piedmont Publishing Company. Gordon
Gray is president of the Company and publisher of the
In the development of Winston from the small country
town of the i88o's the Chamber of Commerce has played an
important part. This organization, composed of the leading
citizens of Salem as well as of Winston, from its very begin-
ning referred in its minutes to our community as Winston-
Salem, thus anticipating the time when the two independent
municipalities would be united as one city.
The first mention of the Chamber of Commerce— spoken of
as the Board of Trade— is to be found in the Union Repub-
lican of Thursday, September 24, 1885, and reads as follows:
"A meeting of the business men of the two towns was called
on Monday evening last, September 21, at the office of Cap-
tain E. F. Young [who is listed in the 1884 Directory of
Winston as a broker, residing at the Central Hotel] to take
into consideration the organization of a Board of Trade for
the town of Winston."
The first Minute Book of the Chamber of Commerce was
burned on the night of February 5, 1889, when the store of
the secretary-treasurer, J. D. Paylor, in which the book was
kept, was destroyed by fire. Therefore the official records of
the Chamber begin with the February 9, 1889, meeting of
the Directors: John W. Fries, president, J. E. Gilmer, vice-
president, C. A. Hege, R. Stevens, J. L. Patterson, John W.
Hanes, Chesley Hamlen, S. E. Allen, and J. M. Rogers.
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 99
However, important items concerning the beginning days
of the Chamber have been found in the Ujiion Republican
(which has the only complete file of local newspapers, the
other early daily and weekly newspapers of Winston having
been destroyed by fire) .
The U7iioji Republican of Thursday, October 22, 1885,
states: "At a meeting of citizens of Winston-Salem held Sep-
tember 28, 1885, to consider the propriety of organizing a
Chamber of Commerce for the two towns, a form of Con-
stitution [evidently worked out at the called meeting in the
office of Captain Young on the evening of September 21]
was submitted by W. A. Whitaker, A. B. Gorrell, J. M.
Rogers, H. E. Fries, G. W. Hinshaw, C. Hamlen. [A com-
mittee] was appointed to examine and revise this paper and
report to an adjourned meeting on October 5th. At said meet-
ing (October 5) the form of constitution hereinafter given
was ordered to be printed and distributed among the citizens
of the towns for their consideration and the undersigned were
elected a committee to attend to this duty.
"In the discharge of this task the committee felt that it was
proper to submit to the public concerned some explanations
and suggestions in regard to the character, principles, and
uses of the important movement now inaugurated." (Then
follows the explanation of the objects of the Association.)
In the November 12, 1885, issue of the Union Republican
appears the next reference to the newly organized association:
"The Chamber of Commerce met in the Armory of the
Forsyth Rifles Monday evening the 9th inst. Mr. J. M. Rogers
was called to the chair and Willis E. Hall, Esq. requested to
act as secretary.
"Mr. Morris, Chairman of the Committee to the Tobacco
Association reported that the Association declined to join the
organization as a body, but the Association passed resolutions
of sympathy with the movement and urged its individual
members to join.
lOO Forsyth, a County on the March
"Mr. Joe Stockton reported from the Committee to the
A^erchants but no definite action thereon was had.
"On motion of Mr. John W. Fries the Secretary read the
Constitution by articles which were considered and amended
in many particulars.
"Among other things the initiation fee was reduced to $6.
Finally a call was made for membership under the present
alterations of the Constitution; 20 firms signified a willing-
ness to join."
The Union Republican of November 19, 1885, reports:
"Another meeting of this organization was held in the Armory
Monday night the i6th inst. to effect a permanent organiza-
tion and to elect the ofHcers. The meeting w^as called to order
by Mr. J. M. Rogers, Captain E. F. Young, secretary.
"Upon an election for permanent officers being held, the
following were elected: president, J. M. Rogers; first vice-
president, John W. Fries; second vice-president, W. A.
Whitaker; Board of Directors consisting of 8 members, to
wit: H. E. Fries, C. A. Hege, C. A. Fogle, R. J. Reynolds,
P. H. Hanes, W. B. Carter, Jr., E. A. Pfohl, George W.
"A committee was appointed to secure a charter for the
"Thirty-seven business firms were represented in the meet-
ing and it is confidently believed and expected that others
will join now that the association is permanently organized
and fully officered; and upon a thorough investigation of the
organization and from the character of the gentlemen enlisted,
we are satisfied that it is upon a business footing, that its object
is a good one and as such deserves the hearty cooperation
of all."
The minutes of the called meeting October 17, 1885, of the
Board of Aldermen has a reference to the Chamber of Com-
merce which shows the activity of the Chamber from its very
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston loi
beginning: "Mr. E. F. Young, secretary pro. tern, of the
Chamber of Commerce of Winston and Salem recently or-
ganized," the record states, "appeared and in behalf of the
Chamber of Commerce requested that the Board of Town
Commissioners aid in repairing the main thoroughfares lead-
ing into Winston, representing to the Board the deplorable
condition of such roads.
"After discussion ... it was moved and carried that the
Street Committee instruct the Street Superintendent to do
upon Shallowford and Germantown roads $ioo worth of
work ... to be done under supervision of Street Committee
and a committee from the Chamber of Commerce."
An item in the U72ion Republican of November 19, 1885,
refers also to this matter, stating, "At the first meeting [of the
Chamber] to consider a constitution presented for adoption,
the matter of our public roads leading into town was dis-
cussed and the temporary president appointed a committee to
raise money for the improvement of said roads and the sum of
$1,600 was raised."
The following items from the records of the Chamber,
1 889- 1 896, show the wide range of the civic activities of this
group of interested, wide-awake citizens.
February 9, 1889. The Board of Directors met in a called
meeting to consider what action should be taken concerning
the bill now before the legislature to lower the legal rate of
interest. The secretary was authorized to send a telegram at
once to Speaker Leazer and Representative Reynolds of the
county protesting on behalf of the Chamber against the pas-
sage of said bill.
April 13, 1889. Mr. J. C. Buxton stated that in an informal
meeting of some of our citizens held a few days since with
citizens of Kernersville, a resolution was passed requesting
this meeting of the Chamber to be called to consider the
question of the extension of the High Point, Randleman,
I02 Forsyth, a County on the March
Ashboro, and Southern Railroad to Winston via Kernersville.
Mr. Buxton moved that the Chamber appropriate $ioo to-
ward the expense of surveying said route.
March ii, 1890. The meeting was called to consider (i) a
pubHc government building for Winston, (2) the proper
advertising of our material resources and other advantages,
(3) improvement of our railroad schedules.
The standing Committee on Trade and Transportation
was requested to make special effort to secure separate
freight and passenger trains on all railroads entering Winston
and to urge a more accommodating schedule on all the same.
April 18, 1890. The Chamber met in special meeting to
consider the question of procuring the removal of Davis Mili-
tary School from La Grange to Winston-Salem. Mr. G. W.
Hinshaw for the Committee on Location read a report rec-
ommending citizens of Winston-Salem to subscribe and
donate $20,000 to aid and encourage Colonel Davis to locate
his school here. Subscriptions were at once opened and $6,500
October 8, 1890. A special committee was appointed to
look into the matter of free postal delivery for Winston.
December 5, 1890. Mr. C. B. Watson spoke upon the neces-
sity of collecting accurate statistics of temperature and rain-
fall, and Dr. Henry Bahnson made a strong appeal, showing
the necessity for keeping vital statistics also.
January 30, 1891. President John Hanes stated the object
of the meeting was to consider the matter of locating at this
place the Agricultural and Mechanical School for colored
people. The Chamber was informed that a delegation from
the colored people was in waiting and on motion said delega-
tion was invited to come before the Chamber, and its spokes-
man Professor Atkins addressed the Chamber in an eloquent
and impressive manner. Colonel John W. Alspaugh, Messrs.
R. B. Crawford, W. A. Whitaker, and T. J. Wilson were
appointed to take the whole matter in charge. Mr. R. B. Glenn
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 103
and the secretary (W. A. Blair) were appointed a committee
to memorialize the Legislature upon this subject.
February 9, 1891. The Committee on the Industrial School
for colored people reported that Messrs. Eller and Starbuck
had offered to donate an admirable site of 25 acres and give
an easy option on 25 acres additional, that owing to the bad
weather the canvass had not been pushed but that about $1,250
had been raised. Professor Atkins was introduced and stated
that the colored people had raised $2,000 and could raise $500
June 15, 1 89 1. The Chamber's attention was called to the
fact that while excursion rates were given on railroads to
almost all points in North Carolina, our city was "coldly,
calmly passed by."
April 7, 1892. The question of a paid fire department was
November 14, 1892. The President spoke of the terrific fire
which had visited our city, and said it seemed right to call
together our best citizens to set on foot preventive measures
for the future.
January 2, 1893. Mr. Robert B. Glenn spoke of the advisa-
bility of bringing up the question of consolidation under the
name of Winston-Salem.
April 2, 1894. Mr. George Hinshaw of the Committee on
Internal Improvements reported that arrangements for hold-
ing the Fruit Fair here had been almost completed but that
the frost had probably killed all the fruit and hence there
would be no fair.
January 20, 1896. Professor S. G. Atkins, President of the
Slater Industrial Academy, was introduced and made an
entertaining and delightful speech, telling of the work of the
In 1905 Slater Industrial and State Normal School, a monu-
ment to its founder. Dr. S. G. Atkins, came fully under state
control as one of the state institutions for the training of
I04 Forsyth, a County on the March
Negro teachers. For more than half a century, Dr. Atkins
held the confidence and respect of both white and colored
races in the community. He was a pioneer in the industrial
development of his race and in the teacher-training depart-
ment in Negro education. Amid his varied and arduous duties
as head of the Slater School (in 1925 under a new charter
renamed The Winston-Salem Teachers' College) he found
time to work through civic activities for the welfare and
progress of his race in our community; and in state-wide and
nation-wide movements relating to the labor and economic
aspects of the race problem he at all times manifested active
Concerning the beginning days of the local Y.Al.C.A. the
following items have been culled from an interesting article
by Colonel William A. Blair in the Anniversary Edition of the
Twin-City Sentinel, May 4, 1935:
In the annex of Old Centenary Church, on Sunday, Octo-
ber 7, 1888, with Captain R. B. Crawford acting as chairman
and W. A. Blair as secretary pro tem, the Association was
organized with 129 charter members.
A committee was appointed consisting of the following
men from the various churches of the town: Rev. E. P. Davis,
pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Major Samuel H.
Smith, Mr. Frank A. Coleman, Dr. W. J. Conrad, Mr. Rufus
Spaugh, Rev. W. E. Swaim. This committee was instructed
to draw up a constitution and by-laws and report at the next
meeting, to be held October 14, 1888, in the First Baptist
Messrs. Eugene E. Gray, W. T. Carter, E. A. Ebert, J. C.
Buxton, Robert B. Glenn, and B. F. Norman were appointed
a committee to select rooms for the Association.
For $25 per month, later reduced to $20, the committee
secured suitable quarters in the upper story of the Jacobs
Building, Main and Third, owned by a pioneer Hebrew mer-
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 105
chant of the town, Mr. Joe Jacobs, a broad-minded, public-
spirited citizen; and the Association was immediately launched.
Mr. E. L. Harris, who had had experience in Y work in other
cities, was employed as general secretary.
In a few years a Woman's Auxiliary, consisting of repre-
sentatives from the different denominations, and the Boys
Department were organized on a budget of $2,500.
The early membership fee was $2.00 and for an additional
$2.00 the member had the use of the one small bathtub, soap
and towels thrown in.
For the sum of $4.50 a stove was purchased for the assem-
bly room and later a bulletin board-paid for, no doubt, by
the committee appointed to secure it, Major T. J. Brown,
W. S. Clary, and John W. Hanes.
At one meeting, in 1893, the secretary reported that the
Association had no Bibles and was short on chairs and hymn
books; he also stated that some of the boys who used the
rooms had rough appearances and still rougher manners. At
a meeting in 1896 thanks were voted the telephone company
for a free phone, and a complimentary ticket of membership
was ordered to be sent the company.
In 1897 the Association moved their quarters to Brown's
Opera House, Main and Fourth; educational classes were
added to the work of the Association, and a gymnasium
opened with lockers, bath, and dressing rooms.
In 1906 under the inspiring leadership of Robert C. Nor-
fleet, president of the Y at that time, the sum of $55,000 was
subscribed in a whirlwind campaign of fifteen days for a
building to be erected on the corner of Fourth and Cherry-
present site of the Nissen Building.
Of such public interest was this campaign for a new Y that
the completion of the fund was announced in a very unusual
manner. By special permission of the Board of Aldermen, at
8: 15 P.M., on December 7, 1906, the fire alarm sounded forth
fifty times, one stroke for every thousand dollars raised. In
io6 Forsyth, a County on the March
1908 the handsome four-story stone building of colonial
design was opened and occupied.
From May 14, 1900, to May 12, 191 3, when by popular
vote Winston ceased to be a separate municipality and
through consolidation with Salem became Winston-Salem,
Winston had only two mayors: O. B. Eaton and Rufus I.
In 1900 O. B. Eaton was elected for a term of two years;
since, however, in 1902 Winston had no election (in com-
pHance with the state law that no municipal election could be
held in the same year as the general state election), he was
retained in office an additional year. Elected again in 1903, he
remained in office until 19 10. The 191 1 municipal vote re-
sulted in the election of Rufus I. Dalton as mayor. Serving
with Mayor Dalton as the last official board of small-town
Winston were the following aldermen: Thomas Maslin, J.
Walter Dalton, Garland E. Webb, J. R. Watkins, C. L.
Bagby, N. D. Dowdy.
These last thirteen years of Winston saw the town expand-
ing in many directions. The building operations were exten-
sive; industry became more diversified; the street railway was
extended to East Winston; the Children's Home, site of the
old Davis Military School, was estabhshed; the Associated
Charities organized, and also the Y.W.C.A.; the city school
system was expanded, especially in the erection of a separate
building for the high school department— the handsome
Cherry Street High School; a fine city hall was erected at a
cost of $75,000, and the agitation for a public library was
brought to a successful conclusion in the erection of Carnegie
Library on Cherry Street.
The movement for a public library began in 1903 when
through the efforts of J. C. Buxton, chairman of the City
School Board, Andrew Carnegie agreed to donate to the city
of Winston the sum of $25,000 for the erection of a building
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 107
upon the condition that the city would furnish a lot and make
an annual appropriation of not less than $2,500 for the main-
tenance of the institution.
In a mass meeting in February, 1903, Mr. Buxton ac-
quainted the citizens of Winston with Mr. Carnegie's proposi-
tion. Time and again he appeared before the Board of Alder-
men concerning the matter; he discussed it also with the
commissioners of Salem.
It was not until the October meeting of the Board of
Aldermen, however, that official steps were taken in the
matter through the appointment of a special committee to
meet with a like committee from Salem. On December 21,
1903, the Winston Board of Aldermen after an earnest appeal
from Mr. Buxton adopted the following resolution:
"Whereas Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered to the City of
Winston-Salem, N. C. the sum of $25,000 to build a Public
Library for the use and benefit of said Cities,
"And whereas the joint committee appointed by the Board
of Aldermen of the City of Winston and the Commissioners
of the Town of Salem has reported to their respective Boards
that it is not convenient at this time to accept said gift on the
terms proposed by Mr. Carnegie and whereas Mr. Carnegie
is willing to give the City of Winston the sum of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars, provided the City of Winston will appro-
priate $1,500 per year for the maintenance and support of the
library and provide a suitable site for said Building, that the
offer is hereby accepted on the part of the City of Winston
and this Board hereby authorize the said Library Building to
be erected on the east corner of the West End Graded School
lot fronting on Fourth Street, belonging to the City of Win-
ston, and the clerk of this Board is hereby authorized and
instructed to certify this resolution to Mr. Andrew Carnegie
and to express to him the thanks of the City of Winston for
his liberal donation:
"Resolved, that an annual appropriation of $1,500 is hereby
io8 Forsyth, a County on the March
made for the purpose of maintaining and supporting the said
Hbrary; the sum to be available when the library building is
completed and turned over the City.
"Resolved, that Mr. J. C. Buxton, the Mayor of the City,
and James K. Norfleet be and are hereby appointed as the
building committee who shall have the whole matter in
charge. W. E. Franklin, Secretary and Treasurer. O. B.
The building committee, after due consideration, decided
that the West End School property was not the best location
for a public library to be used by citizens residing in far
distant sections of the town. Accordingly, a site was chosen
in the heart of the town, on Third and Cherry, accessible by
foot or by streetcar to all sections.
On March 5, 1904, the Board of Aldermen formally au-
thorized the purchase from Mr. James A. Gray of his lots on
the corner of Third and Cherry at the price of $2,000, the
same to be used for the Public Library building.
At the April 17, 1905, meeting, Mr. Buxton appeared before
the Aldermen and stated that the new library building was
almost completed and that in as much as the library had no
books, it would be well to appoint a committee of ladies to
assist with the selection of books.
The Board appointed Mr. Buxton and his building commit-
tee to continue as the library committee for one year with
power to elect a librarian, select any number of ladies to co-
operate with the committee, and make all preparations for the
opening of the institution.
The library committee chose Mrs. Mary Prather as librar-
ian and as a nucleus for the new library transferred to its
empty shelves the well selected West End School library,
founded through the indefatigable labors of the first superin-
tendent, Julius L. Tomlinson.
On February 14, 1906, Carnegie Library was formally
opened. Mr. W. A. Whitaker, who had had much to do with
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 109
the founding of the old West End School and its fine library,
checked out the first book.
The years 1905- 1909 stand out in the history of Winston,
for it was during these years that one of her citizens, Robert
Broadnax Glenn, served as governor of North Carolina.
Coming to Winston in 1886 from Danbury, where he had
established himself as a rising young lawyer, Mr. Glenn be-
came active in the civic and church affairs of his adopted
home. He was especially interested in all that concerned the
moral uplift of the youth of the community; he took an active
part in the organization of the Y.M.C.A., and as an elder in
the First Presbyterian Church he gave freely of his time and
talents to that important office.
In his youth Robert Glenn was an ardent advocate of tem-
perance, and when he became governor of North Carolina he
resolved to do all in his power to put down the liquor traffic
in his beloved commonwealth.
Gifted with a magnetic personality, with unusual powers
of oratory, he led the campaign which eventually, in 1908,
led to state-wide prohibition. In the face of powerful liquor
interests, despite personal opposition and ridicule, he fearlessly
gave voice, from one end of the state to the other, to the cause
which he believed was right.
It is of local interest to note that when state-wide prohibi-
tion went into effect, on January i, 1909, the two wholesale
liquor houses in our community and the twelve liquor saloons
were closed.
Before becoming governor, Mr. Glenn had brought distinc-
tion to Winston by his fearlessness in the execution of his
office as solicitor for the ninth judicial district; as U. S. Dis-
trict Attorney under President Cleveland he made a distin-
guished record.
With the zeal he had used in fighting the liquor interests.
Governor Glenn during his administration brought about
better conditions in the state hospitals for the care of the
no Forsyth, a County on the March
insane and in the institutions for the deaf and dumb and the
blind; he caused the enforcement of certain laws pertaining
to the railroads of North Carolina; and he settled, to the satis-
faction of creditors and with honor to the state, the debt
which for years had been hampering North Carolina's
The greatest catastrophe which ever befell our town was
the bursting of the large brick and cement city reservoir, at
the northern end of Trade Street. The entire northern wall
gave way unexpectedly at five o'clock on the morning of
Wednesday, November 3, 1904, and the surging torrent of
1 80,000 gallons of water rushed east and then north following
the ravine to Belo's Pond, carrying death and destruction in
its path. Eight houses were swept away, the personal effects
of the families living in them scattered everywhere. Nine
persons were killed and numbers injured more or less
seriously. The fire bells rang and the firemen of both tow^ns
rushed to the scene of destruction to render heroic voluntary
Just ten days before the bursting of the reservoir, Win-
ston's new water plant (the erection of which was made
possible by the passing of municipal bonds in January, 1904)
was completed and water pumped into the new standpipe.
Had the accident occurred a fortnight before, AA'inston
would have been without water and, as the local press of the
day stated, every cistern in town would have been dry in less
than forty-eight hours.
Among the people living near the reservoir who miracu-
lously escaped death were a Negro man and his wife. They
were carried safely in their bed on the crest of the flood to
the bottom land around Belo's Pond. A boy whose mother
was crushed to death in the collapse of the wall was saved
because the bed on which he was sleeping was in an upper
room under the roof, where the two sides came together in
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston iii
a peak; when the large stones hit the house, the low roof
dropped over the bed, permitting the sleeping boy to con-
tinue his nap in safety.
Through the untiring efforts of Mrs. R. D. Moseley and
her Whatsoever Circle of King's Daughters, the Christian
women of Winston organized on March 8, 1905, the Asso-
ciated Charities of Winston, an association supported by
voluntary gifts, which during the expanding years of the
1900's did a great and lasting work among the poor and
underprivileged of the community.
Mrs. Henry L. Riggins was elected president of the new
organization; Mrs. D. Rich, first vice-president; Mrs. James
K. Norfleet, second vice-president; Mrs. J. M. Rogers, third
vice-president; and Miss Annie Grogan, secretary, at a
monthly salary of $20. It was thought best to have a business-
man to handle the financial side; so Mr. J. F. Griffith was
asked to serve as treasurer.
The sum of $1,200 was set for the first year's goal. A com-
mittee headed by Mrs. James K. Norfleet, Mrs. R. D. Mose-
ley, and Mrs. Henry Foltz made a house-to-house canvass
with the result that by May 30 the sum of $1,080.60 had been
pledged. The first annual report shows that a total of
$1,170.76 had been subscribed and that, in addition, $1,094.11
in cash had been collected and $20 in wood and merchandise.
The early minutes of Associated Charities show how val-
iantly the small group of women bearing the burden of the
town's down-and-outs tried to solve the questions of segrega-
tion and care of consumptives, street begging, employment
of children under twelve years of age in factories, and
The following excerpts from the Book of Minutes give an
idea of the foundational work of this organization, which in
time led to present day city-county welfare agencies.
June, 1907. Mrs. Moseley, Miss Mamie Dwire, and Mrs.
112 Forsyth, a County on the March
Roddick were appointed a committee to look into the ques-
tion of a day nursery greatly needed.
December, 1909. In regard to the girl in jail, a committee
was appointed to see her and find out if she would go to the
Home for Girls in Asheville. Mrs. Manly offered to pay the
expenses of some good woman to accompany her.
April 28, 19 10. Mrs. Andrew Mickle suggested that the
Associated Charities try to find a home for the consumptives
(under care of the association) where they could all be cared
for together.
February 28, 191 1. Mrs. James K. Norfleet, Miss Blackwell
(Methodist deaconess) and Miss Grogan, the secretary, were
appointed to consult with Judge Hastings in regard to the
establishing of a work house for girls and women.
A big item in the early reports of the treasurer is that of
transportation— sending back to the country and to various
towns those who had moved into Winston for support. The
story is told of "Miss Annie," as the secretary. Miss Annie
Grogan, was affectionately called by rich and poor, that at
one time of depression she advised so many out-of-work
people to move into the country that a prominent business-
man laughingly remonstrated with her, declaring, "Why,
Miss Annie, if all your parishioners follow your advice, there
will be so many people in the country you can't stir them
with a stick."
On January 30, 1908, the Y.W.C.A. of Winston-Salem was
organized in the Presbyterian Church under the direction of
Miss Anna Castle of the National Y.W.C.A. Board. Mrs.
E. B. Jones, who was entertaining Miss Castle in her home and
who herself was greatly interested in the welfare of young
business girls, was elected the first president of the Y.
While this was the formal organization of the local associa-
tion along national Hues, for two or more years a small group
of young business women sponsored by various groups of
church women had been carrying on a Business Woman's
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 113
Club suggested by Miss Ada Snow. Miss Flora Leak, who
knew personally almost every business girl in the small com-
munity of the 1900's, and her mother, Mrs. Mattie Leak, be-
came warm friends of Miss Snow, and one evening around
the supper table these three friends and a new friend. Miss
Caroline Hawkins, assistant to the pastor of the First Presby-
terian Church, began to make plans for a club where working
girls living in boarding houses might spend their off -hours.
With Miss Hawkins as the head, the movement was soon
launched. Dr. Neal Anderson, pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church, and Mr. J. M. Rogers, one of his elders, giving
hearty support and encouragement. Mr. Rogers donated the
use of a room over his hardware store— present site of Kress—
and various other merchants contributed heavy curtains to
divide the big room into assembly hall, tiny rest room, and
kitchenette. Interested women gave furnishings for the rooms,
including a piano.
On the evening Miss Castle was organizing a real
Y.W.C.A., the Brown-Rogers store caught on fire and the
club rooms of the pioneer Y were completely destroyed by
fire or water.
New quarters were at once secured: a large room on the
second floor of Gilmer Brothers on South Main Street, con-
verted by means of beaver-board partitions into association
room, with secretary's oflice in one corner, a reading room,
and a kitchen. Miss Anna Shaw of Pittsburgh, a trained
Y.W.C.A. official, was employed as secretary.
In these rooms the association was housed until the late
Mrs. R. J. Reynolds made possible the handsome and pleasant
Y on First and Church streets.
A survey of Winston during the last decade of her history
as a separate municipaHty shows the business life of the town
(the population, something over 17,167), centering about
Courthouse Square, some distance down to the Union Depot,
up Liberty a few blocks, down Main to Second. Cherry
114 Forsyth, a County on the March
Street south from Fourth, upper Liberty; Fourth and Fifth
streets west from Cherry were residential sections, with tree-
lined sidewalks, broad front yards, and back-yard vegetable
gardens surrounding the homes.
There were no sprawling apartment houses, no skyscrapers.
The tallest, most pretentious buildings were the seven-story
Wachovia Bank and Trust Company on Third and Main;
the Masonic Temple, erected in 1906, on Fourth and Trade;
the three-story First National Bank Building on Liberty,
erected in 1890; the Masten Building, Fourth and Main,
erected in 19 10; the Jones Building, North Liberty just north
of Fifth Street, erected in 1900; and the three-story O'Hanlon
Building (soon after this period destroyed by fire and re-
placed by the present tall, handsome structure).
The Post Office, on the site of the present Federal Building
but much smaller, had a working force of forty; there were
fourteen letter carriers and four substitute carriers, and ten
railway mail clerks who worked in and out of the town and
who were paid through the local office.
The Elks Auditorium— now the State Theatre— with a
seating capacity of 2,300 was the principal auditorium for rec-
reational and cultural purposes; the Amuzu, the Liberty, and
the Rex, which was for Negroes only, were small moving
picture shows.
In 191 3 the great foreign trade of Winston was in its in-
fancy. For shipment over the United States no special freight
trains were necessary, and shipping by huge trucks was un-
thought of.
Few farmers used automobiles in bringing their tobacco to
town; during great tobacco breaks, the covered wagons
double-parked would crowd Trade Street, Main near Brown's
Warehouse, and Fifth as far west as Spruce or even Poplar.
Hundreds of farmers would sleep on the floors of the ware-
houses or camp out in their parked wagons, cooking their
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 115
supper and breakfast by the light of the lanterns hung on at
the backs of their wagons.
When Winston voted for consolidation, the assessed value
of property was $711 per capita; the bonded debt of the town
was $61.20 per capita.
The very fact that during the years preceding consolida-
tion the women of Winston were, through their Women's
Improvement League, waging a vigorous campaign for the
beautifying and upkeep of public grounds and buildings, the
enforcement of sanitary measures in keeping the town clean,
shows not only that women were awakening to their respon-
sibilities as citizens but that the town had need of more thor-
ough official oversight of streets and public property.
Among the measures urged by the Women's Improvement
League were the regular flushing of the bithulithic streets and
the sweeping and sprinkling of the unpaved streets; the use
of tin garbage cans in place of old barrels and boxes; the en-
forcement of law against "using as enlarged cuspidors"
the inside walks and public buildings such as the Post Office
and the Union Railroad Station; the beautifying and improve-
ment of all the city school grounds, especially those of West
End School, which were about to wash away.
The minutes of the Board of Aldermen show that at the
turn of the century the old question of allowing citizens to
raise hogs on their town lots was still a matter of concern to
the town authorities. Indeed, the question of Hogs or No
Hogs was made an issue in certain sections of Winston in
the matter of consolidation with Salem.
The town records show that, in the months preceding the
election on consolidation, first one large group of citizens in
one section of the town and then another group in another
section would present petitions asking to be allowed to con-
tinue raising hogs; an equally large group of property-owners
would promptly petition against hog-raising. It became a
ii6 Forsyth, a County on the March
delicate matter for the aldermen to decide, especially when
it became evident that the vote for consolidation would be
affected by the decision they made. Finally, on the evening
of March 7, 191 3, the aldermen cast their votes, as many For
as Against; the Mayor broke the tie, casting his vote for the
With the following excerpts from the minutes of the
Winston Board of Aldermen concerning the consolidation
with Salem these glimpses of small-town Winston come to a
"February i, 191 3. Whereas an Act of the General Assem-
bly of North Carolina was duly passed and ratified 27 th day
of January 191 3 consoHdating as one municipality the City
of Winston and the Town of Salem in the name of the City
of W^inston-Salem, in accordance with the provisions con-
tained in said Act, providing that the same should be ratified
by the voters of the City of Winston in an election to be
held in the City of Winston and by the voters of the Town of
Salem in an election to be held in the Town of Salem;
"Whereas if a majority of the votes cast in each of said
elections should be in favor of the said consolidation as set
forth in said Act of the General Assembly,
"Be it ordained: that ... an election shall be held in the
three wards of the City of Winston on Tuesday the i8th day
of March 191 3 ... that the Mayor shall give proper and legal
notice of the time and place of said election by publishing in
some newspaper published in the City of Winston for at least
30 days prior to the date of said election.
"May 18, 191 3. The returns of the election on Consolida-
tion held March 18, 191 3 having been presented, they were
approved. The votes cast were: First Ward 350 For, ^6
Against, total 406; Second Ward 210 For, 96 Against, total
306; Third Ward 204 For, 108 Against, total 312."
On May 6, 191 3, the election of the official board for the
municipality of the City of Winston-Salem was held, and the
Glimpses of Small-Town Winston 117
following men were elected: mayor, O. B. Eaton; aldermen,
first ward E. D. Vaughn, C. M. Cain; second ward G. E.
Webb, P. S. Bailey; third ward N. D. Dowdy, G. W. Ed-
wards; Salem ward H. F. Shaffner, Fred A. Fogle.
On May 12, 191 3, the new Board met in the Council Cham-
ber of the City Hall at 8:30 p.m. and took their oaths of
THERE is something appealing about our North Caro-
lina towns. Isaac Erwin Avery said of them, "They
are the most charming places in the world, where
folks send you good things to eat when you are
sick and talk about you when you are well." Forsyth County
is blessed with its share of the smaller units of population.
They contribute to the social development of the people,
although they do not shine with the lustre of the metropolis.
No attempt is here made to present their full history; rather
the aim is to tell of their origin, to relate interesting details in
their development, and to list some of their representative
family names.
Bethabara, or Old Town
On a November day in 1753, the first settlers reached
Wachovia. They found a deserted cabin, formerly occupied
by a frontiersman named Hans Wagner. Crowded into this
welcome shelter, they celebrated their arrival with a lovefeast
and sang a hymn composed for the occasion, probably the
first poem on record composed in North Carolina:
"We hold arrival lovefeast here
In Carolina land."
The hymn was sung to the accompaniment of wolves howl-
ing in the wilderness.
Next day all of the colonists were at work building their
town, "some sharpening their axes and preparing their hoes,
others beginning to construct a bakeoven, one exploring the
country to find a mill where they might buy some com, etc.,
whilst three brethren were busy in the house, preparing a kind
of garret with rough boards, where they could store their
The names of these first settlers were Bernhard Adam
Grube, Jacob Loesch, Hans Martin Kalberlahn, Hans Peter-
122 Forsyth, a County on the March
sen, Christopher Merkley, Herman Loesch, Erich Ingebret-
sen, Heinrich Feldhausen, Johannes Lisher, Jacob Lung,
Friedrich Jacob Pfeil, and Jacob Beroth. They were soon
joined by other pilgrims. DweUing houses, a grist mill, and a
meeting house were erected. In 1756 the settlement numbered
sixty-five inhabitants.
The village attracted travelers. This outpost in the wilder-
ness offered hospitality. On the ancient trail to Virginia,
Bethabara was visited by settlers and Indians. Cherokee,
Creek, and Catawba Indians halted there, and more than five
hundred passed through the settlement in 1757 and 1758.
They described Bethabara as a place "where there are good
people and much bread."
The French and Indian War, begun in the north in 1754,
spread southward. In 1756 a palisade was erected about the
settlement. Guards were on duty. Settlers for a hundred miles
around fled to Bethabara for refuge. They came from as far
away as New River in Virginia and Alamance River in North
Carolina. Brother Kapp, the miller, tried to provide meal for
all the refugees.
Indians surrounded the fort. One day a neighboring settler
staggered into it with two arrows in his body. His companions
had been killed, but he had escaped, wounded, and after long
wandering reached the fort, where the arrows, one of which
had pierced him through, were extracted. Fifteen settlers in
the neighborhood were slain by the marauding Indians.
Suddenly the Indians disappeared. Later the settlers learned
that they had been frightened away by the ringing of the
church bell and the blowing of the trumpet in the Httle set-
Frontier guardsmen who patrolled the region in this period
of danger included Daniel Boone, whose home was on the
Yadkin River.
After peace was restored, more settlers arrived in Wacho-
via. Bethabara became an important center for trade. Neigh-
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 123
bors found here a community of devout, well-educated, and
cultured inhabitants. According to plan, however, Bethabara
was designed to be only a place of passage. Salem was estab-
lished as the central town of Wachovia in 1766. Gradually the
inhabitants of Bethabara moved thither. But there were still
stirring scenes at the first settlement. Governor Tryon visited
there, and his troops paraded in the meadow to the music of
the Bethabara band. Lord Cornwallis marched through with
his army in 1781.
Today it is a small, picturesque community seemingly far
removed from the busy industrial city of Winston-Salem. The
ancient church, built in 1788, stands as a monument to the
pilgrims who found their way into the wilderness and estab-
lished themselves as the first settlers. The parsonage, built in
1778, is across the street. In the hilltop burial ground are the
graves of the pioneers.
Bethabara has been a house of passage. Without Bethabara
there would have been no Salem and no Winston-Salem.
Among the refugees who assembled in Bethabara during the
Indian War there were some who desired to unite with the
Moravian settlers, and there were also certain Moravians who
wished to establish themselves independently instead of shar-
ing in the closely-bound co-operative social system of the
To accommodate these two classes, plans were made for
a new settlement three miles west of Bethabara in a valley
location known as Black Walnut Bottom. Bishop A. G. Span-
genberg led the pioneers in selecting the site in June, 1759.
Surveyor Renter measured off thirty town lots, two tracts of
meadow land, several acres of upland for gardens and or-
chards, and about two thousand acres of land set apart for use
of the inhabitants.
124 Forsyth, a County on the March
Moravian settlers who were assigned lots in the lower
part of the village were Gottfried Grabs, Balthasar Hege,
Charles Opiz, Christopher Schmidt, John Beroth, Adam
Kremer, Michael Ranke, and Henry Bieffel. On July i8, Mr.
and Mrs. Grabs and their little son William occupied the first
cabin erected. The comforting Scripture text for the day was,
"I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me." Indeed, there was
need of such comfort, for the dangers of Indian warfare
threatened this infant colony. Spangenberg and his party of
town-builders rode their horses at a thundering gallop on the
road from Bethabara to the new town, and it was well that
they did, for Indian warriors were lurking in the forest along
the trail, waiting for opportunity to attack.
Neighbors who were permitted to settle in the upper part
of the new town were Martin Hauser and his two married
sons, George and Michael Hauser, Henry Spoenhauer, John
Strup, Philip Shaus, Frederick Shore, a widower, and his son
Henry Shore.
In the year 1781, when the inhabitants of Bethania num-
bered ninety-one, the quiet village was again brought into the
theater of war. The army of Lord Cornwallis, pursuing Gen-
eral Greene, was forced by high water to forego crossing the
Yadkin River near Salisbury, and marched upstream beyond
the west bank of the river to the crossing at Shallow Ford.
The British army of five thousand Redcoats, with about as
many camp-followers, descended upon the village on Feb-
ruary 9. Lord Cornwallis selected as headquarters a house on
Main Street north of the church, later the home of Professor
A. I. Burner. Soldiers raided the neighborhood, seizing all the
ducks, chickens, hogs, and cattle to be found and com-
mandeering the horses. Fences and outbuildings were burned
in campfires. Troopers located several still-houses in the re-
gion outside the town. A commentator has stated that there
was so much drunkenness that five hundred Colonial troops
could have captured the entire army.
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 125
Bethania has from the beginning enjoyed cultural advan-
tages. Education has been well supported and the community
has been served by able teachers. A distinctive contribution
to higher education was the work of Miss Emma Lehman, for
many years a teacher at Salem College. Old Town High
School serves the community today.
A brick church built in 1 809, succeeding the first house of
worship, was destroyed by fire in 1942; only the brick walls
were left standing. In the fire the oldest pipe organ then in
use in North Carolina was reduced to ashes. The church has
since been rebuilt and is very nearly like the former building.
Bethania has retained its old-world appearance. It is a quiet,
neighborly village that attracts many visitors.
Among the familiar Bethania names not already mentioned
are Transou, Oehman, Chadwick, Kapp, and Holder.
A year after the first settlers arrived at Bethabara, Adam
Spach, a native of Alsace, settled in the valley of a small creek
south of the Wachovia Tract. For safety he cut a road
through the forest from his home to Bethabara, and with his
family he fled to the fort during the Indian War.
Upon his urgent invitation, a minister visited his home in
1758 and preached to eight families there assembled. This was
the beginning of the Friedberg congregation.
A meeting house was built and was consecrated in 1769.
Fourteen families united in this effort, of whom the men were
Valentine Frey, Christian Frey, George Frey, Peter Frey,
George Hartman, Adam Hartman, John Mueller, John
Boeckel, Frederick Boeckel, Jacob Crater, Martin Walk,
Peter Foltz, Adam Spach, and Christian Stauber. Another
member later associated with the society was Marcus Hoehns
(Hanes) .
Friedberg Church has flourished, growing in membership
126 Forsyth, a County on the March
until the congregation has become one of the largest among
the rural churches in North CaroHna.
Adam Spach, the Father of Friedberg, built a residence of
stone, known widely as the Rock House. It was located over
a spring and had a large basement into which cattle could be
driven in case of siege. The walls were provided with port-
More than five thousand descendants of Adam Spach have
been recorded. Other famihar names among the early settlers
include Ebert, Fishel, Fisher, Rothrock, Tesch, Weisner,
Zimmerman, Reich, Mendenhall, and Graver.
Southwest of Bethabara, between the present Hanes and
Clemmons, the settlers Christopher Elrod and John Douthit
invited Moravian ministers to preach in the neighborhood.
These settlers sought refuge at the Bethabara fort in the
Indian War. Several families from Carroll's Manor in Mary-
land moved into this community. A meeting house was begun
in 1775 but was not completed until 1780. The congregation
was called Hope.
Early residents of the community included families named
Peddycord, Padget, Chitty, Boner, Goslen, Hamilton, Boyer,
Markland, Slater, and Riddle.
Many Moravians migrated to the Middle West early in the
nineteenth century and founded a town in Bartholomew
County, Indiana, which was named Hope after the congrega-
tion in North Carolina.
Several families arrived in Wachovia in 1769. They had
first begun a settlement at Broad Bay, Maine, but were not
pleased with the location. On their way to North Carolina
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 127
they had been shipwrecked off the coast of Virginia. These
settlers were assigned land southeast of Salem and there
founded Friedland. The names of early members were John
Peter Green (Kroehn), Michael Rominger, Philip Christoph
Vogler, Melchoir Schneider, Frederick Kuenzel, Michael
Sides, Jacob Rominger, Frederick Miller, Jacob Hine, Peter
Schneider, John Lanius, Peter Fiedler, George Frederick
Hahn, and Jacob Reid. Additional names associated with the
neighborhood are Williard, Swaim, and Smith.
The army of Lord Cornwallis on the march in 178 1 camped
for the night in the vicinity of Friedland. The church diary
states: "The Friedland people living near the camp lost nearly
all their forage and cattle. All sorts of excesses were com-
mitted by wandering parties seeking food."
The township in which Friedland is located is known as
Broadbay, in memory of the earlier New England home of
the first settlers.
Belews Creek
The early history of this settlement can be found only in
fragments. In 1753 the survey on Belews Creek was recorded
of 200 acres of land each for Thomas Linville (Linvall), Sr.,
and Thomas Linville, Jr., by Lord Granville's "sworn sur-
veyor," William Churton. "Sworn chain carriers" were Wil-
liam Barclay, Thomas and William Linville.
In 1767 the county court in Salisbury granted three public
roads from Salem, one leading to "Beloe's Creek." Salem
agreed to care for seven miles of the road to "Blewers Creek."
The new road to "Beloos Creek" was opened in 1773.
Itinerant Moravian ministers preached at Belews Creek in 1772
and later, enjoying the hospitality of settlers Fehr, Say lor
(Seeler), and others. Hoffman's son, from "Bielus Creek,"
was employed in 1774 as hostler at the Bethabara tavern.
A military company from Belews Creek passed through
Salem in 1776. The Salem diary comments: (1780) "A party
128 Forsyth, a County on the March
of soldiers came from the Belews Creek settlement with about
thirteen Tories, and they asked for a service." (1781) "The
militia company from Beloe's Creek were to muster here
today." (1781) "Forty men came from Below's Creek, and
remained here over night." The Bethania diary: (1781) "The
Captain, Cummens (Cummings) by name, came with another
man who asked modestly for something to eat; we gave it to
him and he left with many thanks."
In April, 1782, Peter Lewis (Ludwig) on Belews Creek
brought his infant son to Salem to be baptized. In 1786 there
was noted the funeral of George Fulp (Volp), born in 17 18.
"The Brethren proclaimed the Gospel several times in his
home." Other names of early settlers appearing in the records
from time to time are Neal, Preston, Pegram, Hester, Dean,
Brooks, Strader, and McNally.
Peter Pfaif, who was born in 1727, arrived in Wachovia
in 1 77 1 and settled at Friedberg. His son Isaac married Mar-
garet Fulk (Margaretha Volk) in Bethania; they made their
home on a farm west of the town. In his old age Peter Pfaff
moved there to join them.
The Bethania diary recorded in 1801: "A very severe
storm passed near us. At the home of Isaac Pfaff, three miles
from here, lightning struck the shed and killed two horses.
Fortunately it was a cold flash, and did not set the shed on
fire. At the home of Joseph Pfaff, a short mile from there, it
struck and splintered a tree about forty paces from the
The name of the family was early attached to the commu-
nity. In selecting a preaching place in the outlying neighbor-
hood, the Bethania authorities in 181 2 recommended "the
house of Bro. Peter Pfaff, in Pfafftown, and the house of Br.
Jacob Krieger."
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 129
Other familiar names of the Pfafftown community are
Stultz and Wilson.
The family name of an early landowner is preserved in
Brookstown. In 1793 Brooks Ferry on the Yadkin River was
mentioned, and there may be some connection between this
name and that of the settlement.
Bethania records of 1808 state that most of its citizens
"went to the annual election, some going to Salem, some to
Germanton, and some to the place called Bruxe's Town, three
miles from here, where the election is being held for the first
time." In 18 14, however, the state legislature changed the
voting place from "Brux's Town" to Bethania, where several
hundred men gathered to vote.
A Methodist church was established in Brookstown in the
early years of the settlement. The Negroes of the community
also had their place of worship. According to the Bethania
records of 181 1, "The meeting for Negroes, set for the after-
noon, could not be held, as most of the Negroes had gone to
Bruxe's Town to hear the funeral sermon of one of their race
who had died there some time ago."
The oldest house standing in the community was built by
the Conrad family. Other familiar Brookstown names are
Dobb, Mickle, Hunt, Hauser, and Rayle.
Rural Hall
"Hermanns (Harmon) Miller enters one hundred acres of
land in Surry County, lying on a Branch of Beaver Dam
Creek, beginning on Jacob Lash's Line ... Jan. 3d, 1778."
This entry introduces Beaver Dam, the name first given to
Nazareth EvangeUcal Lutheran Church of Rural Hall. The
church records state that the congregation was organized in
1785 and that A. Kiger gave the land for the school.
130 Forsyth, a County on the March
Since there was a scarcity of Lutheran ministers, from 1 796
for a score of years Moravian ministers served the congrega-
tion by request. In these years funerals were conducted for
deceased members of the families of Kreeger, Petree, Moser,
and Keiger. A funeral service for Hermanns Miller, men-
tioned above, was conducted in 18 18. In that year the commu-
nity numbered twenty families.
In 181 3 the visiting minister commented that preaching
was held once a month and on the other Sundays a free school
was conducted. The present building was erected in 1879.
In time the railway lines to North Wilkesboro and Mount
Airy converged in the town, and the name Rural Hall was
bestowed upon the village. A thriving industrial and trading
center has developed, and a county high school serves the
comm.unity. The town is incorporated.
Among the names familiar in the story of Rural Hall are
Stauber, Payne, Helsabeck, Flynt, Westmoreland, Wilson,
Lash, Tuttle, and Kiser.
Clemmons derives its name from Peter Clemmons. His son,
Edwin Thomas Clemmons, who was born in the neighbor-
hood, was a prominent operator of stage-coach lines, at one
time having six stages running out of Salem. The last surviving
stage coach operated by him, named the "Hattie Butner" in
honor of his wife, ran for some time between Salem and High
Point. Its last run was between Old Fort and Asheville. This
stage coach is now a popular exhibit in the Hall of History of
the Wachovia Historical Society.
In its early years Clemmons was a small but flourishing
community. It drew trade from the river plantations, and
tradition says that when customers desired the latest style in
ladies' hats, they went to Clemmons rather than to Salem.
The old brick house built by Philip Hanes, son of Marcus,
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 131
is a landmark not far from the village. T. Holt Haywood's
Arden Farm is located on Muddy Creek to the east. Along the
Yadkin River are the estates of W. N. Reynolds and R. E.
Lasater. Across the river is the estate of S. Clay Williams.
Familiar names in the earlier history of the community are
Johnson, Griffith, Blackburn, Hall, Sprinkle, Hunter, Hege,
Strupe, Cooper, Jones, Davis, and Fulton.
The largest tow^ in Forsyth County, next to Winston-
Salem, is Kernersville. Its elevation is about seventy-five feet
higher than its city neighbor and it is the source of Haw
River, Deep River, Abbotts Creek, Salem Creek, and Belews
The story of Kernersville begins with the coming about
1756 or 1760 of Caleb Story, a native of Ireland, who bought
400 acres of land near the Guilford County line east of the
AVachovia Tract, the tradition being that he paid for it with
four gallons of rum. Story sold the land to a man named Dob-
son, and for many years the name Dobson's Cross Roads was
applied to this locality. President George Washington in 1791
halted for breakfast at Dobson's Tavern, then located at the
The Dobson land-holdings increased to 1,032 acres, and
were sold in 1 8 1 3 to Gottlieb Schober, of Salem. Schober trans-
ferred the property to his son Nathaniel, who in 18 17 sold it
to Joseph Kerner, a resident of the Friedland community. The
name was then changed to Kerner's Cross Roads.
Kerner added more land, and at his death in 1830 he left
1,100 acres to be divided among three heirs. John F. Kerner
received the portion to the west of what is now Main Street;
Philip Kerner's share was the land to the east and the home-
stead; the daughter Salome, who had married ApoUos Har-
mon, received a share to the south.
132 Forsyth, a County on the March
Sale of lots began in 1 840 and led to an increasing number
of residents. The thriving town of Kernersville developed and
was incorporated in 1869. Joseph Armstrong was elected the
first mayor.
Julius Kerner, a descendant of Joseph, was a widely known
painter and decorator who operated under the professional
name of Reuben Rinck. The residence that he built on Main
Street is known as Kerner's Folly, because of its strange
architectural designs, with all the windows of different sizes
and doors on various levels. The house is still a marvel and a
delight to visitors.
The Southern Railway came to Kernersville in 1873. Indus-
tries have multiphed and there is brisk trade. Nine churches
serve the town.
Among the familiar names in Kernersville history are
Beard, Linville, McCuiston, Lindsay, Lewis, Davis, Griffith,
Leak, Gentry, Guyer, Fulton, Roberts, Stewart, Shore, Staf-
ford, Greenfield, Henley, Stockton, Ring, Vance, Fulp,
Plunkett, Armfield, Whittington, Hooper, Huie, Ray, Sapp,
Rights, Hendrix, Lowery, Pinnix, and Atkins.
"Across the Town Fork Road from John Armstrong,
Robert Walker secured 400 acres, formerly 'the Douglas
Place,' his grant being dated 1779." This tract was northeast
of Salem and appears designated on a map of 1771, "Robt.
The family name Walker spread throughout the vicinity and
it is probable that Walkertown derives its name from this
At the headwaters of Walker Creek a tract of land was
listed on a map of 177 1 in the name of Sam Wagner. It seems
that Wagner was involved in the War of the Regulators and
was denied pardon by Governor Tryon. At any rate, the
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 133
name Wagner, or Wagoner, or Waggoner, has been long
familiar in the Walkertown neighborhood.
Tradition holds that the Methodist Church was organized
in 1 79 1. A deed of 1797 records that "Thos. Tucker & Ann
his wife transferred to James Love, Sr., Edmond Jean, Wil-
liam Jean, James Love, Jr., Edward Cooley, Robert Fulton
and Archibald Campbell, Trustees" one acre for use of the
Methodist Church. The journal of Bishop Francis Asbury has
this entry for Monday, October 7, 1799: "We rode through
Stokes County, and attended a meeting at Love's Church,
which has glass windows and a yard fenced in." Love's
Church was destroyed by fire in 1947. Rebuilding began soon
thereafter. Morris Chapel, named for the Morris family, is
near by.
Today Walkertown is on the Norfolk & Western Railway,
and a county high school is located there.
Among other familiar names in the Walkertown commu-
nity are Sullivan, Grubbs, Young, Idol, Whicker, Disher,
Siewers, Sell, Crews, Mecum, Moir, Van Hoy, Hester, Ham-
mack, and Jones.
Lewis Lagenauer, a descendant of the Lagenauer family
that came to Friedland about 1773, settled in western Forsyth
County and built a substantial brick house. Tradition has it
that the village which grew up about this home was called
Lewisville after the first name of the founder.
Not far from Lewisville along the Yadkin River the Wil-
liams family settled before the Revolution, and the plantation
at Panther Creek has had a long and interesting history. Up-
stream was the Martin plantation.
West of the village in the big bend of the river is West
Bend, a small settlement, among whose familiar names are
Black, Jones, McBride, Hauser, Dinkins, and Nading. The
land in the bend of the river was until recent years a part of
134 Forsyth, a County on the March
Yadkin County, and a former resident of West Bend, B.
Franklin Jones, served as sheriff of Yadkin County.
A county high school is located in Lewisville. This school
suffered the loss of its building by fire, but has risen again
from the ashes. Miss Anna Ogburn has opened the doors of
her "Sunny Acres" farm as a friendly community center.
Among the familiar Lewisville names are Craft, Wagoner,
Dull, Fulk, and Reynolds.
Near the southeast corner of the county is Teaguetown,
named for the Teague family. It has no church, but not far
away are Abbotts Creek Primitive and Missionary Baptist
churches to the south. Union Cross Moravian to the north,
and Bunker Hill Baptist and Methodist churches to the east.
Down below the bend in the road is the location of the
ghost town Browntown, once a busy place where circuses
performed, now completely deserted. Along Abbotts Creek
settled Barnett Idol, whose son Jacob was a soldier in the
Continental Army during the Revolution. Barnett Idol's
grandson Barnett married Rachel Chipman, a descendant of
John Howland, a Pilgrim of the Mayflower voyage. Farther
down the creek camped the armies of General Greene and
Lord Cornwallis, and there are stirring legends of Colonel
Spurgeon, an ardent Tory, and of his wife and son, who were
equally zealous for the cause of the colonies. Even the Indians
contributed by burying a cache of chipped stone blades,
which were plowed up on the Sell farm at Teaguetown.
Family names here include Raper, Smith, Hayworth, Bo-
denheimer, Newsome, Jones, Charles, and Swaim.
Union Cross
Union Cross is located at the junction of the Kernersville
and High Point roads. Store, school, and church serve the
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 135
community. Among familiar names in this section are Smith,
Williard, Weavil, Bodenheimer, and Tucker.
In Salem Chapel township is the flag-stop on the Norfolk
& Western Railway known as Dennis. John D. Waddill, a
resident of the past generation, was a large landowner here.
Because of his extensive property he was known throughout
the county as the Earl of Dennis. Other family names in the
vicinity include Marshall and Fulp.
Donnaha is located under the hill of the Old Richmond
Courthouse site. Although located along the Southern Rail-
way and the Yadkin River, it never grew up. Some say that
the name is derived from early settlers; others, that it is named
for an Indian chief. Certainly the river valley at Donnaha was
once the location of a large Indian village. Many objects of
Indian origin have been found at this site, and enough of them
to fill a large show case are now in the Wachovia Museum.
Idols is just a flag-stop on the Southern Railway at the end
of the trestle across the Yadkin River beyond Clemmons. It
is named for the Idol family. It has the distinction, however,
of being the site of the first hydro-electric plant in the South
for transmission of electric power to distant communities.
This plant was built in 1898 by Henry E. Fries, manager of
the Fries Manufacturing and Power Company. The name
Idols replaced the older one, Douthit's Ferry.
136 Forsyth, a County on the March
East of Rural Hall is a district formerly known locally as
Bannertown. Descendants of Henry Banner, the first settler
in the neighborhood, are numerous there.
The Banner home was on the old Virginia Trail south of
Germanton and was the scene of many stirring events in
colonial days. It was raided fourteen times during the French
and Indian War.
West of Rural Hall is the small settlement of Tobaccoville,
the only location in the state bearing the name of the famous
weed that has brought so much wealth to Virginia and the
Carolinas. Familiar family names of the Tobaccoville neigh-
borhood are Long, Wolf, Speas, Shamel, and Doub.
The traveler on Highway 421 finds at the city limits of
Winston-Salem a scene of great beauty as he journeys west-
ward. Here is a three-lane highway bordered by maple trees,
gorgeously colored in the fall of the year. On the right is
Reynolda Park, one of the most beautiful residential areas of
the city; on the left is Graylyn chateau, erected by the Gray
family; a little farther on is the ultra-modern Summit School.
These developments have come through the original devel-
opment of the Reynolda Estate, the home of the late Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Reynolds, which is still occupied by members of
the family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Babcock.
"Reynolda House" is a large, rambling structure of white
plaster, beautifully designed in the English manner, with
spacious grounds and gardens. Rows of weeping cherries,
narcissi, magnolias, and thousands of daffodils extend through-
out the wooded section. West of the residence lies Reynolda
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 137
Village, with its English-type cottages and other buildings of
white plaster, including the quaint blacksmith shop, postoffice,
greenhouse, and the charming little ivy-covered Presbyterian
Church, which was dedicated in 19 15, and is the center of
the community.
The farm purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds about 1909,
had only an old farmhouse and the fabulous "Fourteen Min-
eral Springs" (a different mineral in each!). With additional
purchases of adjoining lands, it has grown into an estate of
approximately one thousand acres, w^hich includes the Old
Town Club with its magnificent golf course, and some three
hundred acres donated by the owners to become the future
campus of Wake Forest College.
The Village of Hanes
Pleasantly situated on the outskirts of Winston-Salem is the
industrial community of Hanes. Its history is woven inex-
tricably into the pattern of progress of the southern textile
industry, more particularly of the North Carolina textile
In 19 10 and 191 1 the Hanes village and first spinning plant
were constructed. The plant was built for the purpose of
manufacturing high-grade yarn for use in the knitted prod-
ucts produced at the P. H. Hanes Knitting Company's plant
in Winston-Salem. Beginning with 15,000 spindles, the Hanes
Spinning Plant has kept pace with the growth of the industry,
and in order to meet the increasing demand for Hanes prod-
ucts, which have become known throughout the nation for
their quality and value, the number of spindles has increased
until today they are more than three times their original
In the village the recent construction of many additional
houses of the most modern type and the modernization of
others have provided the residents with the means for whole-
13 8 Forsyth, a County on the March
some American living of high standard. Free garden space is
furnished. In addition, the company has provided the resi-
dents at Hanes with churches, a school, a modern cafeteria,
paved streets, water supply, sewerage system, and fire protec-
tion. A volunteer fire department is equipped with a modem
truck and the latest in fire-fighting apparatus.
Adjacent to the village, which, incidentally, has its own
postofiice, is a twenty-acre recreation area for use by the em-
ployees and their families. It contains a model ball park
equipped with underground sprinkler system and grandstand,
bleachers, and a modern field house. There are also softball
diamonds and a large wooded area in which are located a rustic
pavilion, outdoor ovens, and barbecue pits, where employee
picnics and other social events may be held.
Other Communities
North of the city is the Mineral Springs development. Its
county high school was destroyed by fire and has been re-
placed by a beautiful new building. Also to the north is
Ogburn Station. Along the road to Walkertown is Daisy, and
along the Rural Hall Road are Marvin Chapel and Stanley-
ville. Tiretown derives its name from the automobile tire
factory that once operated in the vicinity.
East of the city, on a long ridge, is City View, and beyond
is Guthrie, its school long abandoned. West of the city, near
Muddy Creek, is the Fraternity community, originally
settled by members of the Dunkard Church.
New Eden has developed out of Yontztown, a suburban
settlement along the Old Lexington Road. Half a mile south
is Union Ridge. A recent development is Weston, bordering
the Winston-Salem Southbound Railway and Waughtown-
Clemmons Road. South of the city Konnoak Hills was de-
veloped as a residential community. West of this area, border-
ing the Waughtown-Clemmons Road, Philip W. Mock made
Smaller Towns, Villages, and Hamlets 139
a subdivision of his farm, which has grown up into the Rose-
mont community.
Centerville, Sunnyside, and Waughtown have been incor-
porated into the city. Centerville was so called because it was
located between Salem and Waughtown. Sunnyside was
named for the plantation of E. A. Vogler in that area. Waugh-
town was first called Charlestown or Baggetown for its
founder Charles Bagge. Later the family name of a prominent
resident brought the change to Waughtown. No members of
the Waugh family live there today.
North Winston was once known as Liberty. The name
was given by a Moravian Brother who rebelled against the
restrictions of Old Salem and built his home where he could
enjoy more freedom. Liberty Street perpetuates the name.
South Liberty Street was first called Salt Street because the
salt supply of the town of Salem was kept in a house on that
Much of the material on Forsyth's smaller communities is
fragmentary and much of it will pass away with the memories
of the older inhabitants. Still retained are the names of the
rural districts Dozier, Seward (home of the well-known base-
ball player, Rabbit Whitman) , Vienna with its county school,
and Valley View. Gone and well-nigh forgotten are such
former place names as Jerusalem Meadows, Stumptown,
Louse Level, and Spanish Grove.
( \
THE first people to penetrate what is now Forsyth
County probably were hunters, enjoying the hunt-
er's paradise which extended throughout all of this
part of the country. Long after 1700, big game
could be found throughout most of North Carolina. Bears,
deer, and other choice animals persisted until well up into the
eighteenth century.
The Forest Primeval
This whole area was largely an unbroken forest. Here and
there, Indians had cleared small patches to grow a little corn.
But for the greater part, a perfect stand of timber awaited any
permanent settler who came to claim it. What we have left
today suggests what was standing when the first settlers came.
Of all the really valuable trees, only one species has vanished
from the scene— the chestnut. Until as late as the first quarter
of this century, chestnut was plentiful over all this part of
North Carolina, Forsyth County included. Shortly after the
turn of this century, the chestnut bHght invaded the region
and within a space of twenty-five years destroyed every
chestnut tree throughout the length and breadth of the East-
ern divide.
There were sections of the United States where heavier
stands of timber could be found than in the primeval area that
is now Forsyth County, but nowhere was the quality better.
All of the hard woods common to the eastern part of the
United States were found here. Pine timber flourished every-
where and in the early days forest pines covered most of the
ridges and sometimes extended well down into the lowlands.
Poplar, one of the soft woods, was found everywhere and
was widely used in furniture in the early days, particularly in
lighter articles; black walnut was largely used for the finer
pieces of furniture.
The first people to penetrate this section were attracted by
the same things that attracted the Moravian colony. Material
144 Forsyth, a County on the March
out of which to build their homes was important. But the
ground beneath the trees was equally important. Nowhere in
the county was there a barren acre of land, possibly excepting
swamp land along some of the larger streams.
It is probable that the first people to settle permanently in
the region now known as Forsyth County came around 1 740,
or shortly thereafter, for it is known that there were perma-
nent settlements in Eastern North Carolina as early as 1663.
These early folks had just two ways to fill their larder—
with their flint-lock muskets or with crude farming tools.
They soon found that the fertile soil lent itself to gardening,
and gardens were their first permanent sources of food. Little
by httle, the frontiersmen pushed the forests back, using the
logs to build their cabins and the fields that were cleared to
produce crops. Corn was already the staple crop in all of this
section of North Carolina by the time the first permanent
villages were established, for in the short space of approxi-
mately one hundred and fifty years after Sir Walter Raleigh's
colonists found the Indians of Eastern North Carolina raising
small nubbins on the sandy tidewater soil, the white man had
developed corn to the place where it yielded well. Even be-
fore the Moravians arrived, a little wheat and a little rye were
being reaped, although it was rather late that bread, other
than "corn pone," became a standard part of the diet. The
earliest recorded data show that cabbage, potatoes, and field
peas came in with the settlers. Early records refer to sallet, by
which turnips were meant. It is probable that a few fruit
trees— apples, peaches, pears, and quinces— were already grow-
ing here by 1740.
The earliest clothing of our citizens reflected largely what
was found in nature. For men and sometimes for women the
skins of animals caught in the chase were converted into cloth-
ing. The men wore buckskin breeches, buckskin hunting
shirts, buckskin leggings, and often, in the very earliest days,
moccasins such as the Indians themselves wore.
Rural Forsyth 145
Flax was one of the earliest fibres produced in the colonies
and, naturally, in this county. Up to 1800, flax was the cheap-
est material for clothing available. Around 1 800, flax sold for
1 ^2 shillings a pound, wool for 2 shillings, and cotton for
2 ^2 shiUings. It was felt that it was almost necessary to have
sheep to produce woolen clothes. At first, sheep raising was
effected under great difficulties, for the heavily forested
countryside was the natural sanctuary for bears, panthers,
wolves, foxes, and a great many other predatory animals. It
was only as sizeable openings in the land were cleared and
substantial barns were built that it was possible to raise the
kind of livestock the modern farm would suggest.
It will be remembered that cotton was produced with great
effort up to the time of the invention of the cotton gin. In
fact, it was not until early in the nineteenth century that
cotton assumed a sizeable place in the economy of this or of
any other Southern county. In the latter part of the eight-
eenth century, cotton was raised in the gardens along with
vegetables, not being regarded as a field crop at all.
In short, it might be said that in 1740 and for a quarter of
a century thereafter, the present Forsyth County was as much
a part of the frontier as any of the counties farther west were
to be as civilization headed toward the Pacific Coast.
Pioneer Citizens
Pioneer citizens of Forsyth County naturally sought the
best land in the county. This land lay along the Yadkin River
and other streams which watered the region. The large planta-
tions on the Yadkin River and some comparable estates on the
smaller streams lent themselves, in many instances, to the use
of slaves. Cotton was grown in some degree, and corn was
universally cultivated. As early as Revolutionary War days,
a few rather substantial homes dotted what is now Forsyth
County and naturally were constructed of the best lumber
146 Forsyth, a County on the March
virgin forests could supply. Every decade brought its new
crop of homes, each a little better than the rest, until the early
county attained a degree of agricultural splendor comparable
to the best in the South.
Each of these ante-bellum residences marked in a sense the
founding of a family whose names have carried with them a
marked degree of prestige to the present day; and the ante-
bellum farms had an influence on agriculture until well into
the present century.
Many of the people who populated the rural county were
individuals who went out from the Moravian settlements.
They bore names which indicated their origin in central
Europe. Others came who were independent of the Moravian
settlements, with origins in all parts of continental Europe as
well as the British Isles.
Inasmuch as these families have had a tremendous influence
upon the whole history of the county, a mention of a number
of them with the neighborhoods where they resided will not
be out of place. In each of the instances cited here, the resi-
dence that is mentioned continues as a landmark in its
The Reverend John Alspaugh, who was a father of the
Methodist Church in Forsyth and adjoining counties, built a
home near Muddy Creek, about a mile below where Mill
Creek flows into that stream, in the summer of 1855.
One of the very few residences financed wholly with cur-
rency of the Confederate States of America was built by John
Hastings during the period of the War between the States,
and is located on the highway between Kernersville and
Union Cross.
Christian Conrad was one of the first to bringr the Conrad
name to this part of the South. He came from Pennsylvania
in 1765, and was followed shortly by his brother, Johann
Conrad. Finally Isaac Conrad built the Conrad residence
which now stands near Vienna, on Highway 421. The Au-
Rural Forsyth 147
gustus Eugene Conrad home, known as Hilltops House,
overlooking the Yadkin River a mile south of Highway 42 1 ,
now owned by W. J. Conrad, Jr., possibly is among the best
examples of the plantation home to be found anywhere on
the Yadkin River. Meanwhile, the Conrad name has spread
throughout all this section.
The Elijah B. Teague residence, an eleven-room house a
few miles south of Kernersville, was a local political center
for many years before the Civil War. Elijah Teague repre-
sented the county many times in the General Assembly. His
son. Dr. M. E. Teague, was sheriff of Forsyth County for one
term, and was involved in what was perhaps the most sensa-
tional political controversy in the history of the county. He
was pitted against Jack Boyer in his race for sheriff. The
vote was exceedingly close, and the election was contested.
No decision was ever reached during Dr. Teague's tenure of
office as sheriff. The litigation was so costly that the Teague
fortune was practically wiped out. Dr. Teague served as
sheriff, although it was never settled legally whether he was
elected, and he did not run for re-election. In the late 90's he
was Chief of Police in Winston. The old home has long since
passed out of the hands of the family.
Wesley Raper inherited land on Abbotts Creek which con-
tinues among the best in the county today. The residence he
built, partially with slave labor, still reflects the conditions
before the war— solid comfort, a plentiful larder, and an ap-
preciation of the luxury of leisure. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Chamberlain now own and occupy the Raper home.
Many people tried to build their homes on North Caro-
lina's Main Street, the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road.
Jasper Raper was one of these. The home he built at Union
Cross was started six years before the Civil War.
Dave Smith, according to family tradition, was putting the
roof on his home near Union Cross one day in August, 1861,
when a neighbor brought the news that South Carolina had
148 Forsyth, a County on the March
seceded from the Union. The story says further that all of
the workers laid down their tools and proceeded to discuss
the possible consequences of this sensational action.
John Reich acquired the land on Old Salisbury Road just
south of Lockland Avenue extended, where he built a home
about 1840 and 1841, and passed still another family name
down to posterity.
The Theophilus Kimel residence on Ebert Street Extension
was built in 1868 and 1869. Hulon Post Office was operated
in this residence for many years prior to about 1900.
Miller is a name widely scattered through the county. John
Thomas Miller built a home west of Rural Hall and a little
south of Tobaccoville, near the forks of the Muddy and
Barker creeks, long before the Civil War.
Dempsey B. Clinard built a home two years after the Civil
War near Wallburg. The name, like the house, is widely
known in the county.
Six generations of the John J. Miller family have occupied
an old residence this pioneer built in 18 17 overlooking the
Yadkin River. It was a stage-coach stopover for many years.
This was not far removed from the John Wesley Boner
house. John Wesley Boner was a distant cousin of John Henry
Boner, the widely known Moravian poet, who is buried in the
Moravian Graveyard in Salem.
Dr. x\lexander Wharton was one of the best-known prac-
ticing physicians the county ever had. He built his home at
Clemmons one year before the beginning of the war with
Mexico. He practiced over most of the county, and his kin
are scattered throughout this section.
Did Peter Clemmons build the long, rambling house that
is generally recognized as the oldest residence in Clemmons?
No one seems to know definitely now. It is known that Peter
Clemmons, for whom Clemmons is named, was born in Del-
aware in 1749, and that he married twice and had fourteen
children. Late in life he wrote a book entitled "Poor Peter's
Rural Forsyth 149
Call to His Children." It is a clever little book and was printed
at Salisbury. Only a few copies of it are now extant. The
family of the late Colonel W. A. Blair and Mrs. J. J. Harris,
a kinsman of Peter Clemmons, own copies, the only ones
known to be still in existence.
A later owner of the Clemmons House, Benton Douthit,
operated a general store there which rivaled all other mer-
chandising businesses in this part of the state. People came
from several counties to avail themselves of the unusual goods
the proprietor brought down from Baltimore and New York.
It is related that Benton Douthit brought to Forsyth County
the first piece of carpet ever sold which was not produced on
a hand loom.
While Henry Clay and John Caldwell Calhoun were still
twin giants in the legislative halls, one Harrison Byerly built
a pretentious home on Mickey Mill Road. The Byerly name
and this old residence are widely known in the county.
In northeast Forsyth, on the Walnut Cove Road, the Matt
Marshall residence still houses a part of a distinguished family
whose name has gone out across the countryside.
Colonel Henry Shouse was one of the venturesome pio-
neers who recognized the merits of land at the headwaters of
a small stream. His old home, built about 1800, is just a few
rods across the road south of the Forsyth County Tuberculosis
Julius A. Transou built a home at Pfafftown five years
before the Civil War. The name is well and widely known.
These are a few of the rural citizens of this county who
came into prominence during the first half of the last century.
In most instances their parents had laid the groundwork in
rural Forsyth. They did the actual building. Their sons and
daughters and grandsons and granddaughters are among the
best citizens we now have.
In the following section something will be said about a
number of individuals who in those early days strode con-
150 Forsyth, a County on the March
fidently across the stage of history and made their influence
felt, not only locally, but nationally.
Some Outstanding Men
With so many people of good blood strains coming into
the county, it was inevitable that some of them should become
leaders on a level other than the purely local. One of the best
examples of this is the Williams family, many members of
which have distinguished themselves in Forsyth or wherever
else they have gone.
Nathaniel Williams, a native of Hanover County, Virginia,
was the progenitor of the Williams family. One of his four
sons, Joseph, emigrated to North Carolina, and about 1750
married Rebecca Lanier of Granville County. They soon
moved to what was then Surry County, now western Forsyth
County, and settled about three miles from Shallow Ford on
a stream called Panther Creek. They developed a splendid
farm during the next two decades and became the owners of
many slaves. Then came the War of the Revolution. Joseph
Williams commanded a regiment and served all through the
war. He was in many skirmishes with the Tories and, in the
words of one writer, became "very obnoxious to the Tories."
On one occasion when he was away fighting, his wife,
being forewarned of the approach of Cornwallis and the Brit-
ish Regulars, took her two-weeks-old son, Nathaniel, and a
slave woman, and hid in the forest until Cornwallis had
crossed the Yadkin River at Shallow Ford and moved on
toward the northeast.
When she returned home, she found that the enemy had
stripped the farm of everything except the residence itself and
the slave quarters. She hastily made such provisions as she
could for her two older sons and for the slaves, and took
her young baby on horseback to Granville County, where her
Rural Forsyth 151
relatives lived. Although the country was teeming with Tories
and was made up largely of woodland, she arrived safely at
the end of her journey, herself unharmed. But the little boy
never recovered from the effects of his exposure in the more
than twenty years he survived.
This distinguished family included ten sons and two daugh-
ters. The two daughters, Rebecca and Fannie, married well.
Except for the invalid son, Nathaniel, all of the boys likewise
distinguished themselves on a local, state, or national level.
Robert was the oldest. After several years in public life,
he was elected to Congress and served from 1797 to 1803. In
1805 he was appointed commissioner of land titles in the
Mississippi Territory, and served four years. He then took up
his residence in Tennessee and later moved to Louisiana,
where he spent the closing years of his life. Incidentally, he
was grand master of Masons in all of North Carolina and
Joseph, the second son, while spending his childhood in this
area, spent most of his adult life in Yadkin and what is now
Surry County. He acquired large land holdings in Yadkin
County, opposite the present village of Rockford. He was
clerk of Surry Superior Court for many years.
John, the third son, likewise moved away from Panther
Creek early in life, going to Knoxville, Tennessee, where he
became an eminent lawyer. He fought with distinction in the
Seminole War, and upon his return found the commission of
Colonel of the 39th Regiment of Infantry, U. S. Army, await-
ing him. He was ordered to the Creek Indian Nation, where,
in the Battle of the Horse Shoe, his regiment bore the brunt
of the action. General Andrew Jackson's report of the battle,
which, of course, was an overwhelming victory for the Army,
did not, in the opinion of Colonel Williams, do justice to his
regiment. This led to a lifelong enmity between them.
Colonel Williams was elected to the United States Senate
152 Forsyth, a County on the March
and served from 18 15 to 1823. In 1825 he was named envoy to
the Central American States. He died at Knoxville, Tennessee,
August 7, 1837.
From the point of view of Forsyth County citizens, Lewis
Williams, the fifth son, was most distinguished of all the
family. He graduated from the University of North Carolina
in 1808 and entered public life as a member of the North
Carolina General Assembly in 18 13. Following his second
term in the legislature, he was elected to the Lower House of
Congress. He entered Congress in 1 8 1 5 and served as a mem-
ber of the House until his death, February 23, 1842.
It is said of him that he was greatly esteemed for his ster-
ling independence and his integrity. His abilities were such
that by common consent he was styled "the Father of the
House." President Adams paid him a splendid oratorical trib-
ute after his death. He is buried in the family graveyard at
Panther Creek. He never married.
Thomas Lanier Williams, twin brother of Lewis Williams,
was another who moved westward early in life. He w^as long
the Chancellor of the State of Tennessee. His descendants
have continued to be prominent citizens of Tennessee down to
the present day.
Dr. Alexander Williams followed his other brothers west-
ward and became a widely known citizen of Greenville, Ten-
nessee. He took a prominent place in the professional and
social life of that state.
Nicholas Lanier Williams, the youngest of the sons, spent
his entire life at Panther Creek. He lived to be a very old
man. He was a member of North Carohna's Council of State
and a Trustee of the University. It is said of him that he dis-
pensed a most lavish hospitality until the end of the Civil
War brought the changes that broke up so many Southern
Such is the story of one of the most illustrious families this
county and the state have ever had. Descendants of these
Rural Forsyth 153
twelve men and women are scattered up and down the coun-
tryside under the WiUiams name and the names introduced
by marriage. And it is interesting to note that, while the
family underwent the ruin incident to the Civil War, its
stability was such that the pioneer homestead is still the
property of members of the family. It reflects the strength of
character that characterized so many hundreds of families
who came early to populate this section of the state.
It would be unfair to leave this period in the history of
Forsyth County and not mention another man who figured
prominently in local, state, and pubHc affairs for a protracted
period, for he spent his decHning years within what are now
the corporate limits of Winston-Salem. This man was Augus-
tine Henry Shepperd. He was born at Rockford, in Surry
County, February 24, 1792. For a time he practiced law, and
then entered politics. From 1822 to 1826 he served in the
lower house of Congress. Those were days of changing polit-
ical complexion throughout the country. It is noteworthy that
he was an elector for the Calhoun-Jackson candidacies in
1824. For a time he dropped out of Congress, apparently hav-
ing been defeated in his race for re-election, but he served
in Congress from March 4, 1827, through March 3, 1839.
He was beaten in his race for membership in the 26th Con-
gress, but he was elected again on the Whig ticket and
returned to Congress March 4, 1841. He was an elector again,
this time on the Whig ticket for Clay and Frelinghuysen in
1844. Girding himself anew, he campaigned and won his seat
twice more, serving in the 30th and 3 ist Congresses, terminat-
ing his stewardship March 3, 1851. He had declined to seek
re-election in the campaign of 1850.
The point that gives him a place in Forsyth County history
is that in October of 1842 he bought forty-one acres of land
from the Moravian Church, obviously the site for a future
home. This land lay a few rods east of what are now Var-
grave and Waughtown streets in Winston-Salem. One of the
154 Forsyth, a County on the March
largest springs in Forsyth County watered this property and
was the source of water for the splendid old residence which
it is reasonably certain the veteran Congressman built on the
property. Credence is lent to this assumption by the fact that
authenticated records indicate that Augustine Henry Shep-
perd "died at Good Spring in Salem, July ii, 1864." In any
event, the town of Salem tapped this spring and used it as a
part of its water supply for a long time. It is now used by the
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company in its nicotine plant located
near by.
In this connection, the name of another distinguished For-
syth County leader comes to mind, that of Charlie A.
Reynolds, who near the end of the last century was one of
the most important political figures in North Carolina. He
was born November 10, 1848, at Madison in Rockingham
County. He was educated at Princeton University. He
married Miss Carrie Watkins Fretwell of Rockingham
County. In 1884 Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds came to North
Mr. Reynolds attended Princeton University because at
the time when he normally would have entered college, the
University of North Carolina was closed temporarily because
of the aftermath of the Civil War.
In his capacity as a construction engineer, iMr. Reynolds
aided H. E. Fries of Winston-Salem in the construction of
the hydro-electric plant on the Yadkin River, the first such
plant ever built in this state. Power from that plant ran street-
cars in Winston-Salem, believed to be the second city in the
United States to have streetcars powered by electricity. Rich-
mond, Virginia, is considered the first.
Later, he repeated this achievement at Asheville. He engi-
neered the power plant on the Ivey River near Asheville,
which was the first plant actually to supply that city with
sufficient electricity to meet its needs. The dam that im-
pounded the water for that plant was 6^ feet high.
Rural Forsyth 155
Reynolds witnessed the building of the first improved roads
in North Carolina. Indeed, he constructed the first macadam-
ized road in Forsyth County. On the south side of Salem
Creek, on what was known as Centerville Street, now Waugh-
town Street, there existed such an impossible barrier of mud
that Reynolds went to the county commissioners and asked
permission to use convicts to break stone and place it on the
road. This was about 1890, and the results achieved were re-
garded with such favor that the county later built much
macadamized road mileage, some of which exists today as
asphalt treated highways.
Reynolds held only minor political offices down to the
nineties. He was appointed United States deputy collector
and held that position at Reidsville for about five years.
In 1896 he was elected lieutenant-governor and took office in
Possibly the most important piece of legislation that came
up during his four-year tenure of office (during which of
course he was president of the State Senate), was defeated.
Governor Daniel L. Russell pushed a bill which would have
made the lease of the North Carolina Railroad invalid. The
railroad had been constructed under the administration of
Governor John Motley Morehead. It had been leased under
the Governor Ehas Kerr administration to the Richmond and
Danville Railway, and that line later became a part of the
Southern Railway. The bill was passed by the House of Rep-
resentatives and came up for action in the Senate. It was
beaten in the Senate by one vote. Thus the good name of the
state was saved. North Carolina was kept from repudiating its
own action, which had been taken a few years before in good
Although Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds was the state's
second citizen in a period when politics was in a state of great
turmoil, it can be said to his credit that he consistently de-
clined to involve himself in acts which would have brought
156 Forsyth, a County on the March
him personal shame and shame upon the honor of the state.
Twice, Hke Caeser, the Forsyth County man was offered the
highest position in the state, and twice he decHned it because
he could have had it only through a political "trade" which
he regarded as highly dishonorable. When Russell and Rey-
nolds went in as governor and lieutenant-governor respec-
tively in 1897, United States Senators were elected by the
legislature. Jeter C. Pritchard had been elected for a short
term of two years in 1895. Marion Butler, Sr., had been elected
to the long term of six years.
As the new administration took ofHce (the result of a
Fusion Campaign), it found the Populist element eager to
elect Judge Clark or the Governor himself to the senatorial
vacancy about to occur. Of course the Pritchard supporters
were eager to return him to office. The fight was a political
classic. As the day for the vote drew near, events took a
dramatic turn. Friends of Governor Russell approached Lieu-
tenant-Governor Reynolds and suggested that he withdraw
his support from Pritchard. Had he done this, Russell would
have been elected by an easy margin. Naturally Russell would
have resigned the governorship at once to become United
States Senator. According to the law of the state, Reynolds
would have become governor. But Reynolds refused to desert
Pritchard, threw his whole support to him and, when the vote
was cast, was forced to break the tie and therefore was
charged with the responsibility of electing the United States
The second and even more dramatic chance that Reynolds
had to become governor of North Carolina was in 1899. The
chief justiceship of the State Supreme Court was vacant. It
was necessary to appoint a man to the office immediately.
Just at that time Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds received a
call to come to Washington.
Taking his legal counsel, Judge Spencer B. Adams, with
him, Reynolds went to Washington and sat down for a con-
Rural Forsyth 157
ference with Senator Pritchard, Vice-President A. B. An-
drews of the Southern Railway, Judge E. W. Timberlake,
and others. This time it was suggested that he "sit tight,"
allow Governor Dan Russell to resign, and then accept in due
course of law the governorship of the state. It would then be
easy for him as governor to appoint Russell to the chief jus-
ticeship. That was no violation of legal regulation. It could
be done without any difficulty.
Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds heard them through and
then exploded in his wrath. "Gentlemen, I won't do it," he is
reported to have said, after he had regained his composure.
"What would it mean to the reputation of each man con-
cerned? It would mean the ruination of every person im-
plicated. I'll have nothing to do with it." That ended the
interview. Governor Russell eventually appointed Charles A.
Cook, of Warren County, to the Supreme Court bench,
advancing D. M. Furches, who already was on the bench, to
the position of chief justice.
How was the name of Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds
connected with that of the late Congressman Shepperd?
Simply in this fashion. Within a few years after the death of
the veteran Congressman Shepperd, Air. and Mrs. Reynolds
acquired the old residence at Good Spring and spent the
remainder of their lives there and at a country residence a few
miles south of Kernersville.
The political complexion of the state changed after the
Russell administration, and the fiery old Lieutenant-Governor
returned to business in Forsyth County. He was a member of
the Draft Board in Forsyth County during World War I
under appointment of Governor T. W. Bickett. His late
years were taken up largely with the management of his
properties here in the county.
Thus we see, in members of the Williams, Shepperd, and
Reynolds families, examples of the varied political leadership
which has sprung from the vigorous stock which populated
158 Forsyth, a County on the March
this county. Many others could be mentioned who played
major roles at one time or another, but none from the strictly
rural sections of the county who attained to such heights.
Agriculture in Forsyth County
The changes in the life of rural Forsyth County people as
they relate to politics, education, domestic facilities, com-
munication, transportation and other aspects, have been in the
past two centuries no greater than the changes in agriculture.
The county has advanced from the age of the bull-
tongue plow through the era of the Dixie plow and the one-
bottom turning plow down to the age of hea\y tractors and
rotary tillers. It has been a change from the ox and the skinny
little mule to heavy gasoline-powered machinery. It has been
a change from an all-row-crop system to a day when grass
farming is coming into its own.
Our agricultural system has advanced from the stage where
it implied all labor on the part of the farmer, through a stage
when slave labor held a major place, and through a stage
where the slave system was banished. It went through a period
which might be called the Dark Ages in agriculture as far as
any real achievement was concerned. In the days immediately
following the Civil War our whole economy was in a state
of collapse. Bishop Rondthaler related that as he came down
from Pennsylvania in 1877 to assume the pastorate of Salem
congregation, he inquired about the large bundles which lay
on the railway platforms in Virginia and North Carolina. He
learned that these bundles were dried blackberries which had
been picked by the impoverished people to be shipped to
Northern states for food and other purposes. These, he said,
in that Dark Age constituted some of the most considerable
shipments which went out from this section.
It was not until the turn of the century that rural Forsyth
began to benefit under the slight awakening that took place.
Rural Forsyth 159
Governor Charles Brantley Aycock, who took office then,
went about the state preaching education and ultimately died
on the speaker's platform with the word "education" on
his lips. With education, there was a quickening of the eco-
nomic pulse. Forsyth County had its share of "Farmer's In-
stitutes." And then in the early teens, the Extension Service
came into existence. Farm agents and home demonstration
agents began to teach farmers the fundamental principles of
field and animal husbandry. In the late teens and early twen-
ties, there was an industrial renaissance. Markets began to
develop and with the first crude passenger automobiles and
auto trucks pushing their way into the hinterland improved
roads were in demand. At first macadamized roads, such as the
ones with which C. A. Reynolds pioneered, threaded their
way across the country.
The period from 1900 to 1949 was a period of great awaken-
ing. In other words, the second half of our first century as a
county was the half which brought more development than
the county ever had seen before. This was as true in Forsyth
agriculture as in the urban centers.
True, there were ambitious early beginnings on the part of
men and women with perspective. There were many leaders
far ahead of their day. And they made their mark. It was sig-
nificant that as far back as 1882 and 1883, H. E. Fries and
Dr. H. T. Bahnson had farms on which they bred registered
Guernsey cattle. Mr. Fries and Dr. Bahnson got their start
with Guernseys from W. P. Hazard of Chester, Pennsylvania.
This was just before the beginning of the North Carolina
Exposition held in Raleigh in the fall of 1884, promoted
largely by Mr. Fries, its secretary. William S. Primrose,
Raleigh, w^as president of the Exposition.
Because of the close friendship between Mr. Fries and Mr.
Primrose, Mr. Fries named his dairy Primrose Farm. This
meant that some of the outstanding cattle from his farm
carried the name "Primrose." Down to the present day, that
i6o Forsyth, a County on the March
name continues to crop up among pedigreed cattle. In 1946
Quail Roost Farm, owned by George Watts Hill at Rouge-
mont, sold Quail Roost Noble Primrose, a mature cow, for
$17,000.00. W. W. Fitzpatrick, manager of Quail Roost
Farm, at the request of Mr. Fries in 1948, searched the
pedigree of Quail Roost Noble Primrose and found that she
was descended directly from animals owned on Primrose
Farm nearly seventy years ago.
It is interesting to note that pedigreed Guernsey cattle,
directly descended from these original brood animals on the
Fries farm, are being bred on Arden Farm at Clemmons,
owned by Dr. Bahnson's daughter and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Holt Haywood.
This pioneer work in cattle breeding, therefore, was not a
wholly useless venture. It bore fruit, even though it took more
than half a century for it to become evident.
There were pioneers also in other fields. Luther Strupe of
the Tobaccoville community early in the century was produc-
ing seed corn that was considered the best to be found in the
South. On the basis of his seed-corn production and other
farming practices, he was named a Master Farmer.
In those years between the turn of the century and the
early 30's, too, J. M. Jarvis of the Clemmons community, was
producing Jarvis' Golden Prohfic seed corn, which was
known throughout many of the southeastern states. He pur-
sued the breeding of corn until the middle thirties when he
was too old to do field work any more, but he never gave it
up until his name was synonymous with good farming prac-
tices over a wide territory.
Meanwhile, R. F. Linville, who resided a few miles east
of \A'inston-Salem, between the two highways leading from
Winston-Salem to Kernersville, engaged in corn breeding at
great length. He developed some of the seed strains which Mr.
Jarvis had used to an even greater degree than Mr. Jarvis had
reached. Mr. Linville also anticipated by more than a quarter
Rural Forsyth i6i
of a century the present merits in hybrid seed corn over open
pollinated corn. As early as the middle teens and early twen-
ties, Mr. Linville was experimenting with the principle of
hybrid seed production and made it work. It was not until the
principle was applied on a wide scale in the western states
that it became nationally popular. But it should be said to the
credit of the Forsyth County man that he was on the track of
a great discovery and appreciated its merits although he never
was able to enlist the interest of any considerable number of
farmers in it. This progress in agriculture in Forsyth County
at first was sporadic. It had the support of individuals only
here and there. These individuals were in effect lifting them-
selves by their bootstraps. The first farm demonstration agents
in this county as well as elsewhere in the state found their
work largely the work of tutor and pupil.
For approximately a quarter of a century, R. W. Pou did
pioneer work as farm agent in Forsyth County, carrying the
extension service program over the period which might
almost be said to bridge the space between hand tools and
complete mechanization. He laid down his reins only a few
years ago when S. R. Mitchener, the incumbent agent, took
over. In the women's field, the extension service program has
been handled largely by two home demonstration agents and
their assistants. Through the twenties and up to 193 1, Miss
Alice McQueen was home demonstration agent. Upon her
retirement, Mrs. Elizabeth Tuttle took over and has continued
on the job since. The leadership she has manifested is fully
attested by the fact that last December she was awarded the
certificate of distinguished service by the National Associa-
tion of Home Demonstration Agents at their annual Conven-
tion in Chicago. In all of this work the two agents have been
aided materially by capable assistants, many of whom each
has trained for ranking positions elsewhere in the state.
The changes in agriculture in the past two decades have
been so extreme and the results have been so cumulative, that
i62 Forsyth, a County on the March
it is hard to predict where agriculture will be even ten years
hence. Twenty to twenty-five years ago the system of agricul-
ture in Forsyth County was largely a row-crop system. The
small beginnings in the production of cattle and hogs were
indicative of what was to come, but were not indicative of
how great that program was to be. In the space of a quarter
of a century, Forsyth County has become a banner county in
the breeding of Guernsey and Holstein-Friesian milk cows
and in the breeding of Hereford beef cattle. The expansion
in the breeding of beef cattle has not been commensurate
with that of the dairy breeds, but within the past four or five
years there has been a very pronounced quickening of interest.
Meanwhile for many years the county has produced a size-
able number of hogs, largely Berkshires, Poland Chinas, Duroc
Jerseys, Hampshires, and the like. Recently the Tamworth
hog has gained wide favor in the county with the result that
for the past two years large shipments of hogs have gone to
Centerville, Indiana, to the annual National Tamworth Swine
Show and Sale. In 1947 the Forsyth County consignment to
the Show and Sale ran far ahead of any other state's consign-
ment in the average price paid per head.
From that sale, the Forsyth County delegation brought back
the highest ranking Tamworth boar in the United States with
which to build up the Forsyth County herds. In the 1948 show
and sale, the Forsyth County consignment made an equally
good showing, and again the Forsyth County breeders, this'
time working as an organization, brought back the top ranking
Tamworth boar. It may be said, therefore, that Forsyth
County is at this writing the Tamworth capital of the world.
Commensurate with the development of the cattle industry
in Forsyth County has been the development of the poultry
industry. Forsyth County does not possess any poultry breed-
ing establishment which compares in size with such establish-
ments as are found on the Maryland and Delaware farms, but
the poultry breeders who operate on a small scale make up an
Rural Forsyth 163
aggregate business that is exceedingly large. The New Hamp-
shire breed and New Hampshire Barred Rock Crosses are
favored by the Forsyth County poultrymen. Many breeders
in the Old Richmond community are producing eggs for
It is significant that all of these interests centralize their
work in organizations. The Forsyth Guernsey Breeders Asso-
ciation and the Forsyth Holstein-Friesian Breeders Association
are representative of the organizations through which the
breeders effect group action. The Hereford breeders set up
their association in late November of 1 948 and hope to enroll
members throughout all central North Carolina not already
An illustration of the group thinking that is going on in
Forsyth County agriculture is the flourishing Forsyth Bee-
keepers Association. In 1947 these Beekeepers set up the
Forsyth County unit and worked with such sustained interest
that they w^ere able to attract the State Beekeepers Associa-
tion to Winston-Salem for its annual meeting in 1948. For two
successive years, Forsyth County Beekeepers have swept the
top prizes at the North Carolina State Fair.
More general organization of the farmers and farm women
of the county is effected in the Forsyth Pomona Grange and
its subordinate granges and the Forsyth County Farm Bureau,
which works as a county-wide unit rather than breaking its
membership down into community groups.
One would think that the agriculture of a county would
change but little through the years as relates to the variety of
crops produced. Climate and rainfall are unchanging. How-
ever, crop habits have been characterized by extraordinary
changes. The State and United States Departments of Agri-
culture have been engaged in constant study from the time
they were established, seeking new outlets for the crops
farmers produced and new crops suitable for the various sec-
tions of the country. As greater and greater acreages of land
164 Forsyth, a County on the March
were cleared, and as the stumps and rocks were removed from
land already cleared, the problem of erosion presented itself.
Indeed, Forsyth along with the rest of the country lost fully
one-third of its soil before it turned seriously to the control
of running water. One of the first natural agents that came to
the rescue of the farmer was lespedeza. It came to this section
of the state in the teens and early twenties. It was something
the poorest farmer could grow and it has been grown in enor-
mous acreages ever since. Wherever it elected to take hold, it
arrested erosion immediately. Many leaders in agriculture
regard its arrival on the farm scene as the greatest single event
in a hundred years. It certainly has meant that much to the
farmers of Forsyth County.
But other great events were to come, some of them very
gradually. Alfalfa was one of these innovations. While alfalfa
has been widely grown well over the United States for fifty
years or more, it has gained favor in Forsyth County only
slowly, but consistently. In 1948 the farmers cut hay off
about 3,000 acres of alfalfa.
In the early forties a smattering of farmers obtained a small
amount of Ladino clover seed. By 1948 the county had a size-
able acreage in this splendid pasture crop. At first it was em-
ployed only as a grazing crop. Later farmers began to learn
that it also was a good hay crop. Around 1946 Suiter grass
(fescue) began to attract attention. Ejcperiments were started
with it because it gave promise of being a winter grazing crop.
Many Forsyth dairymen over a period of a half decade or
more had proved that grazing for most of the winter months
could be assured by sowing a mixture of a variety of grasses
and small grains and forcing them with heavy applications of
fertilizer. It is claimed that Suiter grass is a nauiral winter
grazing crop. Forsyth farmers are open minded, waiting for
this crop to prove itself.
During this change in crop system, the per acre yield of
field crops has gone up and up. For instance, in 1935 the
Rural Forsyth 165
average yield of corn for the state was under 20 bushels per
acre. By 1950 in Forsyth County it is expected to be close to
50 bushels. Before the tobacco acreage control program was
instituted in the middle thirties, the average yield for tobacco
was between 700 and 800 pounds per acre. In 1948 it was
expected to run close to 1200 pounds.
Whither are we bound in Forsyth County agriculture?
Only time can answer that question. But it cannot be denied
that tremendous progress has been made between the end of
the first quarter of this century and the end of the second, not
to speak of all the progress that was made before that time.
The county commissioners, Mr. James G. Hanes, chairman;
Mr. Sam Craft, and Dr. D. C. Speas made a move that was
almost unprecedented in county government. They made a
direct appeal to farmers to set up a board whose business
should be to advise the county commissioners of what agri-
culture needed in the way of county government.
As a result, this county agricultural board was set up. It is
representative of every township in the county, even includ-
ing Winston township. It meets monthly or on call. Through
it a great number of the pointed needs of agriculture have
been brought to the attention of the county commissioners and
have received sympathetic action. In 1946, the county com-
missioners placed G. W. McClellan in charge of the Forsyth
County Farm, a 700-acre tract. The change in the intervening
period has been almost miraculous. This writer obtained pic-
tures of cattle grazing on the County Farm on the 6th day of
January, 1948, which was in the dead of winter. These
pictures showed the 40-cow herd of Holsteins up to their
fetlocks in grass, and when submitted to a forum of several
hundred at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Dairy
Council, even the experts were unable to distinguish them
from pictures made in midsummer. Therefore Forsyth farmers
have gone a long way toward controlling even the seasons.
Meanwhile the Forsyth commissioners, on advice of the
i66 Forsyth, a County on the March
farmers through their advisory board, started an artificial
insemination program in the spring of 1946. The stud included
some of the finest Guernsey and Holstein bulls that could be
obtained. It was the first such program started in North Caro-
lina and has been imitated in t^vo-thirds of the counties of the
state, although the structure is slightly different in some other
Furthermore, on the advice of the advisory board, the
county commissioners purchased a heavy duty motor grader
with which to supplement and complement the heavy duty
renovations in roads and terracing on the farms of the county.
This machine, operated by an expert crew, has met with
universal approval as it has gone about the county.
Countless lesser achievements have resulted from the studies
of this board as it gradually got the feel of county agricultural
Herein is climaxed the first one hundred years of progress
of rural Forsyth citizens. And thus auspiciously begins their
second century of achievement.
THE pioneers of Salem, through necessity, had cul-
tivated an inventive and productive economy that
made available at an early date such commodities as
paper, pottery, guns, carriages, wagons, cloth, and
tinware. With the first gristmill in 1755, the first flax loom
in 1766, the first wagon works in 1787, and the first paper mill
in 1 79 1, we find a development that had an humble start and
gained momentum with time and the genius of the pioneers.
Manufacturing started on a one-man-power scale as the early
citizens began experimenting with the products of near-by
farms. Since the most readily available raw products of the
Carolinas were tobacco, cotton, and lumber, it was natural
that the largest industries should center around their manu-
facture. It was a case of local ingenuity utilizing these readily
available raw materials and building an industrial life by con-
ception rather than by adoption.
The past century has brought a steady, vigorous, and suc-
cessful business development which has captured for the
community the well-earned title of "City of Industry." Win-
ston-Salem is the leading industrial city of the Carolinas, and
the third city of the South in the value of manufactured prod-
ucts, with only Richmond and Baltimore ranking ahead.
While many communities can claim that they are important
manufacturing centers, few can claim that they lead the
world in manufacture of one or more products. Winston-
Salem comes in this latter category. The city is the world's
largest tobacco manufacturing center, the home of the largest
manufactory of knit underwear, and the home of the largest
circular knit hosiery mill in the world. These three world
leaders had their beginning in the county, they were con-
ceived by industrially minded local citizens, and they were
developed by local ingenuity.
lyo Forsyth, a County on the March
The Tobacco Industry
From the earliest days tobacco was raised in this section-
mostly for local use with only a small amount sold elsewhere.
As early as 1755 reference was made to a purchase by Mr.
Loesch from Mr. Banner of "a couple of hundred tobacco
In 1858, just nine years after the founding of Winston, the
first large quantity of tobacco was cultivated in the northern
part of the county. The experiment was successful and it soon
became evident that a very superior variety of tobacco could
be raised in Forsyth and adjoining counties. The soil was
found to yield rich returns of the finest "yellow leaf" tobacco,
and had no superior "in texture, oil or aroma, not even in the
famed leather-wood district of Henry County, Virginia." In
1870 there were not quite two hundred and fifty thousand
pounds raised in the county. It soon became apparent that a
local market was needed for the sale of tobacco and in 1872
Mayor T. J. Brown opened the first warehouse in the county
for the sale of leaf tobacco. An old frame stable, with a fancy
skylight added, was rented and here the sale of tobacco
The first tobacco factory was built in 1872— a frame struc-
ture fifty feet square, in which a score of employees were
housed. During the next year, in July, 1873, ^^^ first railroad
connection was made with the North Western Rail Road of
North Carolina, and Forsyth County was afforded an outlet
for trade.
The following years brought an almost unbelievable devel-
opment in the manufacturing of tobacco products. Within a
short period of twenty-two years after the first tobacco fac-
tory was built, we find thirty-seven concerns manufacturing
tobacco in Winston and one in Salem. Connorton's Tobacco
Brand Directory of the United States in 1894 contains the
following list.
A Center of Industry 171
Bailey Bros., plug Winston
Beall, Geo. H. & Co., plug and twist Winston
Bitting & Hay, plug Winston
Blackburn, Dalton & Co., plug Winston
Brown Bros., plug, twist and smoking Winston
Brown & Williamson, plug and twist Winston
Byerly, S. & Son, smoking Winston
Bynum, Cotten & Co., plug and twist Winston
Candler, R. L. & Co., plug, twist and smoking Winston
Clary, W. S. & Co., plug and twist Winston
Ebert, Payne & Co., plug and twist Winston
Ellis, W. B. & Co., plug, twist and smoking Winston
Griffith & Bohannon, plug and twist Winston
Hamlen, Liipfert & Co., plug, twist and smoking Winston
Hanes, B. F., plug and twist Winston
Hanes, P. H. & Co., plug and twist Winston
Harvey & Rintels, plug and twist Winston
Hodgin Bros. & Lunn, plug and smoking Winston
Jones, Cox & Co., plug Winston
Kerner, Newton & Co., plug and twist Winston
Leak, T. F. Tob. Co., smoking Winston
Lockett, Vaughn & Co., plug and twist Winston
Ogburn, Hill & Co., plug Winston
Ogburn, M. L., plug Winston
Ogburn, S. A., plug and twist Winston
Reynolds Bros., plug Winston
Reynolds, H. H., plug, twist and smoking Winston
Reynolds, R. J. Tob. Co., plug and twist Winston
Smith, W. F. & Son, smoking and cigarettes Winston
Taylor Bros., plug, twist and smoking Winston
Vaughn, T. L. & Co., plug and twist Winston
Walker Bros., plug Winston
Whitaker, W. A., plug, twist and smoking Winston
Williamson, T. F. & Co., plug and twist Winston
Williamson Tob. Co., plug Winston
172 Forsyth, a County on the March
Wilson, N. S. & T. J., plug Winston
Wood, W. W. & Co., plug and twist Winston
Nissen, J. S., plug, twist and smoking Salem
About the turn of the century many of these concerns
consolidated, merged, or sold their plants as the industry con-
centrated into larger units. A brief description of the present-
day manufacturers follows.
The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company was started in 1875
by Richard J. Reynolds, who, with a small capital, began to
manufacture chewing tobacco products. He was then only
twenty-five years old, just about the age of Winston itself.
At first the plant consisted of one small building, erected at
a cost of less than $2,500 including the machinery. Originally
the products were marketed in only a few of the near-by
states, but the business prospered and additions to the factory
were soon begun. For thirteen years he conducted the busi-
ness individually, but in 1888 he took into partnership with
him other men and continued to operate as a partnership until
1890. At that time a charter of incorporation was obtained
from the State of North Carolina and the business of R. J.
Reynolds & Company was transferred to the North Carolina
Corporation known as R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
R. J. Reynolds was the president and continued in this capac-
ity until his death on July 29, 19 18. The business was operated
under this charter until 1899 when the present charter was
procured from the State of New Jersey and the factories,
business, and properties were transferred to the New Jersey
The company began business as a manufacturer of chewing
tobaccos but granulated smoking tobaccos were added in the
1890's. The process for Prince Albert smoking tobacco was
patented on July 30, 1907, and this was one of the first single
tobacco products to be advertised on a national scale. The
first Camel Cigarettes were manufactured on October 19,
A Center of Industry 173
191 3, the first of the modern- type blends. Its principal brands,
among a great many others, are Camel Cigarettes, Prince
Albert smoking tobacco, George Washington pipe tobacco,
and Days Work, Browns Mule, and Apple Sun Cured chew-
ing tobaccos.
The original "little red factory," whose base was at first
about the size of a tennis court, has been multiplied into more
than 140 large factory units and leaf storage warehouses. More
than 3000 of over 12,000 employees have a service record
with the Company of twenty years or longer. An unusual
feature for a company of its size is that the Board of Directors
is composed of men who, as officers or heads of departments,
are closely connected with the actual operation of the busi-
ness. From a modest, one-man beginning this company now
distributes its products in every country of the world.
The Brown & WiUiamson Tobacco Company was started
in 1 894 as a partnership between George T. Brown and R. L.
Williamson. At that time they purchased the factory and
machinery formerly owned by H. H. Reynolds and began on
a small scale, with an operating capital of about $10,000. In
1906 the business had grown to such a size that it was deemed
best to incorporate, the first meeting of the incorporators
being held in January, 1906. Capital of $400,000 was au-
thorized with about $70,000 paid in.
Up to that time the company had manufactured only plug
tobacco. A short while after incorporation it was decided to
go into the manufacture of snuff and today it is the only
manufacturer of snuff in the state. Its principal brands are
Tube Rose snuff, and Blood Hound and Sun Cured chewing
In April, 1927, the company was purchased by the British-
American Tobacco Company, Ltd., and is now operated as a
subsidiary of this company. From the small start of thirty
operators in 1894, the business has grown until today it has
between 500 and 600 employees.
174 Forsyth, a County on the March
The tobacco firm of Taylor Brothers was organized in
1883 by WilHam B. Taylor and his brother Jacquelin P.
Taylor, who had successfully manufactured tobacco for
several years before this time in V^irginia. They produced
chewing tobaccos, both plug and twist, which have enjoyed
widespread sales. The business was conservatively managed,
and growth, while slow, was steady. The original factory has
been enlarged more than five times. In 192 1 the business was
incorporated under the name of Taylor Bros., Inc. Among
its many brands are Rich & Ripe, Bull of the Woods, Taylor
Made, and Ripe Peaches.
The fine quality of leaf tobacco cultivated in this area has
attracted buyers for manufacturers in other sections of the
country. Not a small quantity of the tobacco sold in local
warehouses is exported for use in foreign countries. A large
volume of this business is carried on by the following local
The Imperial Tobacco Company (of Great Britain and
Ireland) Limited, has bought tobacco on the Winston-Salem
market since 1904. A branch office was established here in
1909 and the next year a factory was built and machinery
installed to prepare their leaf for shipment.
The Export Leaf Tobacco Company of Richmond began
their operation of buying in Winston-Salem in 191 2. The
land on which the plant is located was purchased in 19 14
and the building completed the same year.
The Piedmont Leaf Tobacco Company had its beginning
in the Wright-Hughes Tobacco Company incorporated in
191 5. The present name was assumed in 1930 when this com-
pany took over the Wright-Hughes plant. The business con-
sists of buying, redrying and stemming leaf tobacco bought
on the local market.
The Winston Leaf Tobacco & Storage Company was or-
ganized in 192 1 for the purpose of buying, redrying and
stemming tobacco. This company buys tobacco in the local
A Center of Industry 175
warehouses for the account of many manufacturers in this
and foreign countries.
The Textile Industry
The early settlers began their experiments in processing
flax with a loom set up in 1758. Since many of the settlers
were raising sheep, with no accessible market for their clip-
pings, an effort was made to utilize the wool. Zevely brought
in the first wool carding machine as early as 18 15. Experi-
ments were being made with the cotton grown on near-by
farms, and in 1837 the Salem Cotton Manufacturing Com-
pany was oragnized. Francis Fries, who had been superin-
tendent of this mill, organized the F. & H. Fries wool business
in 1840. As an outgrowth of this company, the Arista Mill
was built in 1880, separate from the woolen mill, for the pur-
pose of spinning cotton and weaving cotton cloth. These
early plants were equipped with the latest machinery and
were lighted with gas from the gas works established in 1858.
However, when the Arista Mill was completed, a power plant
was installed and for the first time in the South electric lights
were used in a cotton mill.
The Arista Mills Company was operated under the part-
nership of F. & H. Fries until 1903 when it was incorporated.
The company has had a long and successful history, manu-
facturing cotton cloth, now principally chambray which is
used for work clothing.
At the turn of the century, two brothers, P. H. Hanes and
J. W. Hanes, who had been successful tobacconists for over
twenty years, made a decision which later placed Forsyth
County high in the textile world. In 1900 the textile business
in the United States was of good size. Nevertheless, these two
brothers sold their tobacco business to the Reynolds Com-
pany and went their separate ways to success in the textile
business. Their decision resulted in the P. H. Hanes Knitting
176 Forsyth, a County on the March
Co. and the Hanes Hosiery Mills Co., both of which are the
largest in their respective fields.
The P. H. Hanes Knitting Company was organized in 1 90 1
and incorporated in 1903 for the purpose of manufacturing
cotton ribbed winter-weight underwear for men. Some years
later boys' underwear was started and a little later girls' and
children's lines were added. About 1920 the now famous
Hanes Athletic Underwear was started. The line now in-
cludes men's and boys' sports wear as wd\ as children's sleep-
ing garments.
The village of Hanes, situated on the outskirts of Winston-
Salem, surrounds the spinning mills. This is a model mill
town, with churches, schools, and an auditorium. The homes
are electric-lighted; the sidewalks and streets are paved; there
is running water in every home. The knitting mills and finish-
ing plant are located in the heart of Winston-Salem. The
plants are all modern, containing up-to-date conveniences and
equipped with the best and most modern machinery available.
The history of the company is one of marvelous growth.
It has long enjoyed the distinction of being the largest manu-
facturer of men's and boys' cotton ribbed underwear in the
world. Hanes underwear is staple in every state in the Union
and is exported to many foreign countries.
The Hanes Hosiery Mills Company had its start in 1900
when J. W. Hanes purchased the old Hodgin tobacco plant
located on Marshall Street near Second. Under the name of
Shamrock, his new mill was producing infants' hose and
men's socks by 1902. The mill was renamed Hanes Hosiery
at the time it was incorporated in 19 14. By 1920, the Hanes
Mill, now beginning to specialize in ladies' hosiery, had out-
grown the original plant. In 1926 a new modern plant was
completed at its present location on West 14th Street, and
the mill was moved. In the past ten years it has more than
doubled in size.
The history of this mill is another one of rapid growth in
A Center of Industry 177
a highly competitive market. Hanes seamless hosiery has been
out in front in the race from cotton to rayon to silk to nylon.
The emphasis has been placed on quality and the product of
this mill is found in the nation's finest stores. Today it is the
largest circular knit hosiery mill in the world.
The Indera Mills Company, located and organized in Win-
ston-Salem in 19 14, manufactures ladies' and children's knit
underskirts, underslips, and knee warmers. From a small
beginning, the company had a steady demand for its products
and in 1925 the plant was enlarged by the purchase of the
old Maline Mills property. The products of this mill are na-
tionally advertised and sold in every state in the Union.
The Hanes Dye & Finishing Company was organized in
1924 by Ralph P. Hanes, who has continued as its active head
and president. This company operates a service industry by
bleaching, dyeing, and finishing cotton piece goods for con-
verters located in the eastern United States. The plant has
recently been enlarged and today covers approximately
180,000 square feet.
Starting with one slasher and four looms, John A. Kester
organized the Carolina Narrow Fabrics Company in 1928.
The company manufactures cotton insulating tape and web-
bing used by the electric motor producers. In 1940 a closely
affiliated company was organized to dye, glaze and wind
insulating yarn for the use of wire and cable producers. The
two companies today occupy approximately 75,000 square
feet of floor space and employ over 200 people.
In January, 1942, the Duplan Corporation of New York
established a division and began operation in Winston-Salem.
In May, 1947, a second division of this large corporation,
known as the Forsyth Division, was established here. The
latter division was housed in a new modern plant the outside
of which is finished in sheet aluminum. This company re-
ceives nylon yam and prepares it on a commission basis for
the knitting and weaving trade. The process is known as
178 Forsyth, a County on the March
throwing. The yarn is twisted and coated (sized), after which
it is used in the production of hosiery and dress fabrics.
The Adams-MilHs Corporation has a branch in Kemers-
ville, where a large volume of women's and children's anklets
are manufactured. In the same location the Southern Silk
Mills has a rayon piece goods mill, and the Vance & Ring
Company manufactures children's vat dyed socks. There are
several other small textile manufacturers in the county.
The Woodworking Industry
Early settlers were known for their craftsmanship in wood
and some of their products are still being used in homes of
the community. The oldest existing woodworking industry
in the county today is the Unique Furniture Makers which
dates back to the organization of the J. C. Spach Wagon
Works in 1854. It originated as a maker of wagons which for
many years were known throughout the South. During the
early years the company is reported to have produced can-
non trucks for the Confederacy. About ru^enty-five years
ago they entered the furniture business and now produce
dining room, bedroom, breakfast room, and dinette furniture
which is sold in practically all parts of the country. The
company has a record of continuous operation by one family
since its beginning in 1854.
Fogle Brothers Company is another one of the oldest con-
cerns in the county, having been organized in 1871 as a
partnership between Christian H. and Charles A. Fogle.
These brothers were sons of Augustus Fogle, who was Sheriff
of Forsyth County for many years and later Mayor of Salem.
They engaged in general millwork, sash, doors, etc., and for
several years manufactured tobacco boxes for the local to-
bacco factories. In 1892 Charles A. Fogle withdrew from the
business on account of health and his brother continued as
sole proprietor until his death in 1898. The business has been
A Center of Industry 179
continued by his family and today manufactures lumber,
principally flooring, and sells building material.
The B. F. Huntley Furniture Company had its origin in
the Oakland Furniture Company, which began business in
1898. B. F. Huntley was in the employment of the Oakland
Furniture Company for some time before he organized the
B. F. Huntley Furniture Company in 1906. Later the Oak-
land Furniture Company was taken over by the B. F. Huntley
Furniture Company and today the site of the first Oakland
factory is occupied by the plant of the B. F. Huntley Furni-
ture Company. The plant has over six acres of floor space and
manufactures bedroom furniture exclusively. This product
is advertised nationally and is sold all over the United States.
In 191 3 the Mengle Company of Louisville, Kentucky,
established a plant in Winston-Salem for the manufacture of
wooden boxes, used primarily as shipping containers. The
business has grown steadily, and in 1933 another division was
established to manufacture corrugated shipping containers.
In addition to a large production of shipping containers, this
concern produces store fixtures, wall cabinets, and closets.
The Fogle Furniture Company was organized as a corpo-
ration in January, 1923, with F. A. Fogle as president, for the
production of handwoven fibre furniture. In 1928 the manu-
facture of matched living room furniture was started. The
sale of the new product was so successful that the original
line of fibre furniture was discontinued in 1936, and the
entire production of the plant is now devoted to living room
There are about fifteen other plants in the county today
operating in the woodworking industry.
Miscellaneous Industries
It would be impossible to mention all of the various indus-
trial establishments now operating in Forsyth County. There
i8o Forsyth, a County on the March
are several establishments, however, which deserve special
mention although they cannot be classified in either of the
foregoing categories. Some of these concerns have a long his-
tory of operation and some of them, while relatively new,
have had an important effect on the business development of
the county.
In 1884, J. A. Vance began the manufacture of wood
planers and sawmills. The business w^as operated as a pro-
prietorship until 19 19 when a partnership was formed with
two of his sons. Ten years later it was incorporated. In 1936
the production of metal stampings was added, and a new plant
was constructed for this department in 1948. The products
of this new department are used largely in the woodworking
industry. Machine parts are also manufactured and castings
are made in the foundry for various industrial customers.
The planers and sawmills of J. A. Vance Company have been
well known for years and many of these machines have been
exported to South and Central America, Mexico, Africa, and
the Orient. The business is operated by the son of the
The Briggs-Shaffner Company was started in 1897 by
William C. Briggs and W. F. Shaffner, who had perfected a
cigarette machine in the plant of J. A. Vance during the
preceding six years. The company was organized to operate
as a general machine shop with a foundry, and to specialize
in the production of the cigarette machine. In the interest of
the sale of this machine, W. F. Shaffner spent the next two
years in Mexico. In the summer of 1909 the company was
incorporated with W. F. Shaffner, president, WiUiam C.
Briggs, vice-president, and M. H. Willis, secretary and
treasurer. E. N. Shaffner became associated with the com-
pany in 1943 and later that year was elected president. Today
this company not only makes metal castings but produces a
line of gift ware made from anodized aluminum.
The Bahnson Company had its beginning in 191 5 under
A Center of Industry i8i
the name of the Normalair Company for the production of
a centrifugal humidifier which had been invented and patented
by J. W. Fries. The company was started by A. H. Bahnson,
F. F. Bahnson, and J. A. Gray. A few years later the name
was changed to The Bahnson Humidifier Company. In 1929
the company was incorporated and became The Bahnson
Company with A. H. Bahnson as president. In 1940 F. F.
Bahnson retired; and in 1946 A. H. Bahnson, Jr., became
president. The company manufactures and installs industrial
air conditioning equipment which is well known in the textile
industry both in this country and in several foreign countries.
Recently the plant was expanded to a total of 96,000 square
In 1927 the Salem Steel Company was organized for the
fabrication of structural steel. The business was incorporated
in 1933 and has grown rapidly. This plant is now one of the
best equipped and most modern steel fabrication plants in the
South. Their product is used in residential and industrial con-
struction and bridges.
Southern Steel Stampings Company was granted a charter
in 1929. This company was organized by F. F. Bahnson for
the production of stampings used largely in the furniture
industry and machine parts used by the textile industry. The
son of the founder now operates the business, the plant of
which occupies over 40,000 square feet.
In 1944, The Bassick Company, a subsidiary of Stewart-
Warner Company, selected Winston-Salem as the site for
their Bassick-Sack Division. The latter part of the following
year operations started. This company manufactures furni-
ture hardware, known as decorative metal trim, which is used
by the furniture manufacturing industry. The plant covers an
area of 58,000 square feet.
One of the largest recent additions to our industrial scene
came as a result of the selection of this community by the
Western Electric Company for the location of their Radio
i82 Forsyth, a County on the March
Shops. In 1946 operations were started in the old Chatham
Manufacturing plant. Additional plants were leased as the
operations expanded. Today this company occupies over
800,000 square feet of manufacturing space. Land has been
purchased for the development of a new plant site with
modern building and equipment. The company manufactures
electrical apparatus and supplies, for use by the Bell Tele-
phone system.
It is interesting to know the wide scale of diversification of
Winston-Salem industry. In addition to the products of the
industries described on the preceding pages, the following
partial list will dispel any idea that the City of Industry is
limited in the variety of its products.
These include Awnings, Tents, Canvas Covers and Bags,
Automobile Springs, Batteries, Beverages, Bread and other
Bakery Products, Brick, Coffins, Caskets, Clothing (work),
Fertilizer, Foods, Harness and Saddlery, Insulating Yam,
Lumber, Machinery, Mattresses and Box Springs, Medicines,
Sheet Metal, Mirrors, Printing and Publishing, Rugs, Sewer
Pipe, Signs, Stone, Tin Foil, Upholstering and Veneer.
Financial Institutions
As early as 181 5 the Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C,
appointed agents in Salem. Two years before the founding
of Winston, the formal business of banking was launched in
Salem with the establishment of a branqh of the same Bank.
Israel G. Loesch, or Lash, was the first banker. The bank
was housed in a brick building located at what is now the
southwest corner of Bank and Main streets. This branch
bank seems to have prospered until it went down in the gen-
eral financial crash of the Civil War. In 1866, Lash opened a
bank of his own, the First National Bank of Salem, using
the same building which had sheltered the branch of the Bank
of Cape Fear. Following the death of Israel Lash in 1879, the
A Center of Industry 183
bank closed its doors and the banking center of the commu-
nity moved into the new village of Winston.
The Wachovia Bank & Trust Company dates back to the
establishment of the Wachovia National Bank in June, 1879.
This institution had as its president Wyatt F. Bowman, E.
Belo as vice-president, W. A. Lemly (formerly associated
with Israel Lash in Salem) as cashier, and James A. Gray as
assistant cashier. Lemly was president of this flourishing
institution from 1882 to 1906 and James A. Gray from the
latter date to 191 1. The bank started business with a capital
of $100,000 and in about two months it was increased to
$150,000. In 1888 the bank was moved from its original build-
ing on Main Street to the corner of Main and Third streets,
where it occupied a three-story building on the present
site of the Main office of the Wachovia Bank and Trust
In 1893, the Wachovia Loan and Trust Company was
organized by F. H. Fries and his nephew, H. F. Shaifner. Its
first home was in a modest one-story wooden building on the
east side of Main Street between Second and Third in Win-
ston. The directors were James A. Gray, J. E. Gihner, C. H.
Fogle, J. C. Buxton, J. H. Millis, T. L. Vaughn and R. J.
Reynolds. Two of these directors, Messrs. Gray and Buxton,
were closely identified with the Wachovia National Bank!
Gray was elected a vice-president of the Trust Company at
the beginning but was not active until later.
Branch offices were opened by the bank as it continued to
grow. The Asheville office was established in 1902, and the
High Point and Salisbury offices in 1903. The bank ceased to
be a purely local enterprise, its business assumed state-wide
proportions and national reputation.
The year 191 1 saw another decisive step in the financial
history of Winston-Salem. On January ist, the Wachovia
National Bank (1879) was consolidated with the Wachovia
Loan and Trust Company (1893) under the name of Wacho-
184 Forsyth, a County on the March
via Bank and Trust Company. Growth continued with the
opening of the Trade Street office in 19 19, and the Raleigh
office in 1922. The Forsyth Savings and Trust Company was
taken over at the request of the directors of the Negro insti-
tution in 1930 and is now operated as the Third Street
Branch. In 1939 an office was estabhshed in Charlotte, which
brings the total to eight offices in six cities.
The Wachovia has grown with the community and the
state. With total assets of $280,000,000, it is the largest bank
between Washington and Atlanta. It has the largest combined
capital and surplus of the banks in the Southeast.
The City National Bank is the outgrowth of the Morris
Plan Bank which was established in 191 7 by George W. Coan
and George W. Coan, Jr. The bank enlarged the scope of
its services in 1940, when it received a national charter and
assumed its present name. Its original capital in 19 17
amounted to $40,000. Today the total assets exceed
The Hood System Industrial Bank was founded in 1925
with a capital of $225,000 by Gurney P. Hood, and Nick
Mitchell, who was elected the first president. The bank has
specialized in installment personal loans and has grown con-
sistently until today its total assets amount to $1,400,000.
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Winston-Salem was
opened for business on October 15, 1932, to serve as a redis-
count bank for building and loan associations and savings
and loan associations. The district served by this bank in-
cludes eight southeastern states.
The First National Bank arose from one of the most tragic
depressions in banking history. It was organized May 16,
1934, with capital, surplus, and undivided profits of $250,000.
Officers were Charles M. Norfleet, president, Guy R.
Dudley, vice-president, Gilmer Wolfe, cashier. In its four-
teen years this bank has grown steadily and total assets exceed
A Center of Industry 185
In addition to its commercial and industrial banks, Win-
ston-Salem has two building and loan associations and two
federal savings and loan associations. The oldest of these is
the Winston-Salem Building and Loan Association, which
was established in 1889 and now has total assets of over
$6,000,000. The Piedmont Federal Savings and Loan Associa-
tion was started in 1903 under a State Charter which was
changed to a Federal Charter in 1935. This is the largest of
the group, with assets of over $10,000,000. The Standard
Building and Loan Association was organized in 1908 and
total assets now exceed $4,000,000. The First Federal Savings
and Loan Association was organized originally under a Fed-
eral Charter in 1934 and today has total assets in excess of
The Security Life and Trust Company had its beginning
in March, 1920. George A. Grimsley and Collins Taylor,
both of whom had many years of Hfe insurance experience,
organized the company in Greensboro, N. C. Civic-m.inded
local citizens, realizing the value of such an institution to a
community, arranged for the company to move to Winston-
Salem in 1923. The company has had a remarkable growth
with assets now over $20,000,000 and insurance in force
exceeding $185,000,000.
Retail Trade
From the earhest days, this settlement has been a center
of trade for a wide area. To supply the needs of the two
towns and of farmers for fifty miles or more around, there
were in 1885 about a dozen stores in Winston that were de-
scribed as "large." Among these were the general merchants,
Hodgin and SuUivan, Pfohl and Stockton, Hinshaw and
Bynum, J. E. Gilmer, Jacob Tise, Clark and Ford, and H. D.
Poindexter; two hardware stores, Brown-Rogers & Company
and S. E. Allen; two drug stores, one owned by Dr. V. O.
i86 Forsyth, a County on the March
Thompson and the other owned by Sam Smith; one clothing
store, and a jewelry store owned by WilHam T. Vogler. In
addition to the above large stores, a souvenir pamphlet issued
in 1890 carried the advertisements of these merchants, some
of whom were located in Salem: Fries, Giersh and Sense-
man, H. W. Shore, J. F. Shaffner, D. D. Schouler, W. O.
Senseman & Company, W. P. Ormsby, F. C. Meinung, and
Rosenbacher Bros.
In the five years from 1880 to 1885 the population of Win-
ston had more than doubled, and in comparison with other
communities in the state, Winston was regarded as an impor-
tant center. The two towns in 1890 had a combined popula-
tion of 10,729, out of a total population for Forsyth County
of 28,434. The population growth of Winston-Salem from
13,650 in 1900 to 79,815 in 1940 resulted in its growth in
importance as a center of trade and industry. In 1940 Win-
ston-Salem retail sales per capita were $310.00. This was
$40.00 above the national average and $ 1 64.00 above the state
average. The total retail trade in Forsyth County amounted
to $32,655,000 at this time.
The general trading area of Winston-Salem may be de-
scribed as a circle beginning fifteen miles east to include
Kernersville, and to the north where it goes into Virginia at
a distance of about fifty miles to include Stuart, Martinsville,
and Galax. It then comes back into North Carolina at a dis-
tance of about fifty miles west to include Elkin and North
Wilkesboro. Completing the circle, the distance decreases
because of the pull of other markets; however, the line
skirts Statesville and Salisbury and takes in Lexington,
Thomasville, and High Point. This area covers a population
of over 500,000 people.
This trading area developed retail sales in 1947, according
to Sales Managements Survey, which is generally accepted as
rehable, of $264,087,000. Forsyth County alone accounted
A Center of Industry 187
for $1 13,147,000, which was an increase of 246 per cent over
the 1940 census figure and a 44 per cent increase over 1946.
The same survey placed Winston-Salem as the second largest
city in retail sales in North Carolina for the year 1947 with
a total of $101,493,000. The wholesale sales reported by the
same survey for 1947 placed Winston-Salem third in North
Carolina with $125,061,000.
The community continues to grow as a center of trade
with more than a thousand stores from which to select one's
purchases. They range from conveniently located neighbor-
hood grocery and drug stores to the adequately and thor-
oughly modem concerns that line the business streets.
Visitors have given us credit for the most diversified and
well-equipped specialty shops to be found between Washing-
ton and Atlanta. New stores are under construction and many
other stores are expanding.
Agricultural Development
Although Forsyth is primarily an industrial county, it does
not lag far behind as an agricultural county. Our citizens rec-
ognize that a secure foundation for prosperity must include
the products of the land. In 1920 we had 2,849 farms in the
county for an increase during the previous decade of 7.6 per
cent in number. In 1945 there were 3,370 farm operations in
the county. Farm ownership is gradually increasing, for the
number of farms operated by tenants has increased by only
98, while the total number of farms has increased by 521
during the last twenty-five years. The average number of
acres to the farm is 57.4 with an average of 26.3 acres under
cultivation. The county contains 271,360 acres of which
193,560 were in farms in 1945.
In 19 10 our total farm property was valued at $8,203,133
whereas in 1940 it had increased to $16,224,085. In 1945 our
i88 Forsyth, a County on the March
farm property was valued at $21,037,418 for an average of
$6,243 per farm, which placed us second highest in the state.
We ranked first in number of farms having electricity and
Forsyth's crop-yielding power in 1944 was as follows:
value of crops harvested, $5,869,585; value of crops sold,
$3,217,561; value of livestock and livestock products sold,
Forsyth ranked 35th in the state in 1945 in the value of the
eleven principal crops produced with a total of $6,869,490.
Of this total the tobacco crop brought $4,701,700, the next
highest was hay which brought $910,420, followed by corn
which brought $647,700. This is big business and its future
development is of interest to the entire county.
The following comparison will be of value since it is based
on units of comparison which do not fluctuate. No allow-
ance need be made for the value of the currency in i860, the
top prices of 1920, or parity prices of 1944.
Forsyth County
Crops and Livestock i860 1920 1944
Corn, bushels 317^890 388,854 483,100
Hay, tons 5,489 1 9^595 20,600
Wheat, bushels 187,836 i99A^^ 172,330
Oats, bushels 60,934 3^^372 143,600
Sweet potatoes, bushels 21,001 4^.53 '^ 71400
Irish potatoes, bushels 11,869 25,143 31,960
Tobacco, pounds 55^ A^^ 4,049,428 7,151,600
Butter, pounds sold 74i68i 520,242 164,378
Horses 2,275 2,533 ^^78
Mules 318 2,065 2,097
Cattle 6,180 8,013 8,861
Sheep 6,386 418 89
Swine 18,942 9^127 7,648
A Center of Industry 189
A safely balanced farm system means, first of all, food
crops enough to feed the farmer, the farmer's family, and the
farm animals, at least as far as staple farm supplies are con-
cerned; second, it means farm animals to furnish horsepower
where machines are not used, and all the meat, milk, butter,
and eggs needed for home consumption; third, it means, in
Forsyth, tobacco as the surest ready cash crop. It would be
folly for a farmer in our tobacco areas not to raise tobacco
unless he can substitute for it another cash crop of equal or
greater value; and it would be equally foolish for him to
raise tobacco unless his barns and bins, cribs and smoke-
houses are filled with home-raised food and feed. Farmers
should be self-financing as well as self-feeding, and Forsyth
County can provide this balance.
General Facts on County Development
History relates the series of inventions in the latter half of
the eighteenth century in England which revolutionized the
industries of that country. The most important of these were
the spinning jenny, the water frame, the power loom, and
the steam engine. Of no little importance in hastening the
change that took place were various improved processes for
the production of iron and steel which were introduced dur-
ing this period. The inventions of the locomotive and the
steamboat were equally significant. Stephenson constructed a
practical locomotive in 18 14, and Rve years later the first
steamboat crossed the Atlantic and ushered in the era of fast
ocean transportation.
Changes were soon noticed in the rest of Europe and in
the United States. In the early days of the American colonies
manufactures were almost unknown, and such manufactured
goods as were needed had to be imported. Manufacturing
began to develop in New England before the Revolutionary
War, and after the United States became independent there
190 Forsyth, a County on the March
was rapid expansion. Great cities grew up along the harbors,
such as New York and Philadelphia. The period from 1830
to almost the end of the century was one of railway building
and general industrial expansion, which rapidly transformed
the United States into a great manufacturing and commercial
nation. Meanwhile, agriculture became much more produc-
tive, because of improved methods. Thus was the modern
system of industry born in America.
The same development transformed this community from
a frontier agricultural settlement to a great industrial county,
just as it did other communities which had many more advan-
tages. The rapidity with which the development took place
in our history is even more remarkable when we realize that
our early settlement was two hundred miles from the nearest
harbor and roads were only trails. During the period from
1830 up until 1873, when the first direct railroad connection
was made, our pioneers established a cotton manufacturing
company, a wool mill, a wagon works, a power-driven wood-
working plant, and a tobacco factory. Electricity was used to
light a cotton mill by 1881. Tobacco had been "rolled" down
the trail to distant markets in the earlier days but by 1885 the
first tobacco was being shipped from this section directly to
Necessity called for invention and, coupled with an ambi-
tion for progress, drove the pioneers to give us an early devel-
opment which has gained momentum with succeeding
generations. The isolation of the settlement one hundred
years ago did not prevent these men from utilizing the avail-
able products of the soil. The climate was advantageous to
the cultivation of tobacco and cotton and invigorating to the
health. The vast forests yielded lumber as well as food. Indus-
try developed from within, and the community prospered.
The scarce means of production were directed toward the
satisfaction of human wants.
The story of our industry is the story of industrious men.
A Center of Industry 191
Some of the results of their genius are the visible, tangible
assets which have already been described as our largest or
oldest establishments. Yet an appraisal of Winston-Salem
business today must take into account the numerous indus-
tries and business concerns v^hich may not rank with the
oldest or the largest, but which do play their important part
in the economic life of the community. The translation of
the complete story is revealed by certain facts which measure
business and industrial life.
The increase in population since 1890 is shown by the
United States census, as follows:
Forsyth County
Forsyth is one of the smallest counties in the state, there
being only thirty counties having less area, yet it is one of
the most populous. The density of population is 298.3 per
square mile, nearly four times the state average. Of the county
total, 63 per cent reside in Winston-Salem, and of the remain-
ing rural population 22.8 per cent are classified as non-farm.
Many of the people classified as rural dwellers make their
living by working in the factories. There are many factories
and business concerns in Forsyth County which are not in-
cluded in any incorporated town, and most of their em-
ployees are classified as rural dwellers. Also there are a great
number of people living outside of incorporated towns who
are employed in the towns.
The large number of Negro laborers found in Forsyth
County is due to the nature of the industries. The tobacco
192 Forsyth, a County on the March
industry offers to the unskilled Negro the most attractive of
jobs; consequently Forsyth County has a great number of un-
skilled Negro laborers. It is estimated that 32.5 per cent of
our population are Negroes, while in 1920 we had 34.2 per
cent, and in 1930, 33.3 per cent. Of the total population of
Winston-Salem, 36,018 were Negro in the 1940 census.
Almost 86 per cent of our population is engaged in indus-
try, business, and the professions. From a survey conducted
by the Chamber of Commerce in 1947, we learn that over
half of this group is engaged in the manufacturing industry.
The results of this survey show the percentages according to
type of work.
58 per cent engaged in manufacturing
23 per cent engaged in retailing and wholesaling
14 per cent engaged in various trades and services
5 per cent in government and the professions
The manufactured products of 97 establishments in For-
syth in 1937 had a value of $349,196,894, of which amount
$84,844,398 was added by the manufacturing process. Our
latest survey indicates that this value will reach one billion
dollars for the year 1947. Winston-Salem ranks first south of
Richmond and east of the Mississippi in value of manufac-
tured products, and produces seven times that of any other
city in the Carolinas.
An excellent indication of business activity is shown by the
annual total of bank clearings in the city. The total for 1946
increased 35 per cent over the previous year and doubled that
of 1940. In 1947 total bank clearings were $1,412,985,000
for an increase of 18 per cent over 1946, while the gain for
the Fifth Federal Reserve District was 1 1 per cent. Total
bank assets September 30, 1948, were over $318,000,000 with
deposits of over $294,000,000.
Winston-Salem is the market place for eighteen tobacco-
growing counties and their 98,771 acres of tobacco allotted
A Center of Industry 193
for the 1 947 -1 948 season. Buyers come to our fourteen
tobacco warehouses to buy leaf for manufacture into finished
products not only in the United States but in many foreign
countries. The volume of sales in the local market in ten year
intervals over the past forty-seven years follows:
Season Pounds
1900-1901 21,380,012
1910-1911 22,912,890
1920-192 1 60,580,994
1930-1931 65,152,950
1940-1941 47,369,170
1947-1948 61,743,308
The value and the volume of the crop has varied over this
period and any comparison should take into consideration
the effect of Federal legislation, first instituted in 1933. This
has resulted in varying degrees of government price support
and also an allotment system which limits the acreage planted
in tobacco. However, the local market sales for the 1947-
1948 season brought the growers $23,595,280, much of which
was spent in the city.
In 1 90 1 the assessed value of all taxable property in Forsyth
amounted to $8,402,308. The entire state at that time had less
than $300,000,000 on the tax books. Today Forsyth valuation
exceeds by 20 per cent the valuation for the entire state in
1 90 1.
Forsyth exhibits a marvelous increase in taxable wealth
during the last fifty years. While these amounts are available
for each year of our history, it is sufficient to show the last
few years in order to give an impression of our recent
growth. The last revaluation of real property was made in
1941, but the basis for taxation was increased in 1947 from
70 per cent to 80 per cent of fair cash value. These assessed
values are shown as follows:
194 Forsyth, a County on the March
Forsyth County $ 47,808,069
Winston-Salem 99,849,774
Total $147,657,843
Forsyth County $ 61,200,147
Winston-Salem 99,514,603
Total $160,714,750
Forsyth County $ 83,250,905
Winston-Salem 100,571,945
Total $183,822,850
Forsyth County $208,558,414
Winston-Salem 153,097,345
Total $361,655,759
Our rank in the state on the basis of assessed valuation can
be shown for the year 1945.
I St
Forsyth County
Guilford County
Mecklenburg County
Durham County
Wake County
This amazing increase in taxable wealth signifies a pros-
perous and thrifty community which has reached these values
not over night but over a period of many years of toil and
energy. Such figures show that the county has resources
which surpassed even the fondest dreams of the early found-
A Center of Industry 195
ers, and they also give good reason to believe that these
resources are far from exhausted.
Equally impressive would be the amounts of income tax
paid to the state and federal government by the residents of
the county, if they v^ere readily available. We have been
referred to as "North Carolina's largest tax paying unit."
Sales tax payments to the state in 1944 reached $910,317 and
state income tax payments the same year amounted to
Because of the heavy imports incident to the tobacco
industry a Port of Entry was established here through Act
of Congress on June 16, 19 16. The duty paid on goods im-
ported into Winston-Salem for the year ending June 30, 1948
amounted to $4,988,269.34. This placed us in the rank of
sixteenth city in the United States as a source of customs
From the foregoing description of our economic back-
ground, it is conclusive that the foundation of Forsyth
County rests on its industry. The growth has been from
within, with local men and local capital furnishing the lead-
ing role. There has been no abnormality in this development;
it has been steady, healthy, and consistent, and this is due in
a large measure to the type of products manufactured. To-
bacco from the fields can be delivered to the factories which
finish the process required to prepare it for use by the ulti-
mate consumer. Cotton from the farms can be sold to the
plant which completes the process of manufacturing the
garment which the consumer wears. The rough lumber can
be delivered to the mill which ships furniture prepared for
use in the home. Other local industries may depend on sup-
plementary processing, but the vast majority of their
products are definitely consumer goods. Such industry is not
readily affected by economic extremes.
There is a tempo in our business life not found in every
community. We are proud of having what is sometimes called
196 Forsyth, a County on the March
a working man's town. The energetic way in which our
affairs are conducted speaks well for the future growth of
the entire county. The unity of purpose found in our citi-
zenry had its beginning in the men who established the com-
munity and gives true meaning to the motto, "A City
Founded upon Co-operation."
Two small towns suddenly found themselves a
young city when in 191 3 Winston and Salem were
officially linked by the consolidation and magically
made one by the connecting hyphen. Winston-Salem
has grown from a small town of 22,600 in 191 3 to a city with
a population approaching 100,000 in 1948. Its achievements
in industry, in cultural and educational advancement, and in
wholesome community life have made it one of the foremost
cities of the South. The thirty-five years from the consolida-
tion until now have seen Wlnston-Salem and the nation
pass through two wars and a major depression and through
periods of prosperity and rapid growth.
The consoHdation had little effect upon the life of the city,
for Winston and Salem had long been united in spirit and in
purpose. Business in the First World War years felt the dis-
turbed conditions of the time, but the community's co-opera-
tive spirit helped it meet abnormal circumstances. In 19 17 a
municipal wood yard was organized to help with fuel dif-
ficulties, and in 191 8 a milk pool was started to alleviate a
milk shortage. In the fall of 19 18, two severe influenza
epidemics occurred; this year was also marred by a riot and
an attempted lynching on November 17, in which Rvc men
were killed. Race and labor conditions were unsettled until
about 1923, when the city went into a great building era,
later stopped by the depression of 1929 and 1930.
In 1932 the city held a pageant in celebration of the two
hundredth anniversary of George Washington's birth, the
pageant stressing President Washington's visit to Salem in
1 79 1. In the same year began a back-to-the-farm movement,
designed as a relief measure, in which 235 families were placed
on farms. In 1933, 2,500 families were on relief and a com-
munity club was organized to conserve food.
By 1939 and 1940 Winston-Salem rapidly shook off the
depression and was building again. Business adapted itself to
defense work and later to war production. Several military
200 Forsyth, a County on the March
and governmental agencies and war industries were added to
the city, and Winston-Salem again sent its men— and its
women— to war.
The total registration of men for the armed services from
Winston-Salem and Forsyth County in the First W^orld W^ar
was 15,695. Of this number, 2,117 were accepted for service,
and 68 were killed in service. In the Second World War,
Selective Service registered 45,614 men in Forsyth County.
The 1948 estimated veteran population of the county is
Winston-Salem in the 1920's underw^ent a period of rapid
growth— in these years the city hospital was expanded, the
water system made more nearly adequate, the city's school
plant greatly enlarged, new suburbs started, city limits pushed
back. The city officials and the community's leaders felt they
had built for many, many years to come.
But now again, a depression and a war later, the city is
feehng growing pains as it expands beyond the carefully-
planned facilities of the 20's. City hospital extension, a more
adequate water system, school supplements and school build-
ings, city limits expansion, city planning, and traffic are again
topics of conversation as the city increases its plant and its
facilities to meet the demands of its growing population.
The development of Winston-Salem from a small town to
a large city in thirty-five well-filled years can best be under-
stood through a closer examination of these factors which
have contributed to and become a part of the city's expan-
sion—its schools, churches, city government, transportation
facilities, social agencies and civic organizations, and its busi-
ness and residential areas.
Physical Expansion
Winston-Salem's population growth from 191 3 to 1920
was phenomenal. The slogan of civic leaders was "50-15,"
Winston-Salem Up to Date 201
or 50,000 by 191 5. The 1920 Census listed Winston-Salem's
population as 48,375, or a growth of 1 13 per cent since 1910,
and Winston-Salem reigned until the 1930 Census as the larg-
est city in the state. With this population expansion, a move-
ment to the suburbs began.
Following the major trend of suburban developments in
the United States, Winston-Salem built westward, and most
of its suburbs are on elevations overlooking the city. Sporadic
individual home-building began early in Southside, but the
general movement to suburbs began in 19 14.
Ardmore, the namesake of a well-known Philadelphia
suburb, was started in 19 14 to provide for citizens overflow-
ing the city limits. For twenty-two years, Ardmore made a
record of erecting a new home a week. Today the section is
a large, well-developed part of the city. It has its own elemen-
tary school and its own fire station, as well as its own
churches. The Ardmore Methodist Church was built in 1924,
followed by the Ardmore Baptist, Moravian, and Congrega-
tional Christian churches.
Other developments were also beginning to the west of the
city. Reynolda Village grew up around the Reynolda estate,
started in 19 15. The Granville section was started in 191 5, a
Crafton Heights section and a Melrose section were started
adjoining Ardmore. In 1919 West Highlands was begun,
followed by Buena Vista and later Westover, Westview,
Reynolda Park, and finally the Country Club Estates in 1927.'
Building restrictions in these later areas confined them to
larger houses, and today they contain many beautiful homes.
The city built some to the north. In 1920 Montview was
started, and was followed by Forest Hills and Whiteview.
Bon Air, clinging to the side of a hill north of town, was
begun in 1923. Anderleigh in 1928 and Konnoak Hills in
1929 were developed south of town. Alta Vista, a restricted
suburb exclusively for Negroes, was begun in 1929; it was
the first restricted Negro suburb in the South.
202 Forsyth, a County on the March
Meanwhile, the city was not unmindful of these new sec-
tions rapidly filling up with potential citizens outside of the
corporate limits, and Winston-Salem began gulping the new
suburbs into its limits in huge bites. About 1919, the city
limits were extended to include a part of Ardmore and Graf-
ton Heights; in 1923, large sections of Ardmore and Grafton
Heights, West Highlands, Waughtown, South Salem, and
the Kimberly Park and 14th Street School areas were an-
nexed. In 1925 some scattered outlying sections w^ere added,
in 1926 Buena Vista and some more of Ardmore, and in 1927
another Ardmore section and Yountztown.
Following the development of the suburbs in the 1920's
came the apartment house growth. The William and Mary
Apartments, built in 1922, were the first of the modern apart-
ment houses; the Graycourt Apartments, built in 1929, were
the first of the large houses. These were followed by a num-
ber of apartment houses throughout town, including the large
Twin Gastles Apartments in 1938.
Major suburban developments ceased after about 1929
until the last two years or so following the Second W^orld
War, and the majority of these post-war developments have
been in the form of huge housing projects to help correct a
current housing shortage. Among these developments are the
Gloverdale Apartments, Gollege Village, Weston Homes,
Brookwood, and the Konnoak Hills expansion.
The citizens of Winston-Salem, on September 21, 1948,
again voted to expand their city limits, the first extension
since 1927. The new extension takes in, as of January i, 1949,
sections around the fairground and sections in Konnoak Hills,
Ardmore, and Buena Vista.
Winston-Salem built upward as well as outward, and by
1929 had completed its skyline. The Winston business district
had become, before the consolidation, the commercial and
financial section of the city. The Salem business section re-
mained a quiet row of a few little businesses and shops.
Winston-Salem Up to Date 203
In 191 3, the tallest building in Winston-Salem was the
Wachovia Bank Building at the corner of Third and Main
streets, seven stories high, erected in 191 1. In 191 5 the O'Han-
lon Building was built, the first of Winston-Salem's sky-
scrapers. It remained the tallest building until 19 18, when the
Wachovia Bank Building added another story and caught up
with it.
The next tall building was the Hotel Robert E. Lee, twelve
stories, completed in 192 1. In 1926, W. M. Nissen purchased
the old Y. M. C. A. lot at Cherry and Fourth streets, and
completed the Nissen Building, eighteen stories, in 1927. In
1928, the Reynolds Office Building was begun on the comer
of Fourth and Main streets on the lot formerly occupied by
the first city hall of Winston; this high-towered city hall, built
in 1893 at a cost of $65,000, housed the city offices, the market,
the armory, and the jail. The Reynolds Office Building's
twenty-two stories were completed in 1929, and it still remains
the tallest building in North Carolina. Also finished in 1929
was the Carolina Apartments building, later the Carolina
Meanwhile, up and down West Fourth Street, on Fifth, on
Cherry, the homes of the fathers were making way for the
sons' and grandsons' businesses as the city expanded its com-
mercial district. The Emory Gray residence site is now the
Carolina Hotel and Theater; the Union Bus Terminal replaced
the Hinshaw and Masten homes on Cherry. On the Major T. J.
Brown home site, the Hotel Robert E. Lee was built, and the
Whitaker home on Fifth was replaced by a service station, as
was the John W. Hanes home at Fifth and Cherry. The P. H.
Hanes home on Cherry was recently torn down and the site
is now a parking lot.
The present city hall replaced the Starbuck home on Main
Street, and the lot where the R. J. Reynolds home stood on
Fifth Street is now a playground beside Centenary Methodist
Church. The First Presbyterian Church on Cherry added to
204 Forsyth, a County on the March
its property the site of the old Winston-Salem High School,
and the Chatham Building on the northwest corner of Cherry
and Fourth replaced the second St. Paul's Episcopal Church
building. Walgreen's Drug Store was built on the iMasonic
Temple site.
Government buildings were keeping pace with private
developments. The present City Hall was erected in 1926 on
Main Street just north of the original dividing line between
Winston and Salem. The second Post Office Building was built
in 19 14, replacing, in its site on the corner of Fifth and
Liberty, the first Public Government Building, erected in
1906. The 19 14 Post Office Building was enlarged and com-
pletely remodeled as it now stands in 1937. The third Forsyth
County Courthouse was completed in 1926 on the original
Courthouse Square where the other two courthouses had also
stood. The first courthouse had been built in 1850 and had
been replaced in 1 897 by the second building.
From the early days of the consolidation, the need for an
orderly, functional plan for the physical expansion of the city
of Winston-Salem was discussed in Chamber of Commerce
meetings and by civic leaders. In the 1920's, the first city plan
was promoted and was instrumental in the establishment of the
first through streets and in the adoption of a zoning ordinance
in 1930.
However, although a good deal of money was spent in set-
ting up this first plan, it was never carried through. Constant
work in the 1940's resulted in the establishment in 1946 of a
temporary Cit\^-County Planning Commission; the city and
county governments voted to undertake a joint planning
program. A city planner was employed and he with his staff
began work on a master plan for the city and county's future
growth and development.
In March, 1948, a permanent City-County Planning Board,
made up of the Mayor, the Chairman of the County Board of
Commissioners, and seven citizens, was named to work with
Winston-Salem Up to Date 205
the city-county planning staff. The plans of the Board will be
submitted to the Board of Aldermen for approval as work is
City Government
Winston-Salem city government was set up at the time of
the consolidation in 1 9 1 3 as the mayor-alderman form of gov-
ernment, with a mayor and eight aldermen. The general make-
up of the city government was changed little until November
4, 1947, when the citizens of the city voted to adopt the
council-manager or city manager form of government. Win-
ston-Salem's first mayor was O. B. Eaton; its first city manager
is C. E. Perkins.
A comparison of the first journal entry in the books of the
new city of Winston-Salem with the city's present capital
assets gives a clear idea of the physical expansion since 191 3—
in 191 3, the total capital assets were $1,314,392; in 1948, the
assets were $28,527,008.
The separate water systems of the two towns remained
adequate for several years after the consolidation. In 19 17,
however, the aldermen felt the city needed a larger water
supply and purchased a i,ooo-acre tract of land near the old
Salem water station for an impounding reservoir. A new dam
and lake were built and electric pumps and filters installed;
the present filter plant was built in 1925 and the pumping sta-
tion enlarged then. In 193 1, the dam was raised Rve and one-
half feet and strengthened, and it was estimated that the city's
water system was adequate until about 1955. However, a
greatly increased population and a greatly decreased amount
of rain in the summer of 1947 practically caused a water short-
age in Winston-Salem, and the citizens in November, 1947,
voted a four-million-dollar bond issue to expand and improve
the water system. Plans are being laid for this new expansion.
A sewage disposal plant was started in 191 5; the present
plant was built in 1926. Winston-Salem today has 280 miles
2o6 Forsyth, a County on the March
of sewerage lines covering 95 per cent of the city. The city
market was built in 1925, the incinerator plant in 1930, and
the city abattoir in 1935. The city today operates a large fire
department with six stations located strategically throughout
the city. The municipal police department has four divisions,
Patrol, Traffic, Detective, and Records and Identification.
In the fall of 1945, the Committee of 100, a body of some
100 representative citizens, was organized at a joint meeting
of the town's civic clubs. The Committee studies problems of
local municipal government and makes recommendations to
the public and to the Board of Aldermen. It attempts to bridge
the gap between the pubhc and the City Hall.
At the time of the consolidation, Winston-Salem had seven
schools valued with their lots and furnishings at $316,000.
After the two school systems were merged, the pubhc school
system developed in a network throughout the city. In 1948
Winston-Salem operated twenty public schools valued at
$5,313,640. In 191 3 the annual school budget was $65,000,
with 150 officers and teachers and 5,000 pupils; in 1948, the
annual school budget was $725,000 with 465 teachers and a
total enrollment of 15,457 pupils.
Most of Winston-Salem's school building was done in the
1920's, when 6^ per cent of the school system's buildings were
built. The oldest part of a school building in use today was
built in 19 10; the newest addition was built in 1939. When
the Winston-Salem High School on Cherry Street, built in
1909, burned in 1923, it was replaced by the Richard J. Rey-
nolds High School, built in the west section of town overlook-
ing Hanes Park. Mrs. R. J. Reynolds, in memory of her
husband, built a handsome auditorium adjoining the high
school and presented it to the city as the Reynolds Memorial
Auditorium; it was finished in 1924. In 1930 the North and
Winston-Salem Up to Date 207
South Junior High Schools were built; these later became the
John W. Hanes High School and the James A. Gray High
School when the junior high school system was dropped.
Atkins High School for Negroes was built in 193 1.
Since the opening of the first public school in 1884, Win-
ston-Salem citizens have been generous supporters of their
public schools. Several bond issues were voted for public
schools before 1933-34, when the State of North Carolina
took over the entire support of the public schools. After two
years under state support, the people of Winston-Salem saw
that they could not maintain their schools at a high level on
the basis of the state minimum program. Citizens again voted
to tax themselves with school supplement taxes to provide for
good schools. The most recent school supplement was voted
in May, 1948.
In the private school field, Salem Academy had been con-
tinued, offering grades nine through twelve for girls. The
Academy was given a new plant in 1929 when the Patterson-
Bahnson-Shaifner famihes gave three new buildings for the
school. Summit School, a private school offering two years
kindergarten and grades one through eight, was started in 1933
on Summit Street; in September, 1946, it moved into a new
and completely modern building and playground on Reynolda
Meanwhile, higher education was keeping pace. A $640,000
endowment was completed for Salem College in 1920. The
college had then twelve buildings; today it has twenty, and
plans are under way for further expansion. The college at
present has some 600 students.
Slater State Normal School for Negroes had its name
changed in 1925 to the Winston-Salem Teachers College and
two more years of college work added, making it a four-year
accredited institution. The school at present has a 62 -acre
campus, 472 students, and eleven buildings.
In 1 94 1, the medical school of Wake Forest College was
2o8 Forsyth, a County on the March
separated from the other college departments and moved to
Winston-Salem; the move was made as a result of gifts from
the Bowman Gray family and in order to co-ordinate the
school's work more closely with the North Carolina Baptist
Hospital in Winston-Salem. A new plant was built for the
school adjoining the Baptist Hospital, and the Bowman Gray
School of Medicine of Wake Forest College opened in Sep-
tember of 1 94 1. It is rated as one of the finest medical schools
in the South; students in the fall of 1948 numbered 184.
In the spring of 1946, the trustees of the Z. Smith Reynolds
Foundation offered a $10,750,000 endowment to Wake Forest
College, a Baptist co-educational institution founded in 1834.
The offer was made on condition that the institution be moved
within about five years from its site seventeen miles northeast
of Raleigh to a new college campus in Winston-Salem.
On July 30, 1946, the North Carolina Baptist State Conven-
tion met in Greenboro in special session for the first time
since its founding and voted to accept the Foundation offer
and move the college to Winston-Salem. The offer was ac-
cepted with the provision that the college name would not be
changed and that control of the college would remain with a
Board of Trustees appointed by the Baptist State Convention.
A 300-acre tract of land, part of the Reynolds family estate
just west of Wlnston-Salem, was given to the college for a site,
and the Baptists of the state went to work to raise the money
necessary to build a new college adequate for a student body
of not less than 2,000. Forsyth County and Winston-Salem, in
a campaign in May of 1948, gave approximately $1,600,000
toward the building fund goal of $6,000,000. The remainder
of the money for building the college will come from the
Baptist churches throughout North Carolina, from the alumni
and friends of the college, and from the accumulated income
of the Reynolds Foundation over the five-year period.
The decision to move Wake Forest College to \\lnston-
Salem was heralded as a great step in the city's development
Winston-Salem Up to Date 209
as well as a tremendous advancement for education in North-
western North Carolina, for the western section of the state
at present has no large college or university. Besides the com-
mercial advantages of having a large college in the city, Wake
Forest will give to industrialized Winston-Salem a more well-
rounded community life and cultural program. The large
faculty and student body that Wake Forest College will bring
to the city will help round out the city's middle-income and
professional group.
In June of 1946 "Graylyn," the large estate of the Bowman
Gray family, was given to the Bowman Gray School of Medi-
cine and is operated now as a rehabilitation and convalescent
center. As "Graylyn" lies just across the road from the Rey-
nolda site of the future Wake Forest College, plans are under
consideration to establish the medical school and a new medical
center on the Graylyn site.
Growth of the Churches
Winston-Salem, founded as it was by a religious group, has
always been dominated by a deep religious atmosphere and a
sincere interest in the church. Today there are in the city some
150 churches representing about twenty denominations.
Baptist churches lead the list in number, with Methodist,
Moravian, and Presbyterian following in the order listed.
Neighborhood churches are scattered so thickly throughout
the city that Winston-Salem has sometimes been called the
"City of Churches." The two largest of the uptown churches
have memberships of around 3,000. Of the large uptow^n
churches. First Baptist was built in 1925, and Calvary Mora-
vian in 1926; Augsburg Lutheran was built in 1928, St. Paul's
Episcopal in 1929, and Centenary Methodist in 193 1. First
Presbyterian expanded its plant considerably in 1932.
Today the religious life of the community still looks to the
leadership and influence of the historic Home Moravian
2IO Forsyth, a County on the March
Church, built in 1800 in Old Salem, and Winston-Salem's
most cherished traditions center around the beautiful relio^ious
services and customs of the Moravian Church. Predominant
among these services are the Love Feasts and Christmas Candle
Service, the New Year's Eve Memorabilia and Watch Night,
and the famous early Easter morning service.
The Easter service, held in Old Salem since 1773, first began
to attract large crowds of worshippers from all over the state
and country in the 1920's after the service had received na-
tional publicity. Now some 50,000 people annually witness
the simple, impressive service and join in the happiness of a
Salem Easter. The Easter service has been broadcast locally
since 1930. Since 1941 it has been broadcast nationally over
the Columbia Network and sent by shortwave radio around
the world. During the war, through the Office of War In-
formation, it was sent by shortwave to boys overseas. It is the
largest religious broadcast in the history of radio.
Transportation and Communication
Good means of transportation and communication facilities
have often been the cause of the development and growth of
cities— for example, a town grows up where two main roads
cross, a village is begun at a railroad terminal, or a city grad-
ually comes into being around a good river harbor. But
Winston-Salem, founded for religious and government pur-
poses, had to build carefully with the hands and brains of its
citizens a dependable network of railroads, highways, and
Seeing that transportation arteries could be Winston-Salem's
starvation or salvation, businessmen put much stress on their
development. Winston-Salem's three railroads had already
been established by 191 3. The Southern came into the city in
1873, the Norfolk and Western in 1889, and Winston-Salem
Winston-Salem Up to Date 211
Southbound in 19 lo. Many of the roads were bulk by local
enterprise and capital. The railroads began extensive expan-
sion of their lines and stations after 191 3. Southbound Railway
opened an office for freight traffic; in 19 16 the Norfolk and
Western built a new freight station. Union Station was com-
pleted in 1926 and Southern completed a new freight depot. In
1927-28, Southern Railway and Norfolk and Western built
new yards at an expenditure of $3,000,000.
Because of the vast amount of freight generated in Winston-
Salem, "oif-hne" railways began opening offices in the city
in 1929. Today there are thirty-three "off-line" offices in the
city representing 6^ per cent of the nation's first-class railway
Highways, too, were built the hard way, with local enter-
prise and local energy. Wise planning of the Forsyth County
commissioners laid into Winston-Salem a network of high-
ways, often subsidized locally, which is second to none in
North Carolina. In 1920 the road to Walkertown was the
city's longest highway; today Winston-Salem has leading into
it more hard-surfaced roads than any other city or center in
North Carolina.
With the highway development came the buses. In 19 12
3 5 -horsepower. Model T Ford engine buses, carrying a maxi-
mum of seven to sixteen passengers, took travelers from Win-
ston-Salem to High Point. About 191 5 bus travel through the
city equalled around fifty passengers a day. Now enormous
240-horsepower buses carry a maximum of thirty-seven pas-
sengers each to any point or connection in the country. Some
three thousand bus travelers pass through the city daily.
Before 1926 a number of small bus companies operated in
Winston-Salem. John L. Gilmer formed the Camel City Coach
Company in 1926, bought up a number of smaller lines, and
began operation with six 21 -passenger buses. In 1930, the
Camel City Coach Company merged with the Blue and Gray
212 Forsyth, a County on the March
Lines of Charleston, West Virginia, to become the Atlantic
Greyhound Lines. Winston-Salem is now the center for the
southern division of the Greyhound Lines.
The first bus station adjoining the Zinzendorf Hotel had a
waiting room to accommodate twenty people and an office.
The Union Bus Station of today is one of the most modern
and largest in the nation; it was built in 1942 at a cost of
around $200,000 and can handle twenty-four buses at once
and 240 people in its waiting rooms.
Motor express transportation grew also with the highway
development. Today about forty motor lines operate out of
the city.
Winston-Salem dedicated its first airport on December 5,
1 9 19, the old iMaynard Field, the first airport in the South
apart from national defense needs. Some years later, in the
1920's, Winston-Salem used with Greensboro and High Point
the old Friendship Airport.
W^hen it became obvious that the Friendship Airport would
not serve the city's needs and that the iMaynard Field was out-
moded, citizens began making plans for a new field. A timely
visit from Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh gave impetus to these
plans, and on October 14, 1927, the Miller Airport, built on
the old county farm lands just outside the city, was officially
opened. That same day the field was given to the city by a
public-spirited citizen, R. E. Lasater, and placed under the
Winston-Salem Foundation.
In the early 1930's, the field received some appropriations
under the Federal Work Relief Program for grading and
improvement. In 1935 citizens in Winston-Salem learned that
the old Friendship Airport was being condemned for landings
by Eastern Air Lines. The Miller Airport was put into shape
to meet government and air line requirements and on April 2,
1935, Eastern Air Lines began the first commercial air service
Winston-Salem had ever had. Eight months later, the service
was discontinued because of insufficient facilities at the airport.
Winston-Salem Up to Date 213
On June 14, 194 1, Eastern Air Lines again established reg-
ular commercial air service-direct air mail, passenger, and
express service-for Winston-Salem. In June, 1942, the new
terminal, made possible by a family gift, was finished, and the
Smith Reynolds Airport officially opened. This is today one
of the finest and newest airport terminals in the South; the
field has class-five facilities (class six being the highest). Capital
Airlines began service through the city in June, 1947. Pied-
mont Aviation, Inc., opened its home offices in Winston-Salem
and began operation in February of 1948.
A "Romance of Transportation" pageant on December 29,
1936, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, marked fare-
well to the electric streetcar system and the city changed to
buses for its intra-city transportation. Six taxi-cab companies
also furnish city transportation.
One summer night in 191 3, the members of the Winston-
Salem Chamber of Commerce very heatedly discussed a pro-
posed "white way" for the city. The proposition was to light
and pave West Fourth Street from Liberty to and including
Grace Court; object of said proposal was to make "an evening
thoroughfare for public enjoyment and an attractive advertise^
ment to outsiders coming to the city." Among objections to
the project were the expense and the thought that the "daz-
zling illumination" would be a discomfort to the residents of
Fourth Street.
The Retail Merchants Association installed a "white way"
in 191 3 after futile attempts to get the city to do so; a perma-
nent lighting system was later installed by the city because
this first attempt met with such favor.
Cobblestone paving had been used in Salem for many years,
but the first modern street paving project began in 1890 with
the laying of Belgian blocks along Main Street. Belgian blocks
were used on the streets as late as 19 19 and constituted a prin-
cipal paving material. Brick for streets was little used in the
city; a short section of West First Street was laid in brick as an
214 Forsyth, a County on the March
experiment. In 191 5 the city had 12.22 miles of paved streets
within the city Hmits. In 1923 an extensive street building
program was begun and today there are 145 miles of paved
streets within the city. In 1928 a city planner had West Fourth
Street widened and wanted to make it even wider but people
called him crazy; today five-o'clock traffic fighters wish the
street had a few hundred feet added to it.
In 191 3 Winston-Salem had 1,842 telephones; in Novem-
ber, 1948, the city had 28,814. The Southern Bell Telephone
and Telegraph Company, Inc., which has been established in
the city since 1891, moved into its building on West Fifth
Street in 193 1. Today extensive additions are being made in
the building and to the city's telephone system.
Means of Public Information
Winston-Salem's present two daily newspapers had varied
fortunes and titles before they acquired their present names
and forms. In 191 8, a newly-incorporated firm, the Sentinel
Printing and Publishing Company, bought both the Ticin
City Daily Sentinel (an afternoon paper established in 1885),
as well as the Sentinel Building w^hich had been erected in
1909 at 241 North Liberty Street. The company continued
operation until August, 1926, when the entire property was
sold to the newly-organized Winston-Salem Sentinel, Inc.,
a corporation owned chiefly by Frank A. Gannett of Roches-
ter, New York. The semi-weekly Western Sentinel was
merged at this time with the Tucin City Sentinel. Mr. Gannett
maintained his interest in the Sentinel for less than a year.
In the meantime, a morning paper, the Daily Journal
(established in 1897), had been bought by Owen Moon, who
became publisher and owner of the Winston-Salem Journal
Company. In February, 1927, Mr. Moon bought out the
stock of the Winston-Salem Sentinel, Inc., and combined the
two papers under one roof. Before the two papers were con-
Winston-Salcm Up to Date 215
solidated, there had been stiff competition between the
Journal and the Sentinel; the SentinePs main object on Satur-
day night was always to get out as big a paper as possible with
all the news in it because the Journal got out the Sunday
paper. Mr. Moon in 1928 moved his two newspapers and his
company into a new building built for them on Marshall
Street, the Journal-Sentinel Building.
In 1937, the Piedmont Publishing Company was formed
with Gordan Gray as president. The company acquired from
Owen Moon the two newspapers, the building, and the
equipment, and today publishes the Tiviji City Sentinel
(afternoon), the Winston-Salem Journal (morning), and the
Journal and Sentinel (Sunday).
The two newspapers today have a combined circulation of
84,700 and a staff of 240. This is a far cry from the first Salem
newspaper. The Weekly Gleaner^ published in 1829 on a
hand press with a staff of two. However, the Journal and
Sentinel represent 119 years of development through a con-
tinuous succession of newspapers, each a vital force in the
The Southern Tobacco Journal, founded in 1886, has been
published continuously from Winston-Salem since 1932. It
became a monthly magazine in 1934 and is published by the
Carmichael Printing Company. Blum^s Almanac, now in its
i2oth year of continuous publication, is still a best seller in
the city. The almanac is now published by the Goslen Pub-
lishing Company.
Winston-Salem's first radio station, WSJS, was formally
opened on April 17, 1930. A religious program was the first
to be broadcast out of Winston-Salem. The late Right Rev-
erend Edward Rondthaler, bishop of the Moravian Church,
offered the dedicatory prayer and the St. Paul's Episcopal
Church choir took part on the program. On June 4, 1930, the
station had its first network program and is now a full-time
member of the National Broadcasting System. WSJS opened
2i6 Forsyth, a County on the March
and still operates as a department of the Piedmont Publishing
Company; in 1941 the station moved into its own building
on North Spruce Street.
Radio Station \\'AIR began operation in 1937 as an Amer-
ican Broadcasting Company affiliate. Station A\^TOB opened
in 1947 as an affiliate of the Mutual Broadcasting Company.
Both Stations AVSJS and WAIR operate frequency modula-
tion stations.
Health and Hospital Facilities
The Winston-Salem Health Department was organized in
19 1 6 with offices in the City Hall. In December, 1938, the
department moved into the Health Center on North A\^ood-
lawn Avenue. In July, 1945, the department w^as consolidated
with the County Health Department, making the City-
County Health Department whose duty it is to guard the
health of the city and county today.
In 1 9 14 the City Hospital was built, and in 19 15 a nurses'
home was built by the ladies of the T\\'in-City Hospital As-
sociation from proceeds of the sale of the old hospital plant
on Brookstown Avenue. Later, $240,000 w^as bequeathed to
the city by R. J. Reynolds for building two additions to the
hospital; in 1922 the North Reynolds wing for colored patients
was completed, and in 1924, the South Reynolds wing was
completed. The Sterling Smith annex was added later, and the
name changed to City Memorial Hospital. A new home for
student nurses was built in 1930. In 1941 a strip of property
in front of the hospital was given to the hospital for nurses'
homes and parking space.
The Baptist State Convention decided to establish a hospital
in Winston-Salem and in 192 1 citizens of A\'inston-Salem in a
city campaign gave $140,000 toward building the hospital.
In 1923, the North Carolina Baptist Hospital was completed
on South Hawthorne Road.
Winston-Salem Up to Date 217
There developed a great need for hospital facilities for
Negroes more adequate than the North wing of the City
Memorial Hospital. In 1938 a modern hospital for Negroes,
the Kate Bitting Reynolds Memorial, was built, made possible
by a gift of $200,000 from Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Reynolds and
$125,000 from the Duke Endowment Fund.
In 191 7 the first tuberculosis sanatorium was opened just
outside of Winston-Salem; it was the first county sanatorium
m North Carolina. In 1930 a modern tuberculosis sanatorium,
the Forsyth County Sanatorium for Tuberculosis, opened on
Rural Hall Road. In 1937 a new building was built for Negro
patients. The sanatorium at present can care for eighty-eight
Negro and sixty white patients.
The city functions in the field of public welfare by con-
tributing funds to the county welfare department; there is
no city welfare department.
Private Health, Welfare, and Social Agencies
The Associated Charities, Winston-Salem's first venture in
organized, private charity, was started in 1905 in keeping
with similar movements throughout the world. Miss Annie
Grogan was appointed the secretary and served until her
retirement in 1936. ''Miss Annie" with her horse and buggy,
and later her roadster, was a familiar sight on the street^of
Winston-Salem as she made her calls in the interest of char-
ity; she became known as Winston-Salem's "mother of
The Associated Charities became the pivot around which
other agencies developed. The Y.M.C.A., which had been
formed in 1888, built its first home in 1908 on the site where
the Nissen Building now stands. In 1927, a new building was
erected on Marshall Street at a cost of about a half million
dollars; the new building was made possible through pubHc
contributions and through the sale of the old building site.
2i8 Forsyth, a County on the March
A Negro branch of the Y.Al.C.A. had been opened in 191 1.
The Y.W.C.A., organized in 1908, erected its first home
in 1 9 1 6 on the corner of First and Church streets, where ran
the original dividing Hne between Winston and Salem. The
activities of the Y.W.C.A. gradually outgrew the building,
and in 1942 a most attractive brick building was built on
Glade Street. The Chestnut Street Branch of the Y.W.C.A.
was organized for Negro girls in 19 18 as an outgrowth of a
Negro girls' club.
The Boy Scout movement had begun in Winston-Salem in
191 1 with the organization of the first troop. Today there are
sixty-eight troops in the city and county. The first Girl
Scout troop was organized in December, 1923, at Reynolds
High School. Today there are fifty-eight troops in the city.
The Winston-Salem Chapter of the American Red Cross
was organized during the war in 19 17. Other organizations,
such as the Forsyth County Tuberculosis and Health Associa-
tion, came later.
Contemporary with the movement in the United States to
consolidate fund-raising solicitations, the Community Chest
of Forsyth County was organized in 1923. Today the Chest
federates the finances and has charge of the distribution of
the finances of twenty local health and welfare organizations,
raising the money in one campaign and distributing it accord-
ing to need among its member organizations. The first Chest
goal was $28,000, but $36,000 was actually subscribed. The
1948 goal was $262,000, and approximately $275,000 was
subscribed. Each year since organization of the Community
Chest, its goal has been oversubscribed.
In 1938, the Winston-Salem Council of Social Agencies
was formed to co-ordinate the community social welfare
program. This organization functions today as the Commu-
nity Council, made up of representatives from over forty
public and private health, welfare, and recreation agencies
and civic groups.
Winston-Salem Up to Date 219
In 1940, the Associated Charities, which had functioned so
well in the field of private welfare, had part of its functions
absorbed by the County Department of Public Welfare; the
Family and Child Service Agency carry on the remaining
Winston-Salem has two institutions for the care of chil-
dren. The Methodist Children's Home on Reynolda Road,
which opened September 7, 1909, serves Western North
Carolina; the Memorial Industrial School for Negroes on
North Main Street, opened in 1923, provides a home for
underprivileged Negro children.
The Winston-Salem Foundation, a non-profit organization
established in 1919, manages numbers of civic enterprises and
works in all fields for community betterment. The Founda-
tion's funds are derived from the contributions of Winston-
Salem citizens. The Foundation aids the community in many
ways, such as in providing camping for needy boys and girls
and in helping young men and women obtain college
In an attempt to find some solution to the problem of the
increasing number of fund-raising campaigns, the Chamber
of Commerce and the Retail Merchants Association organized
in the summer of 1946 the Forsyth County Committee on
Public Solicitation. The committee acts as a central agency
through which clear all proposals for community- wide fund-
raising campaigns; the committee reviews fund-raising
solicitations to determine their worthiness, necessity, and
efficiency, and reports the findings of its review to the general
public. The committee was reorganized and enlarged in the
fall of 1948.
Recreational Facilities
Community-wide recreation services for Winston-Salem
began in 19 18 when the Board of Aldermen appropriated
220 Forsyth, a County on the March
$6,000 for park and playground services and authorized the
opening and equipping of five playgrounds. In 1934 the
Public Recreation Commission was organized. Today the city
has twenty-six parks and playgrounds, with a total of
536 acres; these parks have athletic fields, picnic areas, and
special amusement features. The largest park is Reynolds, one
of the South's finest municipal recreational centers, opened
in 1940. The city has an average of more than ten acres of
playground for each public school.
Dollar train excursions. Fourth of July celebrations, sum-
mer band concerts on the Courthouse Square, and picnics in
Nissen Park were Winston-Salem's idea of having fun in the
early days of the consolidation. Commercialized recreation
began to develop with the expansion of the motion picture
Today the city has six motion picture theaters, two com-
mercial and nine membership or free swimming pools, bowl-
ing alleys, and stables and riding academies. Two commercial
and two membership golf courses succeed the original Twin
City Golf Club, North Carolina's first golf club, formed in
Winston-Salem in 1897.
The Forsyth Country Club was organized in 19 10 and
today has a clubhouse, swimming pool, and golf course in
the west section of town. The Old Town Club, formed in
1938, also has its own clubhouse, golf course, and swimming
pool. The Twin City Club for men, organized in 1884, is
still quite active.
The Bowman Gray Memorial Stadium, dedicated on
October 22, 1939, with the annual football game between
Duke University and Wake Forest College, was built as a
WPA project. Private funds, matching those of the \\TA,
were furnished by the Bowman Gray family; the stadium
cost around $200,000. The stadium, with a seating capacity
of 12,000, is owned by the city and is used for large athletic
Winston-Salem Up to Date 221
In May of 1946, a million-dollar fund was raised to build
a Memorial Coliseum, designed to seat 9,000. The fund is now
being held in trust and the Coliseum will be built when the
current building materials shortage is over.
Growth of Business and Service Organizations
The Chamber of Commerce of Winston and Salem, or-
ganized in 1885, became at the time of the consolidation the
Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce, and through all of
the rapid development of the city it has continued its leader-
ship in building the economic, cultural, and educational
growth of the community. The Winston-Salem Junior
Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1929 to organize the
leadership of the young men. The Winston-Salem Retail
Merchants Association, formed in 1889 as the Winston-
Salem Merchants and Traders' Union, continues its services
to the merchants of the city; it is the oldest organization of
its kind in North Carolina.
The Winston-Salem Real Estate Exchange was organized
in 191 5; in 191 7, the group joined the national organization
and became the Winston-Salem Chapter, National Real
Estate Board. The Winston-Salem Automobile Club, or-
ganized in 1 9 II , is today the oldest in the Carolinas and one
of the oldest in the South. The Winston Tobacco Board of
Trade, organized in 1869, continues today its promotion and
organization of the Winston-Salem market.
When Winston and Salem were young and small, business-
men could gather on the street corners and in the shops to
discuss the news of the day and to exchange ideas. As the city
grew, however, businessmen felt the need for a better means
of getting acquainted with fellow citizens, of exchanging
ideas, and of perhaps promoting community projects. So,
soon after the consolidation, the civic luncheon club move-
ment began, following a similar pattern of development in
222 Forsyth, a County on the March
other cities. In 19 15, the Rotary Club was formed as the first,
followed by Kiwanis in 19 19; Business and Professional
Women's Club, 19 19; Civitan, 192 1; Lions, 1922; Altrusa
(for women), 1924; Pilot Club (for women), 1934; Ex-
change Club, 1935; American Business Club, 1940; Credit
Women's Breakfast Club, 1941; Cooperative Club, 1947; and
the Optimist Club, 1948.
Within the last few years, there has been in the city and
county a movement to organize neighborhood civic clubs for
the promotion of fellow^ship and neighborhood projects and
improvements. Among these are the Sun-Waugh Civic Club,
the North Winston Men's Community Club, the North
Winston Men's Brotherhood, the Clemmons Civic Club,
Lewisville Civic Club, the Old Town Civic Club, the Ard-
more Civic Club, Walkertown Men's Club, Mineral Springs
Civic Club, Rural Hall Civic Club, City View Men's Club,
Konnoak Hills Club, South Fork Civic Club, and the \A'est
Salem Civic Club.
Women's service and social organizations formed as rap-
idly as did the men's. A Woman's Club was organized in
1919, followed by a Junior Woman's Club. A Junior League
was formed in 1923, the first in North Carolina. The Twin
City Garden Club was organized in 1925 as the pioneer of
the Winston-Salem garden clubs; it sponsored the organiza-
tion of the North Carolina Federation of Garden Clubs. In
193 1, the Winston-Salem Council of Garden Clubs was
formed and today has nine member clubs. Book clubs, led by
the Sorosis Club, which was organized in 1895, now total
The Development of an Arts Program
Winston-Salem, since its founding by the Moravians, has
always been recognized as a city sympathetic toward and
Winston-Salem Up to Date 223
active in the arts, chiefly within church, family, and school
circles. Early settlers were skilled craftsmen; church bands
developed in each Moravian church.
Several music clubs were organized in the city before 1938,
but no organized arts program with a continuing pattern of
development came into being until ten years ago when the
Festival Opera Group was launched at Salem College. In
1942, two evenings of opera were brought to Winston-
Salem by a Summer School of Opera, held at the Woman's
College of the University of North Carolina. This opera
festival program was expanded in Winston-Salem to include
an evening of orchestral music and a community sing. The
whole event, enlisting the support of the community's civic
and art agencies, was called the Greater Winston-Salem
Music Festival.
Out of this beginning was born the Piedmont Festival of
Music and Arts, held for the first time in 1943. The Festival
was launched as a "people's art" production, designed to co-
ordinate in a common project the various community arts
groups, such as the dance studios, the Little Theater, and
the various choral groups. The first Festival was made up of
an opera and oratorio performance, an orchestra concert, and
interesting exhibits of art, photography, and handicrafts. Five
hundred people took part in the first festival.
Later festivals were expanded to include a children's con-
cert, a community sing, and a drama, and in 1948 the Pied-
mont Festival was held for the sixth time. The "people's art"
idea spread from Winston-Salem throughout North Carolina
and the country and has contributed to the development of
several similar festivals and opera groups.
The Piedmont Festival stimulated the development of sev-
eral arts and music groups in the community. In 1945 the
Junior League sponsored the establishment of an arts and
crafts center and employed a full-time director. This pro-
224 Forsyth, a County on the March
gram has led to the formation of the Arts and Crafts Associa-
tion which sponsors the Winston-Salem \\'orkshop, open to
all interested in learning any art or craft.
From 1942 to 1945, several civic choral groups were
organized, including the Forsyth Singers, an all-male chorus;
the Maids of Melody; a boys' choir; and the Sunnyside Choral
Club. In 1946 the Winston-Salem Civic Orchestra and the
Winston-Salem Operetta Association were begun.
Old Salem Today
The Old Salem section of Winston-Salem, which still re-
tains much of the original appearance of its early days, is a
constant source of attraction not only to visitors to the city
but to Winston-Salem's people as well, who whether native-
born or citizens by adoption come to love the weathered
brick buildings that represent the beginnings and the heritage
of their city.
In Old Salem there are standing today fifteen buildings
built betAveen 1767 and 1800. Important among these are the
Fourth House, erected in 1767 and restored along the original
lines; the Moravian Brothers House, now the Moravian
Church Home, erected in 1769; the Salem Tavern, erected in
1784, a famous old inn where George W^ashington w^as enter-
tained in 1 791; the Wachovia Historical Museum, formerly
Salem Boys School, erected in 1796; the Moravian Archive
House, erected in 1797; and the Home Moravian Church,
begun in 1798 and finished in 1800. Beautiful "God's Acre,"
the Moravian graveyard, is one of Salem's most cherished
The Old Salem section is one of the few sections so pre-
served in the United States. A movement is underway in the
city now to preserve this section more carefully and to pro-
tect it from further business development.
Winston-Salem Up to Date 225
Winston-Salem Today
Thus through tracing the various threads that make up
community hfe, we see how two Httle towns, consoHdated
thirty-five years ago, have become one big city.
Winston-Salem today has its problems— slum and semi-slum
areas need to be cleared up; the city's municipal plant needs
expanding; much can be done to improve the general appear-
ance of the city; recreational facilities are not adequate. But
these are problems that come with the rapid transition from a
little town to a big city, and citizens are confident that the
city's co-operative and progressive spirit will overcome the
problems of today as it did those of yesterday.
A city's personality, like a person's, is determined by the
people, events, and problems which it has known and which
have become a part of it. So it is with Winston-Salem.
Salem was founded for religious purposes and religious
freedom; today a deep religious atmosphere dominates com-
munity life. Winston was founded for purposes of govern-
ment, as a county seat; today the city possesses good city and
county government and its citizens show a strong interest in
municipal affairs. The early Moravian settlers were firm be-
lievers in broad educational development and one of their first
acts in building early Salem was the establishment of schools
for boys and girls; today the Winston-Salem public school
system is one of the finest in the state, and the city is rapidly
becoming a center for higher education. Salem's settlers were
hard-working, industrious, far-sighted men; one of Winston-
Salem's characteristic traits is its progressive spirit.
Winston-Salem is a city built by its own citizens through
generations of work. The settlers of Salem and Winston were
family men, home-loving people, who believed in making of
their city a fit home for their children and their children's
children. As a result, the children have stayed in the commu-
nity to find opportunity and fortune. Old family names.
226 Forsyth, a County on the March
dating back for generations in many cases, are predominant
in social and business life. The city is fortunate in that the
large majority of its many industries were founded and built
by local citizens and are still home-owned. The businessmen
and industrialists of the community have consistently turned
their energy and their money towards building their city. Its
good roads, good government, good schools, did not come to
it from outside sources or through lucky circumstances, but
each had to be built carefully by men willing to work and
to give. It has been said that if the amount of money that
has been given in the city by private citizens for buildings,
schools, churches, and social agencies and charities could be
totaled, the sum would be staggering. Winston-Salem's citi-
zens are community-minded and have been from the time
the first careful plans were laid for the settlement of Salem.
The city's future development promises to be tremendous.
Its diversified industrial economy will fluctuate httle with
changing conditions; it will become more well-rounded as it
develops into an educational center. Its foundation is a rich
heritage of tradition which teaches hard work, co-operation,
faith in God, and faith in the ability of man. The Twin City
will stand even more firmly and grow even stronger because
of the two roots it has deeply embedded in the red Piedmont
The Contributors
Adelaide L. Fries. Graduate of Salem Academy and College.
M. A., Salem College; Litt. D., Moravian College, Beth-
lehem, Pennsylvania; Doctor of Letters, Wake Forest
College and the University of North Carolina. Archivist
of the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province.
Translator and editor of Records of the Moravians in North
Carolina^ and author of The Road to Salem and other works.
Mary Caelum Wiley. Graduate of State Normal College.
Doctor of Education of the Woman's College of the
University of North Carolina. For many years head of the
English Department of the Richard J. Reynolds High
School, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Since she has
retired she has done much historical research as back-
ground for her column "Mostly Local" in the Tuoin City
Douglas LeTell Rights. Graduate of the University of
North Carolina, Moravian Theological Seminary, and
Harvard University. Doctor of Divinity, Moravian Col-
lege, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Pastor of Trinity Moravian
Church, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. President of the
Wachovia Historical Society. Author of The American
IndiaJi in North Carolina.
Harvey Dinkins. Graduate of Guilford College. On News
Staff of the Journal and Sentinel since 1926. Farm Editor of
the Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel. Farm Service Di-
rector of WSJS radio station.
Chas. N. Sie^vers. Graduate of the University of North
Carolina. Associate General Agent in Winston-Salem of
the Security Life and Trust Company. President of the
Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce.
230 Forsyth, a County on the March
Flora Ann Lee. Graduate of Meredith College. Director of
Publicity of the A^'inston-Salem Chamber of Commerce.
Joseph Wallace King. Portrait painter. Educated at the
Corcoran School of Art, Washington, D. C, and at The
Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C.
Abattoir, 206
Abbotts Creek, 131, 134, 147
Abbotts Creek Missionary Baptist
Church, 134
Abbotts Creek Primitive Baptist
Church, 134
Abbotts Creek Township, 12
Accidents, 42, 47, no, 127
"A City Founded upon Co-operation,"
Act of Parliament, 1749, 4
Acts of Assembly of North Carolina,
8, 9.. 12. 13, i8, 22, 24, 25, 30, 39, 60,
61, 91, 116
Adams-Millis Corporation, 178
Adams, Judge Spencer B., 156
Affirmation of Allegiance, 39, 40
Agricultural and Mechanical School,
102, 103
Agricultural Board, Forsyth, 165
Agriculture, 146, 158, 159, 162, 163,
165, 187
Alamance River, N. C, 122
Albea, Reverend W. W., 73
Albertini, Reverend Johann Baptist,
Alexander Apartments, 92
Alfalfa, 164
Allen, Sidney E., 89, 98, 185
Alspaugh, Reverend John, 72, 146
Alspaugh, John W., 80, 81, 88, 102
Alspaugh, Mrs. John W., 95
Alta Vista, 201
Altrusa, 222
American Business Club, 222
A. M. E. Zion Church, 78
Anchor Store, 70
Anderleigh, 201
Anderson, Reverend Neal, 113
Andrews, A. B., 157
Anson County, 3, 4, 6
Ante-bellum residences, 145, 146
Apartment houses, 202
Archive House, Salem, 44, 244
Archives of the Moravian Church, 59,
Arden Farm, 131
Ardmore, 201
Ardmore Baptist Church, 201
Ardmore Civic Club, 222
Ardmore Congregational Christian
Church, 201
Ardmore Methodist Church, 201
Ardmore Moravian Church, 201
Arista Mills, 175
Armfield family, 132
Armory, loo
Armstrong, John, 132
Armstrong, Joseph, 132
Armstrong, Colonel Martin, 38
Army, United States, 22
Arts and Crafts Association, 224
Asbury, Bishop Francis, 133
Ashe County, 22
Asheville, 130, 154
Assembly, Colonial, 4
Assembly of North Carolina, 41
Associated Charities, 106, ni, 112,
217, 219
Atkins family, 132
Atkins High School, 207
Atkins, Professor S. A., 102, 103, 104
Atkinson, Senator, 23
Atlantic Greyhound Lines, 212
Auditor for Surry County, 41
Augsburg Lutheran Church, 209
Austria, 5
Automobile Club, 221
Avery, Isaac Erwin, 121
Axson, William E., 80
Aycock, Governor Charles Brantley,
Ayres, Thomas, 59
Babcock, Charles H., 136
Babcock, Mrs. Charles H.
(Mary Reynolds), 136
Bachmann, Johann Philip, 44
Back-to-farm movement, 199
Bagby, C. L., 106
Bagge, Antoinette Louisa, 49
Bagge, Charles Frederic, 47
Bagge, Traugott, 7, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41,
Bahnson, Agnew H., Jr., 181
Bahnson, Agnew H., Sr., 181
Bahnson Co., 180, 181
Bahnson, Frederic F., 181
Bahnson, F. F., Jr., i8i
Bahnson, Right Reverend George
Frederic, 53
Bahnson, Dr. Henry Theodore, 87,
102, 159, 160
Bahnson Humidifier Co., 181
Bailey Brothers, 171
Bailey, P. S., 117
Bank agency in Salem, 47
Bank clearings, 192
Bank of Cape Fear, 47, 48, 182
Bank of New Bern, 48
Banner, Captain, 19
Banner, Constantine L., 12, 59
Banner, Henry, 136
Banner, John, 10
Banner, Lewis, 77
Bannertown, 136
Barbecue, 66
Barber shops, 85
Barclay, William, 127
Barker Creek, 148
Barringer, General, 86
Barringer house, 85
Barrow, Philip, 12
Barrow, William, 60, 63, 80
Barter, 34, 54, 65
Bason, Giles, 80
Bassick Co., 181
Battle of the Horse Shoe, 151
Beall, George H., and Co., 171
Beard family, 132
Bears, 143, 145
Beaver Dam Church, 129
Beaver Dam Creek, 129
Bedford County, Tennessee, 21, 23, 24
Beekeepers Association, 163
Belews Creek, 131
Belews Creek (settlement), 127, 128
Bell, St. Paul's, 76, 77
Bell Telephone system, 182
Belo, Captain Alfred Horatio, 53, 66
Belo, Edward, 52, 183
Beloe's Creek, Beloos Creek, Bielus
Creek, Blewers Creek, Belows
Creek. See Belews Creek
Belo Home, 52
Belo (Boehlo), Johann Friedrick, 52
Belo, Lewis, 52
Belo's Pond, 89, no
Benevolent Society, 92, 93, 94, 95
Beroth, Jacob, 122
Beroth, John, 124
Best, Thomas T., 64, 80
Bethabara, 7, 8, 30, 31, 34, 35, 121, 122,
123, 125, 126
Bethania, 7, 18, 31, 35, 51, 65, 123, 124,
125, 128, 129
Bethania church, 125
Bethel, Joshua, 59
Bethlehem, Pa., 5, 46
Bevil, W. A., 90
Bible, The, 29, 48
Biblical Recorder, 75
Bickett, Governor Thomas W., 157
Bicycles, 85
Bieffel, Henry, 124
*'Big Meetings," 64
Bitting, J. A., 81, 95
Bitting, Mrs. J. A. (Louisa Wilson),
Bitting and Hay, 171
Blackberries, dried, 158
Blackburn, Captain, 19
Blackburn, Dalton and Co., 171
Blackburn, John, 67
Blackburn family, 131
Black family, 133
Black Walnut Bottom, 123
Blackwell, Miss, 112
Blair, John Jay, 93
Blair, William Allen, 103, 104, 149
Blakeley, Captain Johnston, 22, 25
Bleeding, 43
Blount County, Alabama, 24
Blue Ridge Mountains, 5
Blum, David, 59
Blum, Johann Christian, 47, 49
Blum, Levi Vanniman, 62
Blum's Almanac, 215
Boarding School for Girls, Salem, 45
Board of Aldermen, Minutes of, 83,
84, 85, 100, 105, 106, 107, 108, 115,
116, 117
"Board of Provincial Elders of the
Southern Province of the Moravian
Church or Unitas Fratrum," 55
Board of Trade, 98
Bodenheimer family, 134, 135
Boeckel, Frederick, 125
Boeckel, John, 125
Bohannon, Mrs. Elisa, 80
Bohemia, 29
Bon Air, 201
Bonds, city, 88, no
Boner, F. E., 81
Boner, John Henry, 148
Boner, John Wesley, 148
Boner, Joshua, 53, 67
Boner, Matthew, 66
Boner family, 126
Bonn, Doctor Jacob, 40
Book Clubs, 222
Books, 34
Boone, Daniel, 122
Bowling alleys, 220
Bowman, Wyatt F., 183
Bowman Gray Memorial Stadium,
Bowman Gray School of Medicine,
Boyer, Jack, 147
Boyer family, 126
Boy Scouts, 218
Boys Department, Y. M. C. A., 105
Boys Schoolhouse, 44
Bridges, 9, 13
Brietz, Charles, 55
Briggs, William C, 180
Briggs-Shaffner Co., 180
British troops, 40
Broadbay Plantation in New England,
8, 12, 126
Broadbay settlement, N. C, 12.
See also Friedland
Broadbay Township, 127
Brooks family, 128
Brooks Ferry, 129
Brookstown, 129
Brothers House, 34, 36, 42, 43, 224
Brown, George T., 173
Brown, Reverend Henry A., 78
Brown, John L., 59
Brown, Major Thomas Jethro, 69,
89, 105, 170, 203
Brown, William L., 89
Brown and Williamson, 171, 173
Brown Brothers, 171
Brown, Rogers and Co., 185
Brown-Rogers-Dixon Company, 79
Brown's Opera House, 105
Browntown, 134
Buckskin, 144
Buena Vista, 201
Buford, Charles, 82
Bulitschek, Joseph, 35
Bunker Hill Baptist Church, 134
Bunker Hill Methodist Church, 134
Burbank, William F., 97
Buses, 211, 213
Business and Professional Women's
Club, 112, 222
Butler, Marion, Sr., 156
Butner, Albert I., 124
Buxton, John Cameron, 76, 82, loi,
104, 106, 107, 108, 183
Buxton, Mrs. J. C. (Agnes Belo), 87,
Byerly, Harrison, 149
Byerly, S. and Son, 171
Bynum, Cotten and Co., 171
Bynum, Reverend W. S., 76
Cabbage, 144
Cahoon, George W., 24
Cain, Charles M., 117
Calaboose, Winston, 63
Calhoun, John Caldwell, 149
Callaway, Elijah, 22, 23
Calvary Moravian Church, 209
Camel cigarettes, 172
Camel City Coach Co., 211
Campbell, Archibald, 133
Candler, R. L, and Co., 171
Capital Airlines, 213
Captains Districts, 12, 19
Carmichael Printing Co., 215
Carnegie, Andrew, 106, 107
Carnegie Library, 106, 107, 108, 109
"Carolina," 3
Carolina Hotel, 203
Carolina Narrow Fabrics Co., 177
Carolina Theatre, 203
Carriages, and wagons, 169
Carroll's Manor, Ind., 126
Carter, Noah, 85
Carter, W. B., Jr., 100
Carteret, John, Lord, 3.
See also Granville, Earl
Castle, Anna, 112
Catawba Indians, 122
Cattle Breeders Associations, 163
Centenary Church, Old, 73, 93, 104
Centenary Methodist Church, 72, 73,
203, 209
Centennial of American Independ-
ence, 71
Centerville, 139
Centerville Street, 155
Central Hotel, 81, 98
Chadwick family, 125
Chamberlain, J. R., 147
Chamberlain, Mr., 89
Chamber of Commerce, 98, 99, 100,
loi, 102, 103, 204, 219, 221
Chapel Hill, N. C, 24
Charles I, 3
Charles II, 3
Charles family, 134
Charles store, 70
Charleston, S. C, 34
Charlestown, N. C, 139
Chatham Building, 204
Chatham Manufacturing Co., 182
Cherokee Indians, 7, 45, 46, 122
Cherry Street High School, 106
Chestnut trees, 143
Children's Home, Baptist, 73, 106, 219
Chipman, Rachael, 134
Chippewa Club, 65, 66
Chitty family, 126
Christmas Eve services, 210
Church of England, 4
Churton, William, 5, 127
City assets, 205
City-County Health Department, 216
City-County Planning Commission,
204, 205
City extension, 202
City government, 205
City Hall, 68, 102, 106, 203, 204
City Hospital, 88, 200, 216
City limits, 200
City Market, 206
City National Bank, 184
"City of Churches," 209
"City- of Industry," 169, 175, 182
City planning, 200
City street lights, 213
City View, 138
City View Men's Club, 222
Civic clubs, 222
Civic Orchestra, 224
Civil War, 17, 50, 51, 53, 54
Civitan, 222
Clark, Judge Walter, 156
Clark and Ford, 83, 185
Clarv, W. S., 105
Clary, W. S. and Co., 171
Clay, Henry, 149
Clemraons, Edwin T,, 130
Clemmons, Peter, 130, 148, 149
Clemmons (Town), 126, 130, 135, 148,
149, 160
Clemmons Civic Club, 222
Clemmonsville Township, 12
Cleveland, President Grover, 109
Clinard, Dempsey B., 148
Clothing, early, 144
Cloverdale Apartments, 202
Coan, George W., 184
Coan, George W., Jr., 184
Coleman, Frank A., 104
College Village, 202
Collins, D., 59
Collins, James, 81
Colonial Dames, 33
Committee of Auditors for the Upper
Board of Salisbury District, 41
Committee of One Hundred, 206
Committee on Public Solicitation, 219
Committee on Trade and Transporta-
tion, 102
Community Chest, 218
Concert Hall, 11
Confectioneries, 81
Confederate currency, 146
Confederate Service, 3, 66, 67
Confiscation Acts, 30, 39
Congregation House, 34.
See also Gemein Haus
"Congregation of United Brethren of
Salem and Its Vicinity," 55
Congress, Continental, 38, 39
Congress, United States, 61, 80
Conrad, Augustus Eugene, 147
Conrad, Christian, 146
Conrad, Isaac, 146
Conrad, Johann, 146
Conrad, Leonard, 10
Conrad, Dr. W. J., 104
Conrad, W. J., Jr., 147
Conrad family, 129, 146
Consolidation of Winston and Salem,
Constable, 84
Continentals, 38, 39
Cook, Charles A., 157
Cook, David, 59
Cook, N. S., 63
Cooley, Edward, 133
Cooperative Club, 222
Cooper family, 131
Corbin, Sir Francis, 5
Corn, 144, 160, 161, 165, 188
Cornwallis, General Charles, 40, 41,
123, 124, 127, 134, 150
Cotton, 145, 169
Cotton gin, 145
Council of Garden Clubs, 222
Council of Social Agencies, 218
Country Club Estates, 201
County. See Anson County, etc.
County Commissioners, Forsyth, 10,
11, 13, 52
County lines, 4, 8
Court days, 10, 64, 65
Courthouse, Winston, 11, 59, 62, 66,
67, 71, 74, 75, 204
Courthouse Square, 59, 65, 71, 113, 204
Courthouse Tract, 59
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,
12, 60, 127
Covered wagons, 114
Cowan (Cowin), Elizabeth B. H., 23,
Cowin (Cowan), William, 22
Cowpox, 45
Cows, 63
Craft, Sara, 165
Craft family, 134
Crafton Heights, 201, 202
Crater, Jacob, 125
Graver family, 126
Crawford, R. B., 102
Creation, The, 49
Credit Women's Breakfast Club, 222
Creek Indians, 46, 122
Crews family, 133
Crist, Anna Elizabeth, 49
Crops, 188
Crosland Louisa Maria (Shober), 76
Cross Creek, 34
Crutchfield, Paul W., 82
Cummings, Captain, 128
Currency, paper, 39
Daily Journal, 214, 215
Daisy, 138
Dalton, J. Walter, 106
Dalton, Rufus I., 106
Dan River, 61
Davidson County, 6, 12, 65
Davie County, 9, 12, 13
Davis, Reverend E. P., 104
Davis family, 132
Davis Military School, 92, loi, 106
Day of Thanksgiving, 41, 42, 47
Dean family, 128
Declaration of Independence, 39
Deems, Dr. Charles F., 73, 74
Deep River, 131
Deer, 143
Democratic party, 82, 97
Dennis, 135
Department of Public Welfare, 219
Depot Street School, 86
Depression, 199
Dinkins, Harvey, 229
Dinkins family, 133
Disher family, 133
Dissenters, 4
Dobb family, 129
Dobson, Justice William, 39, 131
Dobson's Creek Roads, 131
Dobson's Tavern, 131
Doctors, 36, 49
Dogs, 63, 65
Donnaha, 8, 135
Doub, P. F., 97
Doub family, 136
Douglas Place, The, 132
Douthit, Benton, 149
Douthit, John, 126
Douthit's Ferry, 135
Dowdy, N. D., 106, 117
Dozier, 139
Dried fruit, 69
Drug stores, 81
Dudley, Guy R., 184
Dull family, 134
Dunkard church, 138
Duplan Corporation, 177
Durham County, 194
Dwire, Mamie, iii
Early Easter Service, 210
East Winston, 106
Eastern Air Lines, 212, 213
Eaton, O, B., 106, 108, 117, 205
Ebert, Eugene A., 104
Ebert, Payne and Co., 171
Ebert family, 126
Ebert Street Extension, 148
Edenton, 4, 5
Education, 159.
See also names of schools
Edwards, George W., 117
Elections, 128
Elizabethtown, Canada, 19
Elks Auditorium, 114
Eller, Adolphus Hill, 103
Ellis, W. B., and Co., 171
Elrod, Christopher, 126
Engine House (fire), 85
England, 5, 29
Episcopalians, 76
Erosion, problem of, 164
Exchange Club, 222
Export Leaf Tobacco Co., 174
Exposition, North Carolina, 159
Family and Child Service Agency, 219
Farm demonstration agents, 161
Farmers Institutes, 159
Farmers' Warehouse, 83, 84, 89
Farming tools, 144
Farms, 187, 188, 189
Fayetteville, N. C, 34
Fayetteville and Western Plank Road,
Federal Home Loan Bank, 184
Fehr family, 127
FeJdhausen, Heinrich, 122
Ferebee, Reverend L. R., 78
Ferrabe, J., 59
Festival Opera Group, 223
Fever, 5
Fiedler, Peter, 127
Field Engineering Co., 96
Financial Institutions, 182-85
Firebugs, 91
Fire companies, 85, 90, 103
Fire Department, 206
Fires, 42, 47, 84, 85, 91, 92, 98, 103, 113,
114, 125
Fireworks, 72
First Baptist Church, 75, 104, 209
First Baptist Church (Colored), 78,
First Federal Savings and Loan As-
sociation, 185
First Methodist Church, 72
First Methodist Episcopal Church, 62
First National Bank, 81, 88, 84
First National Bank, Salem, 182
First National Bank Building, 114
First Presbyterian Church, 203, 209
Fishel family, 126
Fisher family, 126
Flags, Confederate, 53
Flax, 145, 169
Florida, 3
Flying Jennies, 85
Flynt family, 130
Flynt, William, 11
Foard, H. L., 90
Fogle, Augustus, 178
Fogle Brothers Co., 178
Fogle, Charles A., 100, 178
Fogle, Christian H., 178, 183
Fogle, Fred A., 117, 179
Fogle Furniture Co., 179
Foltz, Mrs. Henry W.
(Caroline Johnson), iii
Foltz, Peter, 125
Foreign missions, 48
Forest Hills, 201
Forsith, John, 17
Forsyth, Colonel Benjamin, 9, 10,
Forsyth, Bethemia Hardin, 18, 24
Forsyth Country Club, 220
Forsyth County, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17,
29, 52, 66, 143, 144, 145. 158, KJQ,
160, 162, 164, 165, 166, 190, 191, 192,
Forsyth County Centennial
Committee, v
Forsyth County farm, 165
Forsyth County Farm Bureau, 163
Forsyth County Tuberculosis Hospi-
tal, 149
Forsyth, Effie Jones, 18
Forsyth, Elizabeth,
(Mrs. James Forsyth), 17
Forsyth, Elizabeth B. H., 20, 21, 22, 23
Forsyth, Elizabeth Bostic, 18
"Forsyth Grays," 66
Forsyth, James, 17
Forsyth, James N., 18, 22, 23, 24, 25
Forsyth, Mary L., 18, 23
Forsyth Pomona Grange, 163
"Forsyth Rifles," 53, 66, 99
Forsyth, Sally Almond, 18, 21, 24
Forsyth Savings and Trust Co., 184
Forsyth Singers, 224
Forsythe, 80
Fort George, Canada, 20
"Fourteen Mineral Springs," 137
Fourteenth Street School, 202
Fourth House, The, 33, 224
Fourth of July, 39, 71
Foxes, 145
Foy, J. O., 97
Franklin, W. E., 108
Fraternity community, 138
Free postal delivery, 102
French and Indian War, 7, 122, 136
Frey, Christian, 125
Frey, George, 125
Frey, Peter, 125
Frey, Valentine, 125
Friedberg, 6, 125, 126
Friedland, 8, 38, 126, 127
Friendship Airport, 212
Fries, Adelaide L., 229
Fries, F, and H., 50, 175
Fries, Francis, 10, 11, 12, 150, 51, 59, 175
Fries, Francis H., 183
Fries, Giersh and Senseman, 186
Fries, Harry, 79
Fries, Henry E., 99, 100, 135, 154, 159
Fries, Henry W., 51
Fries, John, 77
Fries, John W., 98, 100, 181
Fries, Lee Henry, 77, 79
Fries Manufacturing and Power Co.,
Fries, Paulina, 77
Fruit Fair, 103
Fruit trees, 144
Fulk, Margaret, 128
Fulk family, 134
Fulp (Volp), George, 128
Fulp family, 132, 135
Fulton, Robert, 133
Fulton family, 131, 132
Fungi of Lusatia, 46
Furches, D. M., 157
Fusion campaign, 156
Gales, A. J., 90
Gamble, Andrew M., 12
Gannett, Frank A., 214
Garden Clubs, 222
Gardens, 144
Gas works, 175
Gates County, 23
Gemein Haus, Salem, 34, 35, 44, 45, 52
Gentry family, 132
Georgia, 30, 32, 41
Germanton, 9, 18, 61
Gibson, Isaac, 59
Gilmer, J. E., 95, 98, 183, 185
Gilmer, John L., 211
Gilmer Brothers, 113
Girl Scouts, 218
Glenn, Robert Broadnax, 102, 103,
104, 109
"God's Acre," 224
Golding, I., 59
Golf, 220
Gorrell, A. B., 80, 82, 83, 99
Gorrell, Franklin L., 63, 67, 74, 75
Gorrell, Ralph, Esq., 66
Goslen, Junius Waitman, 70, 82, 89
Goslen family, 126
Goslen Publishing Co., 215
Gourley, Robert, 75
Grabs, Anna Maria (Wolsen), 124
Grabs, Gottfried, 124
Grabs, William, 124
Grader, motor, 166
Graff, Gertrude, 37
Graff, Reverend John Michael, 36, 37,
Graham, William A., 65, 66
Granville, Earl, 3, 4, 5, 30
Granville County, 150
Granville development, 201
Gray, Emory, 203
Gray, Eugene E., 82, 104
Gray, Gordon, 98, 215
Gray, James A., 86, 89, 108, 183
Gray, James A., 181
Gray, James A., Jr., v
Gray, Mrs. James A.
(Aurelia Bowman), 87
Gray, Robert, 50, 59, 60, 63, 71, 73, 80
Gray, Robert, Jr., 60, 71
Graycourt Apartments, 202
Gray family, 136
Graylyn, 136, 209
Green, John Peter, 127
Greene, General Nathanael, 40, 41,
124, 134
Greenfield family, 132
Greensboro, N. C., 96
Greter. See Crater
Griffith, John F., 82, m
Griffith and Bohannon, 171
Griffith family, 131, 132
Grimsley, George A., 185
Grist mill, 50
Groceries and general merchandise,
Grogan, Annie, m, 112, 217
Grogan, Martin, 80, 88
Grubbs family, 133
Grube, Reverend Bernhard Adam,
Guernsey cattle, 159, 160, 162, 166
Guide Book of Western North
Carolina, 81
Guilford Battle Ground, 61
Guilford County, 65, 131, 194
Guilford Courthouse, Battle of, 40
Guns, 169
Guthrie, 138
Guyer family, 132
Hahn, George Frederick, 127
Halifax Convention, 39
Hall, Mrs. Mary, 80
Hall, Willis E., Esq., 99
Hall family, 131
Hall of History, 130
Hamilton family, 126
Hamlen, Chesley, 98, 99
Hamlen, Liipfert and Co., 171
Hammack family, 133
Handicrafts, 30, 32, 33, 40, 42, 52, 169
Hanes. See also Hoehns
Hanes, (town), 126, 137, 138, 176
Hanes, B. F., 171
Hanes, James G., 165
Hanes, John W., 98, 102, 105, i75, 203
Hanes, P. H. and Co., 171
Hanes, Philip, 130
Hanes, Pleasant H., 86, 89, 100, 175,
Hanes, Ralph P., 177
Hanes Dye and Finishing Co., 177
Hanes Hosiery Mills Co., 176
Hanes Park, 206
Hanover County, Virginia, 17
Happy Hill, 77
Hardware, 81
Hardware, furniture, 181
Harmon, Apollos, 131
Harmon, Salome (Kerner), 131
Harpeth, West Tennessee, 22
Harrell, 80
Harrell, Mrs. Anna, 80
Harris, E. L., 105
Harris, Mrs. J. J., 149
Hartman, Adams, 125
Hartman, George, 125
Harvey and Rintels, 171
Hastings, Judge A. H., 112
Hastings. John, 146
Hauser, George, Sr., 124
Hauser, John Henry, Esq., 22, 23
Hauser, Martin, Sr.. 124
Hauser, Michael, 12, 124
Hauser family, 129, 133
Hawkins, Caroline, 113
Hawkins, E. L., 96
Haw River, 4, 131
Hay, 164, 188
Haywood, Louise (Bahnson), 160
Haywood, T. Holt, 131, 160
Hayworth family, 134
Hazard, W. P., 159
Health, Public, 35
Health Department, 216
Heath, Sir Robert, 3
Hege, Balthaser, 124
Hege, Christian, 59
Hege, Constantine A., 98, 100
Hege, Edward, 68
Hege family, 131
Hein. See Hine
Helsabeck family, 130
Hendren, Mrs. S. S., 95
Hendrix family, 132
Henley family, 132
Herbst, Heinrich, 35
Hereford cattle, 162
Hester family, 128, 133
High Point, N. C, 51, 130
High Point, Randleman, Ashboro,
and Southern Railroad, loi
Highways, Public, 63, loi, 127, 211
Hill, Charles H., 92
Hill, George Watts, 160
Hill, W. P., 72
Hillsboro, N. C, 39, 41
Hillsboro Academy, 24
"Hilltops House," 147
Hine, Jacob, 127
Hinshaw, George W., 51, 88, 89, 99,
100, loi, 103, 203
Hinshaw and Bynum, 185
Hinshaw and Medearis, 83
Hinshaw's Hall, 78
Hodgin Brothers and Lunn, 171, 176
Hodgin and Sullivan, 185
Hoehns (Hanes), Marcus, 125, 130
Hogs, 63, 64, 115, 116, 162
Holder, Charles, 33
Holder, Henry, 59, 63, 64
Holder familv, 125
Holland, Alfred, 75
Holland, Reverend George W., 78
Holland, Nannie E., 75
Holmes, Governor Gabriel, 24
Holstein-Friesian milk cows, 162, 166
Home Demonstration, 159
Home Moravian Church, 44, 209, 210,
Home Moravian Sunday School, 48
Hood, Gurney P., 184
Hood System Industrial Bank, 184
Hook and ladder company, 89
Hooper family, 132
Hope, Indiana, 126
Hope, N. C, 8, 126
Hopewell Sunday School, 48
Hopkins, P., 59
Horses, 85, 90
Hosiery, circular knit, 169, 177
Hospital, public, 87
Hotel Robert E, Lee, 89, 203
House of Representatives, N. C, 22,
Houses, Salem, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
43, 44, 48, 52; Winston, 59, 63, 65,
82, 88, 106.
See also Churches, Factories, etc.
Howland, John, 134
Huie family, 132
Hulon Post Office, 148
Humidifiers, 181
Hunt family, 129
Hunter family, 131
Huntley, B. P., 179
Huntley, B. F., Furniture Co., 179
Hus, John, 29
Hussite Wars, 29
Idol, Barnett, 134
Idol, Barnett, II, 134
Idol, Jacob, 134
Idol family, 133, 135
Idols (flag-stop), 135
Imperial Tobacco Co., 174
Incinerator, 206
Income taxes, 195
Indera Mills Co., 177
Indians, missions to, 32, 45, 46;
mentioned, 134, 143.
See also Catawba, etc.
Indian Wars, 61
Industrious men, 190, 191
Influenza, 199
Ingebretsen, Erich, 122
Interest, legal rate of, loi
Inventions, 189
Iredell County, 6, 23
Jackson, General Andrew, 151
Jocobs, Joe, 105
Jacobs Building, 104
James A. Gray High School, 207
Jarvis, J. M,, 160
Jean, Edmond, 133
Jean, William, 133
Jewelry stores, 81
Johnson family, 131
Johnston, Rev. Frontis H., 74
John W. Hanes High School, 207
Jones, B. Franklin, 134
Jones, Caleb, 10
Jones, Cox and Co., 171
Jones, Mrs. E. B., 112
Jones, Mrs. Permelia, 75
Jones Building, 114
Jones family, 131, 133, 134
Jordan, F. M., 75
Journal-Sentinel Building, 215
Junior Chamber of Commerce, 221
Junior League, 222
Junior Woman's Club, 222
Justice, J. R., 98
Justices of the Peace, 11, 12, 18, 35
Kalberlahn, Dr. Hans Martin, 121
Kapp, Jacob, 122
Kapp family, 125
Kate Bitting Reynolds Hospital, 217
Keiger family, 130
Keith, Wiley F., 90, 92
Keller, John, 59
Kennedy, Jesse, 60, 75, 76
Kerner, John F., 131
Kerner, Joseph, 131
Kerner, Julius, 132
Kerner, Newton and Co., 171
Kerner, Philip, 131
Kerner, Robah B., 82, 91
Kerner's Cross Roads, 131
"Kerner's Folly," 132
Kernersville, loi, 102, 131, 132, 146,
Kerr, Governor Elias, 155
Kerr, Sarah F., 75
Kester, John A., 177
Kiel, University of, 46
Kiger, A., 129
Kiraberly Park, 202
Kirael, Theophilus, 148
King, Joseph Wallace, 230
King, S., 23
King's Daughters, Whatsoever Circle
of. III
King's Mountain, Battle of, 61
Kiwanis, 222
Kizer family, 130
Kluge, Charles F., 11
Knight, C. L., 98
Koerner. See Kerner
Konnoak Hills, 138, 201, 202
Konnoak Hills Club, 222
Kramsch, Reverend Samuel Gottlieb,
Kreeger family, 130
Kremer, Adam, 124
Kremser, Andreas, 43
Krieger, Jacob, 128
Kroehm. See Green
Kuenzel, Frederick, 127
Ladd, Constantine, 18
Ladd, Elizabeth Bethemia Hardin,
18, 20, 21
Ladino clover, 164
Lagenauer, Lewis, 133
Lagenauer family, 133
Lamp-lighter, 85
Lanier, Rebecca, 150
Lanius, John, 127
Lasater, Robert E., 131, 212
Lash. See Loesch
Lash, Christian, 18
Lash, Israel G., 12, 182
Lash family, 130
Laivs of the State of North Carolina
passed by the General Assembly at
the Session of 1848-49, 9
Leak, Flora, 113
Leak, Mrs. Mattie, 113
Leak, T. F. Tobacco Co., 171
Leak family, 132
Lease systems, 31, 52
Leazer, Augustus, loi
Lee, Flora Ann, 228
Lehman, Emma A., 125
Leight, Edwin, 66
Leipzig, University of, 37
Lemay, Thomas J., 9
Lemly, Henry A., 10
Lemly, Laura, 76
Lemly, William A., 183
Lespedeza, 164
Lewis (Ludwig), Peter, 128
Lewis family, 132
Lewisville, 133, 134
Lewisville Civic Club, 222
Lewisville Township, 8, 12
Lexington, Battle of, 37, 38
Liberty, 72, 139
Liberty Street, 139
240 Index
Lightning rods, 43
Lindbergh, Colonel Charles A., 212
Lindsay family, 132
Lineback, Joseph, 68
Linville, George, 11
Linville, R. F., 160, 161
Linville, Thomas, Jr., 127
Linville (Linval), Thomas, Sr., 127
Linville, William, 127
Linville family, 132
Lions (luncheon club), 222
Liquor problems, 63
Lisher, Johannes, 122
Litany, Moravian Church, 39
"Little Red Man," 43
Little Theatre, 223
Little Yadkin, 13
Livery stable, 81
Livestock, 159, 160, 162, 188, 189
Lockett, Vaughn and Co., 171
Lockland Avenue, 148
Loesch. See Lash
Loesch, Herman, 122
Loesch, Reverend Jacob, 121, 129
Long, Vernon W., 97
Long, Widow, 67
Long family, 136
Lords Proprietors, 3, 30
Lott, Arthur Patterson, 74
Lott, Flora Virginia, 74
Lott, Henry Stokes, 75
Lott, Hezekiah D., 74, 75
Lott, Sarah Lena, 74
Louse Level, 139
Love, James, Jr., 133
Love, James, Sr., 133
Lovefeasts, 121, 210
Love's Church, 133
Lowery family, 132
Loyalists. See Tories
Lumber, 169
Luncheon clubs, 221, 222
Lung, Jacob, 122
Lutherans, 48
Lybrook, Philip, 55
Lyman, Right Reverend
Theodore Benedict, 76
McBride family, 133
McClellan, G. W., 165
McClemment, J. H., 96
McCuiston family, 132
McGalliard, Ethel, 75
McKnight, J. C, 79
McNally family, 128
McQueen, Alice, 161
Maids of Melody, 224
Mail, 33, 34
Main Hall, Salem College, 52, 53
Maline Mills, 177
Manly, Mrs. Clement, 112
Market prices, 62
Markland family, 126
Marshall, Reverend Frederic
William, 30, 37, 40, 41, 45
Marshall, Hedwig Elizabeth
(von Schweinitz), 40
Marshall, Colonel Henry, 60, 6i
Marshall, Matt, 149
Marshall, Nannie, 75
Marshall family, 135
Martin, Governor Alexander, 41, 43
Martin, Mrs. Frank, 95
Martin, James, 86
Martin, Peter, 86
Martin, Dr. Samuel, 66
Martin, Mrs. W. T., 95
Martin family, 133
Marvin Chapel, 138
Maryland, 5
Maslin, Thomas, 106
Masonic Temple, 114, 204
Massachusetts, 37
Mast, D. P., 80, 82, 95
Masten, J. H., 90
Masten, John, 59
Masten, Colonel Joseph, 66
Masten, Colonel Matthias, 66
Masten Building, 114
Mathes, George M., 88, 97
Mathes, J. N., 64
Mayflower, The, 134
Maynard Field Airport, 212
Mayo, Dr. A. D., 87
Mayors, Winston, 60, 63, 64, 80, 82, 91,
Mecklenburg County, 194
Mecum family, 133
Meeting Halls, 32, 35, 44
Meinung, Frank C, 186
Meinung, Frederic Christian, 10,
II, 12, 49, 59
Meinung, Ludwig, 36
Melrose, 201
Memorabilia service, 210
Memorial Coliseum, 221
Memorial Industrial School, 219
Memorial of Robah B. Kerner, 91
Mendenhall, William, 80
Mendenhall family, 126
Mengle Co., 179
Merchants and Traders' Union, 221
Merchants Hotel, 81
Merkley, Christopher, 122
Methodist Church, Walkertown, 133
Methodist Episcopal Church,
62, 64, 72, 73
Methodist Episcopal Church
(Colored), 77
Methodist Episcopal Church,
North, 77
Methodist prayer meeting, first, 72
Methodist Protestant Church, 62, 72
Methodists, 72, 146
Mexican War, 3, 9, 50, 66
Meyer, Jacob, 35
Mickey, S., 59
Mickey Mill Road, 149
Mickle, Mrs. Andrew, 112
Mickle family, 129
Midwives, 36
Miksch, Matthew, 35
Militia, 19, 38, 39
Milk poal, 199
Mill Creek, 146
Miller, Mrs. Edith, 80
Miller, Captain Frank P., 66
Miller, Frederick, 127
Miller, Harmon, 60
Miller, Hermanus, 129, 130
Miller, John J., 148
Miller, John Thomas, 148
Miller, P. C, 64
Miller Airport, 212
Miller family, 148
Millinery establishments, 81
Millis, J. H., 183
Mineral Springs, 138
Mineral Springs Civic Club, 222
Mitchell, Nick, 184
Mitchener, S. R., 161
Mock, Philip W., 138
Moir family, 133
Montview, 201
Moon, Owen, 214
Moravia, 29
Moravian Church, 4, 7, 8, 29, 30, 32,
33, 44, 45, 55
Moravian Church Home, 224
Morehead, Reverend George, 79
Morehead, John, 50
Morehead, Governor John Motley,
Morris, Mr., 99
Morris Chapel, 133
Morris family, 133
Morris Plan Bank, 184
Morristown, New York, 19
Moseley, Mrs. R. D., iii
Moser family, 130
Mt. Airy, 130
Mt. Zion, Tennessee, 21
Moving Picture houses, 114, 220
Muddy Creek, 5, 6, 131, 146, 148
Mueller, John, 125
Mulberry Tree Society, 73
Museum, Salem, 44, 53
Music, 41, 43, 47, 223, 224
Music Festival, 223
Muskets, flint-lock, 144
Muster, general, 64
Mutual Broadcasting Co., 216
Nading, N. W., 80
Nading family, 133
Nashville, Tennessee, 24
Nashville Clarion, 22, 23
National Advocate, 81
National Broadcasting Co., 215
National Federation of Garden Clubs,
Navy, United States, 22
Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran
Church, 129
Neal family, 128
Negroes, 48, 49, 54, 69, 77, 78, 79, 80,
81, no, 129, 184, 191, 192, 201, 207,
217, 218, 219
New Bern, 19
New Eden, 138
New England Journal of Education,
New Orleans, 19
New River, Virginia, 122
New Shallowford Street, 51
New York state, 19
Newsome family, 134
Nicholson, A., 59
Niesky, Germany, 46
Nissen, Harry Eugene, 90
Nissen, J. S., 172
Nissen, William M., 203
Nissen Building, 105, 203
Nissen Wagon Works, 65
Noah Webster's Spelling Book, 43
Norfleet, Charles M., 184
Norfleet, James K., 108
Norfleet, Mrs. James K., in, 112
Norfleet, Captain M. W., 83
Norfleet, Robert C, 105
Norfolk and Western Railroad,
133, 135, 210, 211
Normal Air Co., 181
Normal school, 87
Norman, Reverend Alfred, 72
Norman, B. F., 104
Norman, Reverend W. C, 72
North Carolina, 3, 4, 30
North Carolina Baptist Convention,
North Carolina Baptist Hospital,
208, 216
North Carolina Dairy Council, 165
North Western North Carolina
Railroad, 84, 155, 170
North Wilkesboro, 130
North Winston Men's Brotherhood,
North Winston Men's Community
Club, 222
Oakland Furniture Co., 179
Occupation percentages, 192
Odeltov^n, Canada, 20, 23
Oehman family, 125
Oesterlein, Elisabeth, 36
Ogburn, Anna, 134
Ogburn, C. J., 72
Ogburn, Hill and Co., 171
Ogburn, M. L., 171
Ogburn, S. A., 171
Ogburn Station, 138
Ogdensburg, N. Y., 20
Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, 68, 69
O'Hanlon Building, 65, 114, 203
Old Fort, 130
Oldham, Edward A., 97
"Old Hurrygraph," 82
Old Jerusalem Church, 73
Old Lexington Road, 138
Old Salisbury Road, 148
Old Town, 121. See also Bethabara
Old Town Civic Club, 222
Old Town Club, 137, 220
Old Town High School, 125
Old Town Road, 72, 82
Operetta Association, 224
Opiz, Charles, 124
Optimist Club, 222
Organs, 35, 44, 125
Orrasby, W. P., 186
Pace, E. M., 90
Pace's Warehouse, 84
Padget family, 126
Pageant, George Washington, 199
Palmer, General, 53, 54, 67, 68
Panky, John B., 62
Panther Creek, 133, 150
Panthers, 145
Paper, 169
Paper mill, Salem, 43
Parliament of Great Britain, 4, 38
Pastures, 164
Patterson, J. Lindsay, 98
Patterson, Mary Louisa
(Morehead), 74
Patterson, Rufus Lenoir, 50, 66, 71
Paylor, J. D., 98
Payne family, 130
Peddycord, Andrew J., 92
Peddycord family, 126
Pegram family, 128
Pendleton, Henry, 86
Pennsylvania, 4, 30, 32, 33
Peoples Press, 62
Pepper, John, 59
Perkins, C. E., 205
Perry, Lemuel, 24
Person County, 23
Pest House, 84
Petersburg, Virginia, 34
Petersen, Hans, 121
Petree family, 130
Pfaff, Isaac, 128
Pfaff, Joseph, 128
Pfaff, Peter, 128
Pfafftown, 128, 129, 149
Pfeil, Friedrich Jacob, 122
Pfohl, Edward Alexander, 89, icxd
Pfohl and Stockton, 69, 185
Pfohl and Stockton's Hotel, 81
P. H. Hanes Knitting Co., 137, 176
Piedmont Aviation, Inc., 213
Piedmont Federal Savings and
Loan Association, 185
Piedmont Festival of Music and
Arts, 223
Piedmont Leaf Tobacco Co., 174
Piedmont Publishing Co., 98, 215,
Piedmont Warehouse, 83
Pilot Club, 222
Pines, 143
Pinnix family, 132
Pioneer settlers, 143, 144, 145, 190
Plank Road, Fayetteville and
Western, 51, 52, 65
Plunkett family, 132
Poindexter, H. D., 82, 185
Police Department, 206
Policemen, Winston, 60, 63
Poor House of Forsyth County, 12
Poor Peter's Call To His Children,
148, 149
Poplars, 143
1 60
Population, Winston
Populist party, 156
Port of Entry, 195
Post Office, Salem, 43
Post Office, Winston, 55, 62
Post Office Building, 114, 204
Potatoes, 144
Pottery, 169
Pou, R. W., 161
Poultry, 162, 163
Praezel, Gottfried, 32
Prather, Mary Catharina
(Sussdorf), 95, 108
Presbyterians, 74
Preston family, 128
Primrose, William S.,
Primrose Farm, 159,
Prince Albert smoking tobacco
Printing office, Salem, 47, 81
Pritchard, Jeter C, 156
Pritchard, Reverend T. H., 75
Prohibition, 109
Proprietors of Wachovia, 41, 5
Public Recreation Commission
Pulaski's Legion, 39
Quail Roost Farm, 160
Quakers, 75
Quitrents, 5, 30
Race relations, 199
Radio shops, i8i
Radio stations, 2x5, 216
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 144
Raleigh, N. C, 24, 96
Randolph County, 6, 65
Ranke, Michael, 124
Raper, Jasper, 147
Raper, Wesley, 147
Raper family, 134
Ravines, 70
Ray family, 132
Rayle family, 129
Ready-to-wear shops, 81
Real Estate Exchange, 221
Reconstruction, 54, 55
Recreational facilities, 219
Red Cross, 218
Reddick, Joseph,
Reed, Christian,
Regulators, 132
Reich, Edward, 59
Reich, John, 12, 148
Reich family, 126
Reid, Jacob, 127
Renegar, Henry, 63
I, 87, i86, 201
Republican party, 81
Reservoir, bursting of, no
Retail Merchants Association,
213, 219, 221
Retail trade, 185, i86
"Reuben Pinck," 132
Reuter, Christian Gottlieb, 31, 35, 123
Revolutionary War, 3, 8, 30, 37, 38-42,
61, 150
Reynolda, 136, 137
"Reynolda House," 136
Reynolda Park, 201, 220
Reynolda Presbyterian Church, 137
Reynolda Village, 137, 201
Reynolds, Carrie Watkins (Fretwell),
154. 157
Reynolds, Charles A., loi, 154, 155,
156, 157, 159
Reynolds, H. H., 171, 173
Reynolds, Richard J., 100, 136, 172,
Reynolds, Mrs. R. J. (Katherine
Smith), 113, 136, 206
Reynolds, William N., 131, 217
Reynolds, Mrs. W. N. (Kate Bitting),
Reynolds Bros., 171
Reynolds family, 134
Reynolds Office Building, 203
Reynolds Memorial Auditorium, 206
Reynolds, R. J., Tobacco Co., 154, 171,
Rich, Mrs. D. (Carrie Watkins),
95, III
Richard J. Reynolds High School,
Richmond, Old, 8, 9, 135
Richmond, Virginia, 53, 154
Richmond and Danville Railroad,
Riddle family, 126
Riding academies, 220
Riggins, Henry L. (Mary Gorrell),
Rights, Reverend Christian Lewis, 72
Rights, Douglas L., 229
Rights family, 132
Ring family, 132
Riots, 199
Rippel's Church, 48
Roads, improved, 155, 159
Roberts family, 132
Robinson, Colonel James A., 81
Rockford, 9, 151
Rock House, The, 126
Rockingham County, 9
Roddick, Mrs. (Rominger), n2
Rogers, James M., 98, 99, 100, 113
Rogers, Mrs. James M.
(Mary Erwin), 88, iii
Rogers, John, 24
Rominger, Jacob, 127
Rominger, Michael, 127
Rondthaler, Rt. Rev. Edward, 49, 69,
Rosemont community, 139
Rosenbacher Bros., 186
Rotary Club, 222
Rothroclc family, 126
Rougemont, 160
Rough and Ready Fire Company, 91,
Rowan County, 3, 6, 8
Rural Hall, 6, 129, 130, 148
Rural Hall Civic Club, 222
Russell, Governor Daniel L., 155,
156. 157
Rye, 144
Ryttenberg, A., 95
Saddle and Harness shops, 81
St. James A. M. E. Church, 79, 80
St. James M. E. Church, 78
St. Paul M. E. Church, 78
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 76,
209, 215
St. Philips Church, 49
Salaries and wages, 84, 85
Salem, 7, 8, 10, 11, 19, 29-55, 123, 130
Salem, Old, 224
Salem Academy, 52, 53, 54, 207
Salem Brass Band, 66, 71, 96
Salem Boys School, 224
Salem Chapel Township, 7, 60, 135
Salem College, 36, 45, 125, 207, 223
Salem Congregation, lo, 11, 31, 35, 44,
Salem Cotton Manufacturing Co.,
49, 50, 175
Salem Creek, 31, 67, 70, 131
Salem diary, 68
Salem Female Missionary Society,
Salem land, 10, ii, 31, 52
Salem Steel Co., 181
Salem Tavern, 224
Salisbury, 6, 7
Salt Street, 139
Sanders, John, 59, 73
Sapp family, 132
Saunderson, Colonel, 68
Saxony, 29
Sayler (Seeler) family, 127
Scales, Major James, 83
Scales and weights, 83
Scarborough, Edmund, Jr., 17
Schmidt, Christopher, 124
Schneider, Melchoir, 127
Schneider, Peter, 127
Schober, Anna Paulina, 48
Schober, Emanuel, 47
Schober, Gottlieb, 43, 48, 131
School board, 106
School buildings, 200
School commissioners, Winston, 86, 87
School committee, 11
School for boys, Salem, 36, 43, 44
School for girls, Salem, 36, 45, 52.
See also Salem Academy and
Salem College
Schools, City, 206, 207, 208, 209
Schools, Winston, ii, 36, 62, 76, 86,
Schouler, D. D., 186
Schulz, Henry, 49
Schuman, Dr. Frederic, 49
Schweinitz, Amalia (Ledoux) de
(von), 46, 47
Schweinitz, Rt. Rev. Emil Adolphus,
55 .
Schweinitz, Rev. Hans Christian
Alexander von, 46
Schweinitz, Lewis David von (de),
46, 47
Schweinitz, Rev. Robert de, 53, 54, 67,
Scott, General Winfield, 65, 66
Securit}' Life and Trust Co., 185
Seiz. See Sides
Sell family, 133
Sell farm, 134
Seminole War, 151
Senate, N. C, 23
Senseman, W. O. and Co., 186
Sentinel Printing and Publishing Co.,
Settlers, early, 6, 7, 121, 143, 144
Sewage disposal plant, 205
Seward, 139
ShaflFner, Emil N., 180
Shaffner, Henry F., 117, 183
ShaflFner, Dr. John Francis, 186
Shaflrner, Mrs. J. F.
(Caroline Louisa Fries), 88
Shaffner, William F., 180
Shallow Ford of Yadkin River, 124,
Shamberger, Reverend, 79
Shamel family, 136
Shamrock Mill, 176
Shaus, Philip, 124
Shaw, Anna, 113
Sheep, 145
Shelton, Dr. John H., 89
Shepperd, Augustine Henry, 153, 154,
SheriflFs, 11
Shober. See Schober
Shoe and hat shops, 81
Shore, Frederick, 124
Shore, Henry, 124
Shore, Henry Washington, 186
Shore family, 132
Shouse, Colonel Henry, 149
Sickles, Major D. E., 80
Siddall, Thomas, 59
Sides, Michael, 127
Sidewalks, 85
Siewers, Charles N., 229
Siewers family, 133
Single Sisters, 35
Sisters House, 36, 42
Skin House, The, 46, 52
Skyscrapers, 203
Slater family, 126
Slater Industrial Academy, 103
Slater Industrial and State Normal
School, 103
Slater State Normal School, 207
Slaves, 145, 150, 158
Smalling, Samuel, 24
Smallpox, 40, 45, 83
Smith, Dave, 147
Smith, Captain Henry, 38
Smith, Samuel H., 82, 104, 186
Smith family, 127, 134, 135
Smith Reynolds Airport, 213
Smith, W. F. and Son, 171
Snider. See Schneider
Snow, Ada, 113
Sorosis Book Club, 222
Southbound Railway Co., 51
South Carolina, 4, 40, 41, 148
Southern Bell Telephone Co., 214
Southern Railway, 132, 135, 155, 210,
Southern Silk Mills, 178
Southern Steel Stamping Co., i8i
Southern Tobacco Journal, 215
South Fork Civic Club, 222
South Fork Township, 12
South Hall of Salem College, 45, 52
South Salem, 202
Southside, 201
Spach, Adam, 7, 125, 126
Spach, J. C, Wagon Works, 178
Spach Wagon Works, 65
Spangenberg, Bishop August Gottlieb,
5, 123, 124
Spanish Grove, 139
Spaugh, Benjamin, 80
Spaugh, Edward, 64
Spaugh, Rufus A., 104
Speas, Dr. D. C, 165
Speas family, 136
Spencer, Dr., 89
Spoenhauer, Henry, 124
Sprague, F. J., 96
Springplace, Georgia, 45
Sprinkle family, 131
Spurgeon, Colonel, 134
Square, Salem, 32, 71
StaflFord, Andrew J., ii, 59, 63
Stafford, John, 10
Stafford, Zadock, 10
Stafford family, 132
Stage coach, 65, 130, 148
Standard Building and Loan
Association, 185
Standpipe, no
Stanleyville, 138
Starbuck, Darius Henry, 59, 68, 80,
95, 203
Starbuck, Henry R., 103
State Bank, The, 48
State theatre, 70, 114
Staub, A., 66
Stauber, Christian, 125
Stauber family, 130
Steiner, Abraham, 11
Steiner, Reverend Abraham, 49
Stepping stones, 85
Stevens, R., 98
Stewart family, 132
Stewart-Warner Co., i8i
Stockton, Joseph H., 100
Stockton family, 132
Stokes County, 3, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 20,
22, 52, 61, 65, 133
Stoneman's Brigade, 53, 67
Store, Salem, 34, 35, 36, 40, 47
Stores, Winston, 60
Storms, 128
Story, Caleb, 131
Strader family, 128
Streetcars, 92, 96, 97, 106, 154, 213
Street lights, 70, 85, 95, 96
Street paving, 213
Streets, Salem, 11, 31, 47, 50, 51, 59,
Streets, Winston, 11, 51, 59, 60, 62, 64,
69, 70, 72, 82, 89, 113, 114, "5
Strup, John, 124
Strupe, Luther, 160
Strupe family, 131
Stultz family, 129
Stumptovvn, 139
Suburban developments, 200, 201
SulH\'an and Bell, 60
Sullivan famil}', 133
Summer School of Opera, 223
Summit School, 136, 207
Sunday Journal and Sentinel, 98
Sunday Schools, 48, 49, 130
"Sunny Acres," 134
Sunnyside, 139
Sunnyside Choral Club, 224
Sun-Waugh Civic Club, 222
Supreme Court of N. C, 156
Surry County, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 41, 61.
129, 150
Susdorff, Frank Leopold, 89
Sutton, Reverend A. B., 76
Swaim, Reverend W. E., 104
Swaim family, 127, 134
Swimming pools, 220
Swords, 22, 23, 25, 61
Tailor shops, 81
Tamworth boars, 162
Tanneberger, David, 44
Tanyard, 35
Tar Branch, 31
Tavern, Salem, 35, 39, 42, 43, 66
Tavis, John D., 80
Taxable property, 193, 194
Taxes, 8, 18, 40, 207
Taxi-cabs, 213
Taylor, Collins, 185
Taylor, Jacquelin P., 174
Taylor, William B., 174
Taylor Bros., 94, 171, 174
Teague, Elijah B., 147
Teague, Dr. M. E., 147
Teague family, 134
Teaguetown, 134
Telephone Company, 105
Tennessee, 21, 23
Tesch family, 126
Test Oath, 38
Textile industry, 32, 50, 137, 169, 175,
176, 177,. 178'
Thanksgiving days, 93
Thomas, Hezekiah, 60
Thomas, H. K., 80
Thompson, Dr. V. O., 186
Three-fold tax in lieu of military
service, 38
Tiersch, Reverend Paul, 35, 37
Timber, 143
Timberlake, Judge E. W., 157
Tinware and stoves, 81, 169
Tiretown, 138
Tise, Jacob, 59, 63, 80, 185
Tobacco, 35, 80, 83, 165, 169, 170, 171,
172, 173, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193
Tobacco Association, 99
Tobacco Board of Trade, 221
Tobacco Brand Directory, 171, 172
Tobacco factories, 72
Tobacco market, 114
Tobaccoville, 136, 148, 160
Tomlinson, Julius L., 87, 109
Tories, 38, 40, 128, 150, 151
Town Commissioners, Winston, 63,
80, 90
Town Committee, Salem, 35
Town Fork of Dan River, 7
Town Fork Road, 132
Townships, 7, 12
Trading area, 186, 187
Trading Path, 5
Train, the first, 70, 71
Transou, Julius A., 149
Transou family, 125
Transportation, 34, 210
Triebel, Christian, 36
Tryon, Governor William, 123, 132
Tuberculosis Sanatorium, 217
Tucker, Ann, 133
Tucker, Thomas, 133
Tucker family, 135
Turnips, 144
Tuscarora Indians, 5
Tuttle, Elizabeth, 161
Tuttle family, 130
Twin Castles Apartments, 202
Twin City Club, 220
Tivin City Daily, 97
Tivin City Daily Sentinel, 97, 214
Twin City Golf Club, 220
Twin City Hospital, 87, 88
Twin City Hospital Association, 87,
88, 216
Twin City Sentinel, 98, 104, 214, 215
"Twin City," The, 55, 97, 226
Two-Story-House, The, 32, 35, 36
Underwear, knit, 169, 176
Union Bus Terminal, 52, 203, 212
Union Cross, 134, 135, 146, 147
Union Cross Moravian Church, 134
Union Railroad Station, 113, 115
Union Republican, 70, 82, 89, 90, 96,
98, 99, 100, 101
Union Ridge, 138
Unique Furniture Makers, 178
Unitas Fratrum.
See Unity of Brethren;
also see Moravian Church
United States Government, 45
Unity of Brethren, 29, 30, 37
University of North Carolina, 24, 154
Valley View, 139
Vance, Horace H., 180
Vance, J. Addison, 180
Vance, Governor Zebulon Baird, 53
Vance family, 132
Vance, J. A., Co., 180
Vance and Ring Co., 178
Van Hoy family, 133
Vaughn, E. D., 117
Vaughn, T. L., 83, 95, 183
Vaughn, T. L., and Co., 171
Vaughn and Pepper, 89
Vaughn and Prather, 82
Vest, John P., 59, 62
Vienna, 139
Vierling, Dr. Samuel Benjamin, 44, 45
Virginia, 3, 4, 17, 40, 61, 66
Vital statistics, 102
Vogler, Alexander Christopher, 59
Vogler, Elias A., 139
Vogler, Philip Christoph, 127
Vogler, John, 59
Vogler, William T., 186
Volk. See Fulk
Volp. See Fulp
Vorsteher Haus, 44.
See also Archive House, Salem
Voyages, 46
Wach. See Salem Creek
Wachau, Der, 5
Wachovia Bank Building, 203
Wachovia Bank and Trust Co., 59,
114, 183, 184
Wachovia Historical Museum, 224
Wachovia Historical Society, 44, 53,
Wachovia Loan and Trust Co., 183
Wachovia National Bank, 89, 183
Wachovia Tract, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 29, 30,
Waddill, John D., 135
Wagner, Hans, 121
Wagner, Sam, 132
Wagner, Wagoner, Waggoner
family, 133, 134
Wagon and buggy shops, 8i
Wagoner, Joseph, 59
Wake County, 194
Wake Forest College, 137, 207, 208,
Waldoboro, Maine, 8
Walgreen's Drug Store, 204
Walk, Martin, 125
Walker, R., 59
Walker, Robert, 132
Walker Bros., 171
Walker Creek, 132
Walker tobacco factory, 92
Walkertown, 6, 132
Walkertown Men's Club, 222
Wallburg, 148
Walls, Luther, 80
Walnut Cove Road, 149
Walser, F. T, 82
Warehouse, tobacco, 69, 83, 89
War of 1812, 3, 9, 17, 19, 46, 47
Warren County, 157
Washington, President George, 43,
44, 131, 224
Waterworks, 31, 43, 88, 89, no, 200,
Watson, Cyrus B., 64, 102
Waugh, Jesse A., 12, 59
Waugh family, 139
Waughtown, 77, 79. i39, 202
Waughtown-Clemmons Road, 138
Weather statistics, 102
Weave house, 42
Weavil family, 135
Webb, Miss Emily, 67
Webb, Garland E., 82, 106, 117
Weekly Gleaner, 215
Weekly Press, 66
Weisner family, 126
Wells, Reverend Isaac, 79
West Bend, 133, 134
West End School, 86, 87, 93, 109, 115
Western Electric Co., 50, 181
Western Sentinel, 81, 88, 97, 214
West Highlands, 201, 202
Westmoreland family, 130
Weston, 138
Weston Homes, 202
Westover, 201
West Salem Civic Club, 222
Westview, 201
Wharton, Dr. Alexander, 148
Wharton, Catherine E., 74
Wharton, Captain Rufus W., 53, 66
Wheat, 144
Wheeler, Adelaide Matilda (Shober),
Whicker family, 133
Whig party, 65, 66
Whipping post, 10, 11, 63
Whitaker, W. A., 86, 95, 99, 100, 102,
109, 171, 203
White, John H., ii, 59
White, J. L., 64, 80
Whitehead, Zollicoffer, 97
Whiteview, 201
Whitman, "Rabbit," 139
Whittington family, 132
Whitworth, Edward, 17, 21
Whitworth, Elizabeth, 21
Whitworth, John, 2i
Widows House, Salem, 52
Wilburn, Reverend Andrew, 77
Wiley, Calvin H., 86, 87
Wiley, Mrs. C. H. (Mittie Towles),
94, 95
Wiley, Mary Galium, 229
Wilkes County militia, 40
William and Mary Apartments, 202
Williams, Dr. Alexander, 152
Williams, Fannie, 151
Williams, John, 151
Williams, Joseph, 150
Williams, Joseph, II, 151
Williams, Lewis, 152
Williams, Nathaniel, 150
Williams, Nathaniel, II, 150, 151
Williams, Nicholas Lanier, 152
Williams, Rebecca, 151
Williams, Rebecca (Lanier), 150, 151
Williams, Robert, 151
Williams, S. Clay, 131
Williams, Thomas Lanier, 152
Williamson, R. L., 173
Williamson, T. P., and Co., 171
Williamson Tobacco Co., 171
Williard family, 127, 135
Willis, Meade H., 180
Wilmington, N. C, 22, 47
Wilson, Edgar Henry, 75
Wilson, Elizabeth, 74
Wilson, Josephine Elizabeth, 75
Wilson, N. C, 87
Wilson, N. S., and T. J., 172
Wilson, Peter, 50
Wilson, Peter A., 80, 82
Wilson, R. J., 89
Wilson, Thomas J., 11, 59, 67, 74, 75,
80, 82, 102
Winston, 10, 11, 31, 59-117
Winston, Joseph, 22, 23
Winston, Major Joseph, 22, 61
Winston Electric Light and Motive
Power Co., 95, 96
Winston Leader, The, 82, 97
Winston Leaf Tobacco and Storage
Co., 174
Winston-Salem, 55, 97, 103, 106, 116,
123, 199-226
Winston-Salem Building and Loan
Association, 185
Winston-Salem Foundation, 212, 219
Winston-Salem High School, 204, 206
Wtnston-Salcm Journal, 98
Winston-Salem Journal Co., 214
Winston-Salem Railway and
Electric Co., 96
Winston-Salem Sentinel, Inc., 214
Winston-Salem Southbound Railway,
138, 211
Winston-Salem Street Railway Co., 96
Winston-Salem Teachers College,
103, 104, 207
Winston-Salem Workshop, 224
Winston Water Co., 88
Wolf familv, 136
Wolfe, Gilmer, 184
Wolves, 121, 145
Woman's Auxiliary, Y. M. C. A., 105
Woman's Club, 222
Woman's College, U. N. C, 223
Woman's Improvement League, 115
Woman's Missionary Society, 49
Wood, W. W., and Co., 172
Woodworking industry, 178
Wood yard, municipal, 199
Wool, 145
Wool mill, 50, 51, 77
World War I, 157, 199
World War II, 199, 200
Wright, Alfred, 85
Wright-Hughes Tobacco Co., 174
WSJS, radio station, 215, 216
WTOB, radio station, 216
Yadkin County, 13, 134
Yadkin River, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 124,
131, i33i 135, 145, 147, 148, 150, 154
Yarborough, Amos, 80
Yauncey, 80
Yontztown, 138
Yorktown, surrender at, 41
Young, Captain E. F., 98, 100, loi
Young family, 133 _
Young Men's Christian Association,
104, 105, 217, 218
Young Women's Christian Associa-
tion, 106, 112, 113, 203, 218
Zevely, Van Nieman, 175
Zimmerman family, 126
Zinzendorf, Nicholas Lewis, Count,
5, 29
Zinzendorf Hotel, 92, 212
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